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def number_format(num, places=0):
   """Format a number with grouped thousands and given decimal places"""

   places = max(0,places)
   tmp = "%.*f" % (places, num)
   point = tmp.find(".")
   integer = (point == -1) and tmp or tmp[:point]
   decimal = (point != -1) and tmp[point:] or ""

   count =  0
   formatted = []
   for i in range(len(integer), 0, -1):
       count += 1
       formatted.append(integer[i - 1])
       if count % 3 == 0 and i - 1:

   integer = "".join(formatted[::-1])
   return integer+decimal 


  • revision 3 (18 years ago)
  • previous revisions are not available