This recipe implements the concept of asynchronous socket programming in a more straighforward way than in the modules asyncore and asynchat of the standard distribution, which I find difficult to understand
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Usage :
- create a server on a specific host and port : server = Server(host,port)
- call the loop() function, passing it the server and the class used to
manage the protocol (a subclass of ClientHandler) : loop(server,ProtocolClass)
An example of protocol class is provided, LengthSepBody : the client sends
the message length, the line feed character and the message body
import cStringIO
import socket
import select
# the dictionary holding one client handler for each connected client
# key = client socket, value = instance of (a subclass of) ClientHandler
client_handlers = {}
# =======================================================================
# The server class. Creating an instance starts a server on the specified
# host and port
# =======================================================================
class Server:
def __init__(self,host='localhost',port=80):,self.port = host,port
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# =====================================================================
# Generic client handler. An instance of this class is created for each
# request sent by a client to the server
# =====================================================================
class ClientHandler:
blocksize = 2048
def __init__(self, server, client_socket, client_address):
self.server = server
self.client_address = client_address
self.client_socket = client_socket
self.client_socket.setblocking(0) = socket.getfqdn(client_address[0])
self.incoming = '' # receives incoming data
self.writable = False
self.close_when_done = True
def handle_error(self):
def handle_read(self):
"""Reads the data received"""
buff = self.client_socket.recv(1024)
if not buff: # the connection is closed
# buffer the data in self.incoming
self.incoming += buff #.write(buff)
except socket.error:
def process_incoming(self):
"""Test if request is complete ; if so, build the response
and set self.writable to True"""
if not self.request_complete():
self.response = self.make_response()
self.writable = True
def request_complete(self):
"""Return True if the request is complete, False otherwise
Override this method in subclasses"""
return True
def make_response(self):
"""Return the list of strings or file objects whose content will
be sent to the client
Override this method in subclasses"""
return ["xxx"]
def handle_write(self):
"""Send (a part of) the response on the socket
Finish the request if the whole response has been sent
self.response is a list of strings or file objects
# get next piece of data from self.response
buff = ''
while self.response and not buff:
if isinstance(self.response[0],str):
buff = self.response.pop(0)
buff = self.response[0].read(self.blocksize)
if not buff:
if buff:
except socket.error:
if self.response:
# nothing left in self.response
if self.close_when_done:
self.close() # close socket
# reset for next request
self.writable = False
self.incoming = ''
def close(self):
del client_handlers[self.client_socket]
# ==============================================================
# A protocol with message length + line feed (\n) + message body
# This implementation just echoes the message body
# ==============================================================
class LengthSepBody(ClientHandler):
def request_complete(self):
"""The request is complete if the separator is present and the
number of bytes received equals the specified message length"""
recv = self.incoming.split('\n',1)
if len(recv)==1 or len(recv[1]) != int(recv[0]):
return False
self.msg_body = recv[1]
return True
def make_response(self):
"""Override this method to actually process the data"""
return [self.msg_body]
# ============================================================================
# Main loop, calling the select() function on the sockets to see if new
# clients are trying to connect, if some clients have sent data and if those
# for which the response is complete are ready to receive it
# For each event, call the appropriate method of the server or of the instance
# of ClientHandler managing the dialog with the client : handle_read() or
# handle_write()
# ============================================================================
def loop(server,handler,timeout=30):
while True:
k = client_handlers.keys()
# w = sockets to which there is something to send
# we must test if we can send data
w = [ cl for cl in client_handlers if client_handlers[cl].writable ]
# the heart of the program ! "r" will have the sockets that have sent
# data, and the server socket if a new client has tried to connect
r,w,e =[server.socket],w,k,timeout)
for e_socket in e:
for r_socket in r:
if r_socket is server.socket:
# server socket readable means a new connection request
client_socket,client_address = server.socket.accept()
client_handlers[client_socket] = handler(server,
except socket.error:
# the client connected on r_socket has sent something
w = set(w) & set(client_handlers.keys()) # remove deleted sockets
for w_socket in w:
For a description of asynchronous socket programing see
In this recipe the dialog with a client is handled by a class derived from ClientHandler. To implement a specific protocol, create a subclass and override its methods request_complete() and make_response()
An example of implementation is given inside the recipe (LengthSepBody). A CGI HTTP server is provided in another recipe
The management of requests and responses is done in the loop() function, which repeatedly calls the select() function
The events and actions taken are as follows :
Event 1 : a client connects to the server Actions 1 : - select() detects that the server socket is readable - the server accepts the connection - an instance of ClientHandler is created - the client socket is added to client_handlers
Event 2 : a client sends data to the server Actions 2 : - select() detects that the client socket is readable - method handle_read() of the ClientHandler instance is called : it buffers the data sent and tests if the request is complete (according to the rules defined for the protocol)
Event 3 : the ClientHandler detects that the request is complete Actions 3 : - the ClientHandler builds the response - its attribute "writable" is set to True, so that the client socket will be in the "writable" list passed to select()
Event 4 : select() detects that the client socket is writable Action 4 : the method handle_write() of ClientHandler is called and the response is sent to the client
When the ClientHandler has sent the whole response, the end of the treatment depends on the boolean close_when_done : - if True : the client socket is closed, and removed from the dictionary client_handlers - if False : the attribute "writable" is set to False, the same ClientHandler is reset to manage the next request on the same socket
Why are you reimplementing asyncore?