""" Amaze - A completely object-oriented Pythonic maze generator/solver. This can generate random mazes and solve them. It should be able to solve any kind of maze and inform you in case a maze is unsolveable. This uses a very simple representation of a mze. A maze is represented as an mxn matrix with each point value being either 0 or 1. Points with value 0 represent paths and those with value 1 represent blocks. The problem is to find a path from point A to point B in the matrix. The matrix is represented internally as a list of lists. Have fun :-) """ import sys import random import optparse class MazeReaderException(Exception): pass class MazeReader(object): """ Read a maze from different input sources """ STDIN = 0 FILE = 1 SOCKET = 2 def __init__(self): self.maze_rows = [] pass def readStdin(self): """ Read a maze from standard input """ print 'Enter a maze' print 'You can enter a maze row by row' print data = raw_input('Enter the dimension of the maze as Width X Height: ') w, h = data.split() w, h = int(w), int(h) for x in range(h): row = '' while not row: row = raw_input('Enter row number %d: ' % (x+1)) row = row.split() if len(row) != w: raise MazeReaderException,'invalid size of maze row' self.maze_rows.append(row) def readFile(self): """ Read a maze from an input file """ fname = raw_input('Enter maze filename: ') try: f = open(fname) lines = f.readlines() f.close() # See if this is a valid maze lines = [ line for line in lines if line.strip() ] w = len(lines[0].split()) for line in lines: row = line.split() if len(row) != w: raise MazeReaderException, 'Invalid maze file - error in maze dimensions' else: self.maze_rows.append(row) except (IOError, OSError), e: raise MazeReaderException, str(e) def getData(self): return self.maze_rows def readMaze(self, source=STDIN): """ Read a maze from the input source """ if source==MazeReader.STDIN: self.readStdin() elif source == MazeReader.FILE: self.readFile() return self.getData() class MazeFactory(object): """ Factory class for Maze object """ def makeMaze(self, source=MazeReader.STDIN): """ Create a maze and return it. The source is read from the 'source' argument """ reader = MazeReader() return Maze(reader.readMaze(source)) def makeRandomMaze(self, dimension): """ Generate a random maze of size dimension x dimension """ rows = [] for x in range(dimension): row = [] for y in range(dimension): row.append(random.randrange(2)) random.shuffle(row) rows.append(row) return Maze(rows) class MazeError(Exception): """ An exception class for Maze """ pass class Maze(object): """ A class representing a maze """ def __init__(self, rows=[[]]): self._rows = rows self.__validate() self.__normalize() def __str__(self): s = '\n' for row in self._rows: for item in row: s = ''.join((s,' ',str(item),' ')) s = ''.join((s,'\n\n')) return s def __validate(self): """ Validate the maze """ # Get length of first row width = len(self._rows[0]) widths = [len(row) for row in self._rows] if widths.count(width) != len(widths): raise MazeError, 'Invalid maze!' self._height = len(self._rows) self._width = width def __normalize(self): """ Normalize the maze """ # This converts any number > 0 in the maze to 1 for x in range(len(self._rows)): row = self._rows[x] row = map(lambda x: min(int(x), 1), row) self._rows[x] = row def getHeight(self): """ Return the height of the maze """ return self._height def getWidth(self): """ Return the width of the maze """ return self._width def validatePoint(self, pt): """ Validate the point pt """ x,y = pt w = self._width h = self._height # Don't support Pythonic negative indices if x > w - 1 or x<0: raise MazeError, 'x co-ordinate out of range!' if y > h - 1 or y<0: raise MazeError, 'y co-ordinate out of range!' pass def getItem(self, x, y): """ Return the item at location (x,y) """ self.validatePoint((x,y)) w = self._width h = self._height # This is based on origin at bottom-left corner # y-axis is reversed w.r.t row arrangement # Get row row = self._rows[h-y-1] return row[x] def setItem(self, x, y, value): """ Set the value at point (x,y) to 'value' """ h = self._height self.validatePoint((x,y)) row = self._rows[h-y-1] row[x] = value def getNeighBours(self, pt): """ Return a list of (x,y) locations of the neighbours of point pt """ self.validatePoint(pt) x,y = pt h = self._height w = self._width # There are eight neighbours for any point # inside the maze. However, this becomes 3 at # the corners and 5 at the edges poss_nbors = (x-1,y),(x-1,y+1),(x,y+1),(x+1,y+1),(x+1,y),(x+1,y-1),(x,y-1),(x-1,y-1) nbors = [] for xx,yy in poss_nbors: if (xx>=0 and xx<=w-1) and (yy>=0 and yy<=h-1): nbors.append((xx,yy)) return nbors def getExitPoints(self, pt): """ Return a list of exit points at point pt """ # Get neighbour list and return if the point value # is 0 exits = [] for xx,yy in self.getNeighBours(pt): if self.getItem(xx,yy)==0: exits.append((xx,yy)) return exits def getRandomExitPoint(self, pt): """ Return a random exit point at point (x,y) """ return random.choice(self.getExitPoints(pt)) def getRandomStartPoint(self): """ Return a random point as starting point """ return random.choice(self.getAllZeroPoints()) def getRandomEndPoint(self): """ Return a random point as ending point """ return random.choice(self.getAllZeroPoints()) def getAllZeroPoints(self): """ Return a list of all points with zero value """ points = [] for x in range(self._width): for y in range(self._height): if self.getItem(x,y)==0: points.append((x,y)) return points def calcDistance(self, pt1, pt2): """ Calculate the distance between two points """ # The points should be given as (x,y) tuples self.validatePoint(pt1) self.validatePoint(pt2) x1,y1 = pt1 x2,y2 = pt2 return pow( (pow((x1-x2), 2) + pow((y1-y2),2)), 0.5) def calcXDistance(self, pt1, pt2): """ Calculate the X distance between two points """ # The points should be given as (x,y) tuples self.validatePoint(pt1) self.validatePoint(pt2) x1, y1 = pt1 x2, y2 = pt2 return abs(x1-x2) def calcYDistance(self, pt1, pt2): """ Calculate the Y distance between two points """ # The points should be given as (x,y) tuples self.validatePoint(pt1) self.validatePoint(pt2) x1, y1 = pt1 x2, y2 = pt2 return abs(y1-y2) def calcXYDistance(self, pt1, pt2): """ Calculate the X-Y distance between two points """ # The points should be given as (x,y) tuples self.validatePoint(pt1) self.validatePoint(pt2) x1, y1 = pt1 x2, y2 = pt2 return abs(y1-y2) + abs(x1-x2) def getData(self): """ Return the maze data """ return self._rows class MazeSolver(object): """ Maze solver class """ def __init__(self, maze): self.maze = maze self._start = (0,0) self._end = (0,0) # Current point self._current = (0,0) # Solve path self._path = [] # Number of cyclic loops self._loops = 0 # Solvable flag self.unsolvable = False # xdiff self._xdiff = 0.0 # ydiff self._ydiff = 0.0 # List keeping cycles (generations) self.cycles = [] # Number of retraces self._numretrace = 0 # Map for exit points self._pointmap = {} # Number of all zero points self._numzeropts = 0 # Map for retraced points self._retracemap = {} # Cache for keys of above self._retracekeycache = [] # Number of times retracemap is not updated # with a new point self._lastupdate = 0 def setStartPoint(self, pt): self.maze.validatePoint(pt) self._start = pt def setEndPoint(self, pt): self.maze.validatePoint(pt) self._end = pt def boundaryCheck(self): """ Check boundaries of start and end points """ exits1 = self.getExitPoints(self._start) exits2 = self.getExitPoints(self._end) if len(exits1)==0 or len(exits2)==0: return False return True def setCurrentPoint(self, point): """ Set the current point """ # print 'Current point is',point self._current = point self._xdiff = abs(self._current[0] - self._end[0]) self._ydiff = abs(self._current[1] - self._end[1]) self._path.append(point) def isSolved(self): """ Whether the maze is solved """ return (self._current == self._end) def checkDeadLock(self, point1, point2): pt1 = self.getClosestPoint(self.getExitPoints(point1)) pt2 = self.getClosestPoint(self.getExitPoints(point2)) if pt1==point2 and pt2==point1: return True return False def getExitPoints(self, point): """ Get exit points for 'point' """ points = self._pointmap.get(point) if points==None: # We are using shortest-distance algorithm points = self.maze.getExitPoints(point) self._pointmap[point] = points return points def getNextPoint(self): """ Get the next point from the current point """ points = self.getExitPoints(self._current) point = self.getBestPoint(points) while self.checkClosedLoop(point): if self.endlessLoop(): point = None break # Save point point2 = point point = self.getNextClosestPointNotInPath(points, point2) if not point: # Try retracing path point = self.retracePath() return point def retracePath(self): # Retrace point by point in path, till # you get to a point which provides an # alternative. print 'Retracing...' path = self._path[:] path.reverse() self._numretrace += 1 try: idx = path[1:].index(self._current) except: idx = path.index(self._current) pathstack = [] for x in range(idx+1, len(path)): p = path[x] if p in pathstack: continue pathstack.append(p) if p != self._path[-1]: # print 'Current point is',p self._path.append(p) if p != self._start: points = self.getExitPoints(p) point = self.getNextClosestPointNotInPath(points, self.getClosestPoint(points)) self._retracemap[p] = self._retracemap.get(p, 0) + 1 else: # Add path to cycle path = self.sortPointsByXYDistance(self._path[:-1]) self.cycles.append((path, self._path[:-1])) # Reset solver state self._path = [] self._loops = 0 self._retracemap[p] = self._retracemap.get(p, 0) + 1 return p def endlessLoop(self): if self._retracemap: # If the retrace map has not been updated for a while # increment lastupdate count if self._retracemap.keys() == self._retracekeycache: self._lastupdate += 1 self._retracekeycache = self._retracemap.keys() # If lastupdate count reaches the total number of points # it could mean we exhausted all possible paths. if self._lastupdate > self.maze.getWidth()*self.maze.getHeight(): print 'Exited because of retracekeycache overflow' return True # If retrace has gone through all zero points and not # yet found a solution, then we are hitting a dead-lock. elif len(self._retracemap.keys())> self._numzeropts - 1: print 'Exited because number of points exceeded zero points' return True else: # If the retrace path contains only one point if len(self._retracemap.keys())==1: val = self._retracemap.get(self._retracemap.keys()[0]) # If we hit the same point more than the number of # zero points in the maze, it signals a dead-lock. if val>self._numzeropts: print 'Exited because we are oscillating' return True return False def checkClosedLoop(self, point): """ See if this point is causing a closed loop """ l = range(0, len(self._path)-1, 2) l.reverse() for x in l: if self._path[x] == point: self._loops += 1 # loop = tuple(self._path[x:]) # print 'Point=>',point, len(self._path) return True return False def getBestPoint(self, points): """ Get the best point """ if len(self.cycles)==0: # First try min point point = self.getClosestPoint(points) # Save point point2 = point # Point for trying alternate altpoint = point point = self.getNextClosestPointNotInPath(points, point2) if not point: point = point2 else: allcycles=[] map(allcycles.extend, [item[0] for item in self.cycles]) if self._current==self._start or self._current in allcycles: # print 'FOUND IT =>',self._current history = [] for path in [item[1] for item in self.cycles]: path.reverse() try: idx = path.index(self._current) next = path[idx-1] history.append(next) except: pass point = self.getDifferentPoint(points, history) if not point: point = self.getAlternatePoint(points, history[-1]) else: # Not there point2 = self.getClosestPoint(points) point = self.getNextClosestPointNotInPath(points, point2) if not point: point = point2 altpoint = point return point def sortPointsByXYDistance(self, points): """ Sort list of points by X+Y distance """ distances = [(self.maze.calcXYDistance(point, self._end), point) for point in points] distances.sort() points2 = [item[1] for item in distances] return points2 def sortPointsByDistances(self, points): """ Sort points according to distance from end point """ if self._xdiff>self._ydiff: distances = [(self.maze.calcXDistance(point, self._end), point) for point in points] elif self._xdiff<self._ydiff: distances = [(self.maze.calcYDistance(point, self._end), point) for point in points] else: distances = [(self.maze.calcXYDistance(point, self._end), point) for point in points] distances.sort() points2 = [item[1] for item in distances] return points2 def sortPoints(self, points): return self.sortPointsByDistances(points) def getClosestPoint(self, points): """ Return the closest point from current to the end point from a list of exit points """ points2 = self.sortPoints(points) # Min distance point closest = points2[0] return closest def getDifferentPoint(self, points1, points2): """ Return a random point in points1 which is not in points2 """ l = [pt for pt in points1 if pt not in points2] if l: return random.choice(l) return None def getAlternatePoint(self, points, point): """ Get alternate point """ print 'Trying alternate...',self._current, point points2 = points[:] if point in points2: points2.remove(point) if points2: return random.choice(points2) else: return point return None def getNextClosestPoint(self, points, point): """ After point 'point' get the next closest point to the end point from list of points """ points2 = self.sortPoints(points) idx = points2.index(point) try: return points2[idx+1] except: return None def getNextClosestPointNotInPath(self, points, point): point2 = point while point2 in self._path: point2 = self.getNextClosestPoint(points, point2) return point2 def solve(self): """ Solve the maze """ print 'Starting point is', self._start print 'Ending point is', self._end # First check if both start and end are same if self._start == self._end: print 'Start/end points are the same. Trivial maze.' print [self._start, self._end] return None # Check boundary conditions if not self.boundaryCheck(): print 'Either start/end point are unreachable. Maze cannot be solved.' return None # Proper maze print 'Maze is a proper maze.' # Initialize solver self.setCurrentPoint(self._start) self._numzeropts = len(self.maze.getAllZeroPoints()) self.unsolvable = False print 'Solving...' while not self.isSolved(): pt = self.getNextPoint() if pt: self.setCurrentPoint(pt) else: print 'Dead-lock - maze unsolvable' self.unsolvable = True break if not self.unsolvable: print 'Final solution path is',self._path print 'Length of path is',len(self._path) else: print 'Path till deadlock is',self._path print 'Length of path is',len(self._path) # if self.cycles: # print 'Path with all cycles is', # l = [] # map(l.extend, [item[1] for item in self.cycles]) # l.extend(self._path) # print l self.printResult() def printResult(self): """ Print the maze showing the path """ for x,y in self._path: self.maze.setItem(x,y,'*') self.maze.setItem(self._start[0], self._start[1], 'S') self.maze.setItem(self._end[0], self._end[1], 'E') if self.unsolvable: print 'Maze with final path' else: print 'Maze with solution path' print self.maze class MazeGame(object): def __init__(self, w=0, h=0): self._start = (0,0) self._end = (0,0) def createMaze(self): return None def getStartEndPoints(self, maze): return None def runGame(self): maze = self.createMaze() if not maze: return None print maze self.getStartEndPoints(maze) # Dump it to maze.txt open('maze.txt','w').write(str(maze)) solver = MazeSolver(maze) open ('maze_pts.txt','w').write(str(self._start) + ' ' + str(self._end) + '\n') solver.setStartPoint(self._start) solver.setEndPoint(self._end) solver.solve() class InteractiveMazeGame(MazeGame): def createMaze(self): f = MazeFactory() return f.makeMaze() def getStartEndPoints(self, maze): while True: try: pt1 = raw_input('Enter starting point: ') x,y = pt1.split() self._start = (int(x), int(y)) maze.validatePoint(self._start) break except: pass while True: try: pt2 = raw_input('Enter ending point: ') x,y = pt2.split() self._end = (int(x), int(y)) maze.validatePoint(self._end) break except: pass class FilebasedMazeGame(MazeGame): def createMaze(self): f = MazeFactory() return f.makeMaze(MazeReader.FILE) def getStartEndPoints(self, maze): filename = raw_input('Enter point filename: ') try: line = open(filename).readlines()[0].strip() l = line.split(')') self._start = eval(l[0].strip() + ')') self._end = eval(l[1].strip() + ')') except (OSError, IOError, Exception), e: print e sys.exit(0) class RandomMazeGame(MazeGame): def __init__(self, w=0, h=0): super(RandomMazeGame, self).__init__(w, h) self._dimension = w def createMaze(self): f = MazeFactory() return f.makeRandomMaze(self._dimension) def getStartEndPoints(self, maze): pt1, pt2 = (0,0), (0,0) while pt1 == pt2: pt1 = maze.getRandomStartPoint() pt2 = maze.getRandomEndPoint() self._start = pt1 self._end = pt2 class RandomMazeGame2(RandomMazeGame): """ Random maze game with distant points """ def getStartEndPoints(self, maze): pt1, pt2 = (0,0), (0,0) flag = True while flag: pt1 = maze.getRandomStartPoint() pt2 = maze.getRandomEndPoint() # Try till points are at least # half maze apart xdist = maze.calcXDistance(pt1, pt2) ydist = maze.calcYDistance(pt1, pt2) if xdist>=float(maze.getWidth())/2.0 or \ ydist>=float(maze.getHeight())/2.0: flag = False self._start = pt1 self._end = pt2 def main(): p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option('-r','--random',help='Play the random game', dest='random',action='store_true',default=False) p.add_option('-R','--random2',help='Play the random game with distant points', dest='Random',action='store_true',default=False) p.add_option('-f','--file',help='Play the file-based game', dest='file',action='store_true',default=False) p.add_option('-i','--interactive',help='Play the interactive game', dest='interact',action='store_true',default=False) p.add_option('-d','--dimension',help='Matrix dimension (required for random games)', dest='dimension', metavar="DIMENSION") options, args = p.parse_args() d = options.__dict__ if d.get('random') or d.get('Random'): dim = d.get('dimension') if not dim: sys.exit('Random games require -d or --dimension option.') if d.get('random'): game = RandomMazeGame(int(dim)) game.runGame() elif d.get('Random'): game = RandomMazeGame2(int(dim)) game.runGame() elif d.get('file'): game = FilebasedMazeGame() game.runGame() elif d.get('interactive'): game = InteractiveMazeGame() game.runGame() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv)==1: sys.argv.append('-h') main()