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Make this scriptfile executible
by issuing

     chmod +x assoc.py

and include the path to assoc.py to the PATH environment string.
To use, type

     assoc.py  flag  filename  extra_args

where flag may be absent (default would then be -v)  or takes on the
following suggested values in the table.

flag    action
  -v    view
  -e    edit
  -c    compile
  -r    run or execute
  -p    print

   assoc.py  -e test.c
should fire-up emacs.
   assoc.py  -D
will dump the dictionary.

The optional  extra_args  allows you to add additional settings to the
command associated with the file extension. More complicated
actions may require Python functions instead of simple strings as dictionary

import os

# Up to two dots in extension  are allowed.
# Modify the dictionary to your needs.
Dassoc = {
    ('.doc', '-e'): 'soffice %s ',
    ('.jpg', '-v'): 'display %s ',
    ('.tex', '-e'): 'kile %s ',
    ('.pdf', '-v'): 'acroread %s ',
    ('.c',   '-e'): 'emacs %s ',
    ('.c',   '-c'): 'gcc -Wall -c %s ',
    ('.c',   '-v'): 'emacs %s ',
    ('.py',  '-r'): 'python %s ',
    ('.py',  '-e'): 'emacs %s ',
    ('.py',  '-v'): 'emacs %s ',
    ('.ps.gz', '-v'): 'gv %s '

if __name__ == "__main__":
    argv     = os.sys.argv
    argc     = len(argv)
    flag     = ""
    filename = ""
    args     = ""

    isOk = True
    if (argc > 1):
        if argv[1][0] == '-':
            flag     = argv[1]
            if argc > 2:
                filename = argv[2]
                for i in range(3, argc):
                    args += ' ' + argv[i]
                if flag == "-D":  # Dump dictionary.
                    print "Dictionary contents:"
                    for key in Dassoc:
                        print key, Dassoc[key]
                # No filename ?
                isOk = False
            flag  = "-v"  # default viewer.
            filename = argv[1]
            for i in range(2, argc):
                args += ' ' + argv[i]
        # no arguments ?
        isOk = False

    if isOk:
        done = False
        extension = ""
        for i in range(2, 0, -1):
            fparts = filename.rsplit(".", i)
            if len(fparts) == 3:
                extension = "." + fparts[1] + "." + fparts[2]
            elif len(fparts) == 2:
                extension = "." + fparts[1]
            key = (extension, flag)
            if Dassoc.has_key(key):
                cmdstr = (Dassoc[key] % filename) + args
                done = True
        if not done:
            print "error in assoc.py, no ", key, "found."
