Some people have a burning need for emacs-like multiple key sequence hotkeys. What do I mean? Ctrl+x Ctrl+s to save the currently open document and exit emacs.
Included as code is a sample wxPython program which implements multi-group keypress combinations, and will print 'hello!' in the statusbar if the combination Ctrl+Y Alt+3 Shift+B is entered. As you are entering a valid sequence of hotkeys, it will print your current combination in the status bar. If you make a mistake, it will print out your failed keyboard combination.
I use variants of the menu manupulation and keymap generation code in PyPE (
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A few simple methods which implement multiple hotkey support for emacs-like
hotkey sequences.
Feel free to use this code as you desire, though please cite the source.
Josiah carlson
import wx
import time
keyMap = {}
def gen_keymap():
keys = ("BACK", "TAB", "RETURN", "ESCAPE", "SPACE", "DELETE", "START",
"SEPARATOR", "SUBTRACT", "DECIMAL", "DIVIDE", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4",
"F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14",
"F15", "F16", "F17", "F18", "F19", "F20", "F21", "F22", "F23", "F24",
for i in keys:
keyMap[getattr(wx, "WXK_"+i)] = i
for i in ("SHIFT", "ALT", "CONTROL", "MENU"):
keyMap[getattr(wx, "WXK_"+i)] = ''
def GetKeyPress(evt):
keycode = evt.GetKeyCode()
keyname = keyMap.get(keycode, None)
modifiers = ""
for mod, ch in ((evt.ControlDown(), 'Ctrl+'),
(evt.AltDown(), 'Alt+'),
(evt.ShiftDown(), 'Shift+'),
(evt.MetaDown(), 'Meta+')):
if mod:
modifiers += ch
if keyname is None:
if 27 < keycode < 256:
keyname = chr(keycode)
keyname = "(%s)unknown" % keycode
return modifiers + keyname
def _spl(st):
if '\t' in st:
return st.split('\t', 1)
return st, ''
class StatusUpdater:
def __init__(self, frame, message):
self.frame = frame
self.message = message
def __call__(self, evt):
class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "test")
ctrl = self.ctrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.TE_RICH2)
ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.KeyPressed, ctrl)
self.lookup = {}
menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) # Adding the MenuBar to the Frame content.
self.menuBar = menuBar
testmenu = wx.Menu()
self.menuAddM(menuBar, testmenu, "TestMenu", "help")
self.menuAdd(testmenu, "testitem\tCtrl+Y\tAlt+3\tShift+B", "testdesc", StatusUpdater(self, "hello!"))
print self.lookup
def addHotkey(self, acc, fcn):
hotkeys = self.lookup
x = [i for i in acc.split('\t') if i]
x = [(i, j==len(x)-1) for j,i in enumerate(x)]
for name, last in x:
if last:
if name in hotkeys:
raise Exception("Some other hotkey shares a prefix with this hotkey: %s"%acc)
hotkeys[name] = fcn
if name in hotkeys:
if not isinstance(hotkeys[name], dict):
raise Exception("Some other hotkey shares a prefix with this hotkey: %s"%acc)
hotkeys[name] = {}
hotkeys = hotkeys[name]
def menuAdd(self, menu, name, desc, fcn, id=-1, kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL):
if id == -1:
id = wx.NewId()
a = wx.MenuItem(menu, id, 'TEMPORARYNAME', desc, kind)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, fcn)
ns, acc = _spl(name)
if acc:
self.addHotkey(acc, fcn)
menu.SetLabel(id, '%s\t%s'%(ns, acc.replace('\t', ' ')))
menu.SetHelpString(id, desc)
def menuAddM(self, parent, menu, name, help=''):
if isinstance(parent, wx.Menu) or isinstance(parent, wx.MenuPtr):
id = wx.NewId()
parent.AppendMenu(id, "TEMPORARYNAME", menu, help)
self.menuBar.SetLabel(id, name)
self.menuBar.SetHelpString(id, help)
parent.Append(menu, name)
def _reset(self):
self.sofar = ''
self.cur = self.lookup
def _add(self, key):
self.cur = self.cur[key]
self.sofar += ' ' + key
def KeyPressed(self, evt):
key = GetKeyPress(evt)
print key
if key == 'ESCAPE':
elif key.endswith('+') and len(key) > 1 and not key.endswith('++'):
#only modifiers
elif key in self.cur:
if not isinstance(self.cur, dict):
sc = self.cur
elif self.cur is not self.lookup:
sf = "%s %s <- Unknown sequence"%(self.sofar, key)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
frame = MainFrame()
People who want multiple hotkey support in their menu items or program know what they want with them. I personally wouldn't suggest people use them, if only because over-use of multi-command hotkeys have a tendency to lead to 'emacs pinky'. Use with caution, but know that you can use it if necessary.
Astute observers will note that you can implement arbitrary keyboard command sequences with the above. With a little reworking, it would even be possible to add 'cheat code'-like support to your application, but I'll leave that up to the rest of you.