Provides a simple way to access your database tables/rows/attributes as Python Classes/Instances/attributes respectively.
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import psycopg
conn = psycopg.connect(database="demo")
class Model:
'''A class providing limited introspective access to (currently)
a Postresql Database.
global conn
def __init__(self, connection=conn):
self.conn = connection
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Returns a subclass of Relation for each table found in
the model.
N.B. This returns a class object rather than an instance. From
this object you can:-
- query the database for a cursor,
- instantiate an instance of the class (i.e. a single row
from the database)
- obtain meta-data from the database table or view
if name.lower() in self.tables():
DataSource = type(name, (Relation, dict), {})
return DataSource
raise AttributeError, 'Attribute %s not found' % name
def getView(self, view_name):
"""The same as __getattr__ except from here, you're allowed to
specify the view as a string (rather than an object)
if view_name.lower() in self.tables_and_views():
DataSource = type(view_name, (Relation, type), {'conn': self.conn})
return DataSource
raise ValueError, 'View %s not found' % view_name
def tables_and_views(self, schemas=None):
"""Returns a list of tables and views contained in the database on the
current connection.
If specified, schemas should be an iterable of schemas from which the
tables/views should be gathered
sql = '''select tablename
from pg_tables
select viewname
from pg_views
if schemas:
sql += "where schemaname in ("
sql += ", ".join(["%s" for i in schemas]) + ")"
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, schemas)
result = cursor.fetchall()
return [i[0] for i in result]
def tables(self, schema=None):
"""Returns a list of tables contained in the database to which the
class is currently attached.
If specified, schemas should be an iterable of schemas from which the
tables should be gathered.
sql = '''select tablename
from pg_tables
if schema:
sql += "where schemaname = %s"
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, (schema, ))
result = cursor.fetchall()
return [i[0] for i in result]
class Relation:
conn = psycopg.connect(database="demo")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
tablename = self.__class__.__name__
sql = self.render_query(view=tablename, pkey=kwargs)
cursor = self.execute(sql, kwargs)
result = cursor.fetchone() = {}
for key, value in zip([i[0] for i in cursor.description], result):[key] = value
def render_query(self, view=None, pkey=None):
template = Template('''
select *
from $view
#for $key, $val in $pkey.iteritems()
$key = %($key)s
#end for
''', [locals()])
return template.respond()
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in
def __getitem__(self, name):
if name in
def description(cls):
"""Returns a description of this relations attributes
This method simply returns the description attribute from the
DB API cursor object. This is a sequence of 7 item sequences
of the form (name, type_code, display_size, internal_size,
precision, null_ok) of which only the first two items are
cursor = cls.execute('''select * from %s
limit 1''' % cls.__name__)
return cursor.description
def selectAll(cls):
"""A convenience method for selecting an entire relation from
the database (although we simply forward the call to the more
general execute)
return cls.execute("select * from %s" % cls.__name__)
def execute(cls, template, params=None, commit=True):
"""Executes the specified statement and returns a copy of the cursor
cursor = cls.conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(template, params) #execute stmt returns None
commit and cls.conn.commit()
return cursor
def insert(cls, mapping):
"""Attempts to insert the specified key value mapping into this table
keys_fmt = map(lambda x: "%%(%s)s" % x, mapping.keys())
template = """insert into %(table)s (%(keys)s)
values (%(values)s);""" % { 'table': cls.__name__,
'keys': ", ".join(mapping.keys()),
'values': ", ".join(keys_fmt) }
cls.execute(template, mapping)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#replace contact with table in your database
conn = psycopg.connect(database="demo")
model = Model(conn)
Contacts = model.contacts
print Contacts.description #lists your table attributes
c = Contacts(id=9) #c now represents a row in your db
print #only if there exists an email attribute
print c['email']
cursor =
results = cursor.fetchall()
I looked into using sqlobject and liked the way you could define your database in terms of Python Classes. What if your database already exists independantly of sqlobject. I know you can use the _fromDatabase attribute, but then you still have to create a class for each Database table.
This module creates the classes dynamically as you request them! You can use either of
Datasource = model.table_name Datasource = model.get_view('table_name')
Datasource is now a class object which is a subtype of Relation, whose name matches your database table, on which you can instantiate instances (i.e. rows) of that table.
row = Datasource(id=123) print row {'name': 'andy', 'age': 24, 'occupation': 'programmer'} print 'andy' print row['name'] 'andy'
The code is very untested. This was done just to practice meta-class programming really. I'd be interested to hear other approaches to this problem