A short, readable password generator that can be launched from the command line. Just launch it from the shell and it will print out an 8-character password. You can also specify the length and whether the password should be typed with alternating hands on a qwerty keyboard.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | #!/usr/bin/env python
A simple script for making random passwords, WITHOUT 1,l,O,0. Because
those characters are hard to tell the difference between in some fonts.
#Import Modules
import sys
from random import Random
rng = Random()
righthand = '23456qwertasdfgzxcvbQWERTASDFGZXCVB'
lefthand = '789yuiophjknmYUIPHJKLNM'
allchars = righthand + lefthand
passwordLength = int(sys.argv[1])
#user didn't specify a length. that's ok, just use 8
passwordLength = 8
alternate_hands = sys.argv[2] == 'alt'
if not alternate_hands:
print "USAGE:"
print sys.argv[0], "[length of password]",
print "[alt (if you want the password to alternate hands]"
alternate_hands = False
for i in range(passwordLength):
if not alternate_hands:
sys.stdout.write( rng.choice(allchars) )
if i%2:
sys.stdout.write( rng.choice(lefthand) )
sys.stdout.write( rng.choice(righthand) )
I regularly need to generate new passwords and give them to other people. Particular requirements are to not use the characters 1,l,0, and O because they can easily be confused, depending on the font used to display them. Also, it is usually beneficial if the order of the characters allow the user to alternate hands when typing in the password.
TCL version of password generator. Thanks, most useful.
Here's straight conversion to tcl
I modded a little to output any number of passwords (I needed 70,000).
it is better to use random.SystemRandom for creating passwords.