This module enables users on the windows platform to transfer files to remote hosts. Requires pywin32 extensions by Mark Hammond
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import os
import os.path
import shutil
import sys
import win32wnet
def netcopy(host, source, dest_dir, username=None, password=None, move=False):
""" Copies files or directories to a remote computer. """
wnet_connect(host, username, password)
dest_dir = covert_unc(host, dest_dir)
# Pad a backslash to the destination directory if not provided.
if not dest_dir[len(dest_dir) - 1] == '\\':
dest_dir = ''.join([dest_dir, '\\'])
# Create the destination dir if its not there.
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
# Create a directory anyway if file exists so as to raise an error.
if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
if move:
shutil.move(source, dest_dir)
shutil.copy(source, dest_dir)
def netdelete(host, path, username=None, password=None):
""" Deletes files or directories on a remote computer. """
wnet_connect(host, username, password)
path = covert_unc(host, path)
if os.path.exists(path):
# Delete directory tree if object is a directory.
if os.path.isfile(path):
# Remove anyway if non-existent so as to raise an error.
def netmove(host, source, dest_dir, username=None, password=None):
return netcopy(host, source, dest_dir, username, password, True)
def covert_unc(host, path):
""" Convert a file path on a host to a UNC path."""
return ''.join(['\\\\', host, '\\', path.replace(':', '$')])
def wnet_connect(host, username, password):
unc = ''.join(['\\\\', host])
win32wnet.WNetAddConnection2(0, None, unc, None, username, password)
except Exception, err:
if isinstance(err, win32wnet.error):
# Disconnect previous connections if detected, and reconnect.
if err[0] == 1219:
win32wnet.WNetCancelConnection2(unc, 0, 0)
return wnet_connect(host, username, password)
raise err
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Copy "c:\documents" folder/file to "c:\transferred" on host "w0001".
netcopy('w0001', 'c:\\documents', 'c:\\transferred')
# Move with account credentials.
netmove('w0001', 'c:\\documents', 'c:\\transferred', 'admin', 'adminpass')
# Delete with another account.
netdelete('w0001', 'c:\\transferred', 'testdom\\user1', 'user1pass')
# Transfer files using different accounts, to multiple computers.
accounts = [
('administrator', 'adminpass'),
('desktopeng', 'depass'),
('testdom\\administrator', 'dompass')]
computers = ['w0001', 'w0002', 'w0003', 'w0004', 'w0005', 'w0006']
auth_failed = []
transfer_failed = []
for computer in computers:
# Try to authenticate with the each account provided.
for account in accounts:
username, password = account
wnet_connect(computer, username, password)
except Exception, err:
# Look for authentication failures.
if isinstance(err, win32wnet.error) and err[0] == 1326:
if account == accounts[len(accounts) -1]:
netcopy(computer, 'c:\\documents', 'c:\\transferred')
except Exception, err:
print err
# Status report
print 'Authentication failure: %s' % (str(auth_failed).strip("[]'"))
print 'Unknown failure: %s' % (str(transfer_failed).strip("[]'"))
Included is an example to transfer files/directories to multiple computers using different accounts. Great for administrators.
Tags: network
smb? cifs? Is this using smb or cifs as an underlying protocol for the transfer? I find both of these protocols to have painful latency and inherent slowness. I am looking for a module that has this functionality but which works fast. I guess with this module the windows user features for permissions is achieved.
Thanks, Luke
not working completely well though... Hi,
I think this is a useful contribution, though I ran in some problem. Especially when copying directories. The following solves that:
How to Know that destination computer has C:\ or D:\ drive ? I have an exe file which gives me the EP installed components.I need to deploy that in my network in all switched on machines.But detination dir may vary across machines.Plz help?