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#! /usr/bin/env python

import glob, os, string, sys, optparse

DESCR = __doc__.split('\n\n')[0]

# Subtract the acceptable funky chars from all punctuation chars.
UGLYCHARS = ''.join( set(string.punctuation+' ') - set('-_+.~%') )

def split_dir_base_ext(path):
    """Split a path into a 3-tuple containing dirname, filename sans
    extension, and extension.
    >>> split_dir_base_ext('/foo/bar/biz.txt')
    ('/foo/bar', 'biz', '.txt')
    >>> split_dir_base_ext('.txt')
    ('', '', '.txt')
    dn = os.path.dirname(path)
    name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
    return dn, name, ext

def beautify(uglypath, table, delchars='', stringfunc=None):
    """Make three changes to a name in an ugly path.
    The changes are (1) apply a string function, (2) translate
    characters, and (3) delete characters.
    >>> table = string.maketrans('', '')
    >>> beautify('/foo/bar/a"b)c]d e.txt', table, UGLYCHARS)
    >>> beautify("03 - Blue 'n' Boogie.mp3", table, UGLYCHARS)
    >>> beautify("My Document #3 - (2005)[1].txt", table, UGLYCHARS)
    >>> beautify('a_b-c', table, UGLYCHARS, string.upper)
    dirname, ugly2pretty, ext = split_dir_base_ext(uglypath)
    if stringfunc is not None:
        ugly2pretty = stringfunc(ugly2pretty)
    # Translate FROMCHARS to TOCHARS and delete DELCHARS
    ugly2pretty = ugly2pretty.translate(table, delchars)
    return os.path.join(dirname, ugly2pretty+ext)

def fix_ugly_names(opts, uglydir):
    """Rename ugly file names to a beautified shell-correct names.
    Collect ugly file names, perform beautification, rename.
    # Shell-unfriendly characters made into a string.  The user-provided
    # FROMCHARS and TOCHARS must be removed from the UGLYCHARS so that
    # they can be transformed instead of removed.
    delchars = opts.delchars + ''.join(set(UGLYCHARS)
                                       - set(opts.tochars+opts.fromchars))
    # Table for later translation (removal of `delchars`).
    table = string.maketrans(opts.fromchars, opts.tochars)
    uglyroot = os.path.expanduser(uglydir)
    # Build list of name-change candidates.
    if opts.recurse:
        uglies = [f
            for root , _, _ in os.walk(uglyroot, topdown=False)
                for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(root, opts.limitglob))]
        uglies = glob.glob(os.path.join(uglyroot, opts.limitglob))
    pretties = [beautify(ugly, table, delchars, opts.stringfunc)
        for ugly in uglies]
    # Do the renaming.
    for ugly, pretty in zip(uglies, pretties):
        if ugly != pretty:
            if not opts.silent: print ugly, '-->', pretty
            if not opts.dryrun: os.rename(ugly, pretty)

def error_checks(cmdln, args, opts):
    """Ensure proper user input.
    if len(args) != 1:
        cmdln.error('Must specify *one* UGLYDIR.')
    if not os.path.isdir(args[0]):
        cmdln.error('UGLYDIR must be a directory.')
    for c in opts.tochars:
        if c in UGLYCHARS:
            cmdln.error('TOCHARS contained ugly character "%s".' % c)
    if (bool(opts.fromchars) + bool(opts.tochars)) % 2 != 0:
        cmdln.error('-t and -f must be used together.')
    if len(opts.fromchars) != len(opts.tochars):
        cmdln.error('FROMCHARS and TOCHARS must be of equal length.')

def cmdln():
    """Setup command line parser.
    cmdln = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE, description=DESCR)
    cmdln.add_option('-r', dest='recurse', action='store_true',
                     help='Recurse into subdirs')
    cmdln.add_option('-s', dest='silent', action='store_true',
                     help='Silent mode')
    cmdln.add_option('-n', dest='dryrun', action='store_true',
                     help='dry run/No-op mode (don\'t actually rename)')
    cmdln.add_option('-L', dest='lower', action='store_true',
                     help='make Lower case (string.lower)')
    cmdln.add_option('-U', dest='upper', action='store_true',
                     help='make Upper case (string.upper)')
    cmdln.add_option('-C', dest='capwords', action='store_true',
                     help='Capitalize words (string.capwords)')
    cmdln.add_option('-f', dest='fromchars', default='',
                     help='translate From FROMCHARS characters (requires -t)')
    cmdln.add_option('-t', dest='tochars', default='',
                     help='translate To TOCHARS characters (requires -f)')
    cmdln.add_option('-d', dest='delchars', default='',
                     help='Delete DELCHARS characters from file names')
    cmdln.add_option('-l', dest='limitglob', default='*',
                     help='Limit file globbing to LIMITGLOB pattern')
    opts, args = cmdln.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
    opts.stringfunc = lambda x: x
    if opts.capwords: opts.stringfunc = string.capwords
    if opts.upper:    opts.stringfunc = string.upper
    if opts.lower:    opts.stringfunc = string.lower
    error_checks(cmdln, args, opts)
    return opts, args[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Run doctest when run as main script.
    import doctest
    opts, uglydir = cmdln()
    fix_ugly_names(opts, uglydir)
