There are a several ways to represent collections of key/value pairs in XML, which makes it more difficult than necessary to use that data in python. By taking advantage of common patterns in the XML it is easy to turn most formats into collections of lists and dicts.
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from elementtree import ElementTree as ET
def main():
# Some sample data from
yahoo_geocode_test = """\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet xmlns:xsi=""
<Result precision="address">
<Address>701 FIRST AVE</Address>
# The "ResultSet" element should be treated like a list
# The "Result" element should be treated like a map, with the
# child elements converted to key/value pairs
tag_convert = {"ResultSet": list_of_children,
"Result": children_are_mapping}
doc = ET.fromstring(yahoo_geocode_test)
xdata = XMLDataExtractor(tag_convert,
no_ns=True, downcase=True)
result = xdata.from_elem(doc)
from pprint import pprint
[{'address': '701 FIRST AVE',
'city': 'SUNNYVALE',
'country': 'US',
'latitude': '37.416384',
'longitude': '-122.024853',
'state': 'CA',
'zip': '94089-1019'}]
def identity(trans, elem):
"""Return 'elem' unchanged"""
return elem
def attr_are_mapping(trans, elem):
"""The attributes of 'elem' contain it's key/value pairs"""
return dict(elem.attrib)
def list_of_children(trans, elem):
"""Child elements of 'elem' are returned as a list"""
return map(trans.from_elem, elem)
def children_are_mapping(trans, elem):
"""Child elements of elem are the key/value pairs. tag name is
key, value is inner text"""
res = {}
for i in elem:
key = trans.tagnorm(i)
if len(i):
value = trans.from_elem(i)
value = i.text
res[key] = value
return res
def children_and_attr(trans, elem):
"""Child elements of 'elem', as well as it's attributes, as the
resulting key/value pairs"""
res = children_are_mapping(trans, elem)
return res
class XMLDataExtractor:
STRIP_NS = re.compile(r"{.*}")
def __init__(self, tag_convert, no_ns=False, downcase=False):
tag_convert: a map from tag names to conversion functions
no_ns: if True, ignore namespaces
downcase: downcase all resulting tag names
self.no_ns = no_ns
self.downcase = downcase
tag_convert_norm = {}
for k,v in tag_convert.items():
tag_convert_norm[self.tagnorm(k)] = v
self.tag_convert = tag_convert_norm
def from_elem(self, elem):
"Convert this element to a useful datastructure"
fn = self.tag_convert.get(self.tagnorm(elem), identity)
return fn(self, elem)
def tagnorm(self, tag_or_elem):
"""Normalize the tag name, optionally stripping namespaces and
downcasing. 'elem' may be an Element or a string"""
if ET.iselement(tag_or_elem):
tag = tag_or_elem.tag
tag = tag_or_elem
if self.no_ns:
res = self.STRIP_NS.sub('', tag)
res = tag
if self.downcase:
res = res.lower()
return res
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Since there is no standard way to represent a mapping (collection of key/value pairs) in XML, consumers of XML web services are left with the equally unpalatable options of either using some heavyweight schema language or manually extracting the data.
If we identify some common patterns in XML documents it is possible to trivially extract useful dicts and lists from a variety of different formats. The patterns that seem most common are:
- Child elements are key/value pairs, with the inner text element as the value and the tag as the key. Example: Yahoo Geocoding API
- An tag's attributes are the key value pairs. Example: API
- A combination of #1 and #2. Example: Flickr API
This solution generalizes to many data formats. For example, with flickr the set of tag converters would be:
tags_convert = {"rsp": list_of_children,
"person": children_and_attr,
"photos": children_are_mapping}
And for
tags_convert = {"posts": list_of_children,
"post": attr_are_mapping}