The Heap class is an improvement over a previous recipe ( that also wraps the heapq module. There are two main differences from the other recipe: - All methods on this heap preserve the heap property invariant; therefore there is no need for is_heap(). - When creating a new heap, an optional 'key' argument can be specified to determine the comparison key for the items to be pushed into the heap.
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import itertools as it
from listmixin import ListMixin # (recipe 440656)
__all__ = ['Heap']
class Heap(ListMixin):
'''A list that maintains the heap invariant.'''
def __init__(self, iterable=(), key=None):
@param iterable: An iterable over items to be added to the heap.
@param key: Specifies a function of one argument that is used to
extract a comparison key from each heap element.
self._key = key
self._lst = []
def push(self, item):
'''Push the item onto the heap.'''
return heapq.heappush(self._lst, self._wrap(item))
def popmin(self):
'''Pop the smallest item off the heap'''
return self._unwrap(heapq.heappop(self._lst))
def replace(self, item):
'''Equivalent to "x = heap.popmin(); heap.push(); return x" but more
return self._unwrap(heapq.heapreplace(self._lst, self._wrap(item)))
def pushpop(self, item):
'Equivalent to "heap.push(); return heap.popmin()" but more efficient.'
if self and self[0] < item:
return self.replace(item)
return item
def iterpop(self):
'''Return a destructive iterator over the heap's elements.
Each time next is invoked, it pops the smallest item from the heap.
while self:
yield self.popmin()
#---- overrided ListMixin methods ----------------------------------------
def constructor(self, iterable):
return self.__class__(iterable, self._key)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._lst)
def get_element(self, pos):
return self._unwrap(self._lst[pos])
def __setitem__(self, pos, item):
if isinstance(pos, slice):
raise TypeError('Heap objects do no support slice setting')
pos = self._fix_index(pos)
item = self._wrap(item)
lst = self._lst
current = lst[pos]
lst[pos] = item
if item > current: # re-establish the heap invariant
heapq._siftup(lst, pos)
if lst[pos] != item: # item found its way below pos
while pos > 0:
parentpos = (pos - 1) >> 1
parent = lst[parentpos]
if parent <= item:
lst[pos] = parent
pos = parentpos
lst[pos] = item
def __delitem__(self, pos):
if isinstance(pos, slice):
raise TypeError('Heap objects do no support slice deleting')
pos = self._fix_index(pos)
lst = self._lst
if pos == len(lst)-1:
del lst[-1]
self[pos] = self.pop()
def __iter__(self):
return it.imap(self._unwrap, self._lst)
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self._lst)
def __cmp__(self, other):
raise TypeError('Heap objects do not support comparison')
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other,Heap) or len(self) != len(other):
return False
for i,j in it.izip(self,other):
if i != j: return False
return True
def __ne__(self,other):
return not self==other
def count(self, item):
return self._lst.count()
append = push
def insert(self, pos, item):
# ignore the position since it's not certain that it can preserve the
# heap invariant
def extend(self, other):
if self._key is not None:
other = it.imap(self._wrap, other)
push = heapq.heappush; lst = self._lst
for item in other:
def sort(self):
lst = self._lst; pop = heapq.heappop
sorted = []; append = sorted.append
while lst:
self._lst = sorted
def reverse(self):
raise TypeError('Heap objects do not support reversal')
#---- 'private' methods --------------------------------------------------
def _wrap(self, item):
if self._key is not None:
item = (self._key(item),item)
return item
def _unwrap(self, item):
if self._key is not None:
item = item[1]
return item
Interface: Heap instances support most list methods except for those that are error prone or don't make sense for heaps. For example, setting a single element is supported but setting a slice is not. The reason is that setting a single element, e.g. heap[3] = 'a', means "replace heap[3] with 'a' and restore the heap invariant". As a result, more than one cells are modified in general, not just the one at the specified index. A slice assignment, e.g. heap[3:5] = 'a','b', should be equivalent to "heap[3]='a'; heap[4]='b'". However, heap[4] has most likely changed after the first assignment and it won't probably do what the client meant.
Implementation: The implementation is based on the list mixin recipe ( However it overrides __setitem__() and __detitem__() completely instead of implementing set_element() and resize_region(), as the mixin normally requires, for the reason mentioned above.
Testing: Passes successfully a unit test of 34 test cases (not included).