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import cPickle

class BaseDict(dict):
        A dict allows inputting data as adict.xxx as well as adict['xxx']

        In python obj:
            obj.var=x  ---> 'var' be in obj.__dict__ (this is python default)

        In python dict:
            dict['var']=x ---> 'var' be in dict.items(this is dict behavior)

        In BaseDict:  

            let bd=BaseDict()
            Both bd.var and bd['var'] will save x to bd.items 
            and bd.setDict('var', x) will save x to bd.__dict__ 

            This allows an easier access of the variables.        
    def __init__(self, data=None):
        if data:  dict.__init__(self, data)
        else:     dict.__init__(self)
        dic = self.__dict__
        dic['__ver__']   ='20041208_1'
        dic['__author__']='Runsun Pan'
    def __setattr__(self, name, val):
        if name in self.__dict__:  self.__dict__[name]= val        
        else:   self[name] = val
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name in self.__dict__:  return self.__dict__[name]        
        else:  return self[name] 
    def setDict(self, name, val): 
            setDict(name, val): Assign *val* to the key *name* of __dict__.
            >>> bd = BaseDict()
            >>> bd.getDict()['height']   
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            KeyError: 'height'
            >>> bd.setDict('height', 160)  # setDict 
            >>> bd.getDict()['height']

        self.__dict__[name] = val
        return self 

    def getDict(self): 
            Return the internal __dict__.
            >>> bd = BaseDict()
            >>> bd.getDict()['height']
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            KeyError: 'height'
            >>> bd.setDict('height', 160)
            >>> bd.getDict()['height']
        return self.__dict__
    def setItem(self, name, val): 
            Set the value of dict key *name* to *val*. Note this dict 
            is not the __dict__.

            >>> bd = BaseDict()
            >>> bd
            >>> bd.setItem('sex', 'male')
            {'sex': 'male'}
            >>> bd['sex'] = 'female'
            >>> bd
            {'sex': 'female'}
        self[name] = val
        return self
    def __getstate__(self): 
        ''' Needed for cPickle in .copy() '''
        return self.__dict__.copy() 

    def __setstate__(self,dict): 
        ''' Needed for cPickle in .copy() '''

    def copy(self):   
            Return a copy. 
            >>> bd = BaseDict()
            >>> bd['name']=[1,2,3]
            >>> bd
            {'name': [1, 2, 3]}
            >>> bd2 = bd.copy()
            >>> bd2
            {'name': [1, 2, 3]}
            >>> bd == bd2
            >>> bd is bd2
            >>> bd['name']==bd2['name']
            >>> bd['name'] is bd2['name']
            >>> bd2['name'][0]='aa'
            >>> bd2['height']=60
            >>> bd
            {'name': [1, 2, 3]}
            >>> bd2
            {'name': ['aa', 2, 3], 'height': 60}
        return cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(self))


bd = BaseDict()

# The following 3 steps are equivilent: 
bd.setItem('sex', 'male')
print bd                   #{'sex': 'male'}
bd['sex'] = 'female'
print bd                   #{'sex': 'female'}
bd.sex = 'huh?'
print bd                   #{'sex': 'huh?'}

# This is the __dict__
bd.setDict('height', 60)   
print bd.getDict()['height']  # 60
print bd.getDict()
# {'__ver__': '20041208_1', 'height': 60, '__author__': 'Runsun Pan'}

# Check copy():
print bd           # {'name': [1, 2, 3], 'sex': 'huh?'}
bd2 = bd.copy()
print bd2          # {'name': [1, 2, 3], 'sex': 'huh?'}
print bd == bd2                  #True
print bd is bd2                  #False
print bd['name']==bd2['name']    #True
print bd['name'] is bd2['name']  #False
print bd.name                    #[1, 2, 3] 
print bd2.name                   #['aa', 2, 3]

print bd   # {'name': [1, 2, 3], 'sex': 'huh?'}
print bd.getDict()
           # {'__ver__': '20041208_1', 'height': 60, '__author__': 'Runsun Pan'}
print bd2  # {'height': 100, 'name': ['aa', 2, 3], 'sex': 'huh?'}
print bd2.getDict()
           # {'__ver__': '20041208_1', '__author__': 'Runsun Pan', 'height': 60}


  • revision 3 (18 years ago)
  • previous revisions are not available