'''Support module for CGI applications. This modules provides access to the HTML_Table and HTML_Month classes which provide abstractions to the HTML code involved.''' __version__ = 1.1 ################################################################################ import calendar import z_matrix class HTML_Table: 'HTML_Table(rows, columns, indent_level, indent_style) -> new HTML_Table' def __init__(self, rows, columns, indent_level, indent_style): 'x.__init__(...) initializes x' self.__matrix = z_matrix.Matrix(rows, columns, '') self.__indent_level = indent_level self.__indent_style = indent_style self.__table_attributes = '' self.__row_attributes = '' self.__cell_attributes = '' def mutate(self, row, column, text): 'Mutates a cell in the HTML table.' assert type(text) is str self.__matrix[row][column] = text return self def access(self, row, column): 'Accesses a cell in the HTML table.' return self.__matrix[row][column] def set_table(self, *attributes): 'Sets the attributes for the table.' self.__table_attributes = self.__parse(attributes) return self def set_row(self, *attributes): 'Sets the attributes for each row.' self.__row_attributes = self.__parse(attributes) return self def set_cell(self, *attributes): 'Sets the attributes for each cell.' self.__cell_attributes = self.__parse(attributes) return self def __parse(self, attributes): 'Parses the attributes into a string.' return ''.join([' %s="%s"' % (parameter, value) for parameter, value in attributes]) def html(self): 'Returns the HTML code for the current table.' html = self.__indent_style * self.__indent_level + '<table' + self.__table_attributes + '>\n' for row in self.__matrix: html += self.__indent_style * (self.__indent_level + 1) + '<tr' + self.__row_attributes + '>\n' for cell in row: html += self.__indent_style * (self.__indent_level + 2) + '<td' + self.__cell_attributes + '>\n' html += ''.join([self.__indent_style * (self.__indent_level + 3) + line + '\n' for line in cell.splitlines()]) html += self.__indent_style * (self.__indent_level + 2) + '</td>\n' html += self.__indent_style * (self.__indent_level + 1) + '</tr>\n' return html + self.__indent_style * self.__indent_level + '</table>' class HTML_Month: 'HTML_Month(month, year, indent_level, indent_style) -> new HTML_Month' def __init__(self, month, year, indent_level, indent_style): 'x.__init__(...) initializes x' calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) matrix = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) self.__table = HTML_Table(len(matrix) + 1, 7, indent_level, indent_style) for column, text in enumerate(calendar.day_name[-1:] + calendar.day_name[:-1]): self.__table.mutate(0, column, '<b>%s</b>' % text) for row, week in enumerate(matrix): for column, day in enumerate(week): if day: self.__table.mutate(row + 1, column, '<b>%02d</b>\n<hr>\n' % day) self.__weekday, self.__alldays = calendar.monthrange(year, month) self.__weekday = ((self.__weekday + 1) % 7) + 6 def mutate(self, day, text): 'Mutates a day in the HTML month.' row, column = self.__row_column(day) self.__table.mutate(row, column, '<b>%02d</b>\n<hr>\n%s' % (day, text)) return self def access(self, day): 'Accesses a day in the HTML month.' row, column = self.__row_column(day) return self.__table.access(row, column)[15:] def __row_column(self, day): 'Calculates the row and column of day.' assert 1 <= day <= self.__alldays index = day + self.__weekday return index / 7, index % 7 def set_month(self, *attributes): 'Set the attributes for the month.' self.__table.set_table(*attributes) return self def set_week(self, *attributes): 'Set the attributes for each week.' self.__table.set_row(*attributes) return self def set_day(self, *attributes): 'Set the attributes for each day.' self.__table.set_cell(*attributes) return self def html(self): 'Returns the HTML code for the current month.' return self.__table.html() ################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print file(sys.argv[0]).read()