This function annotates the a given function with its elapsed execution time in minutes, seconds, and milli seconds. The attricbute is a tuple named func_time. This function could also be used as a python 2.4 decorator.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | import sys
import time
def timeit(f):
""" Annotate a function with its elapsed execution time. """
def timed_f(*args, **kwargs):
t1 = time.time()
f(*args, **kwargs)
t2 = time.time()
timed_f.func_time = ((t2 - t1) / 60.0, t2 - t1, (t2 - t1) * 1000.0)
if __debug__:
sys.stdout.write("%s took %0.3fm %0.3fs %0.3fms\n" % (
return timed_f
def timeme():
timeme = timeit(timeme)
Example $ python -i
>>> timeme()
timeme took 0.033m 1.999s 1999.470ms
>>> timeme.func_time
(0.033321801821390787, 1.9993081092834473, 1999.3081092834473)
This provides a relatively straight forward way of tracking elapsed execution time and using it when you need it.
Re: Use function annotation to track elapsed execution time. Here's a slight extension that will give you the min, max, and average time spent in a function. It might be useful for very simplistic profiling.
(BTW, to be a friendly decorator, it's probably a good idea to copy the __doc__, __name__, etc attributes from f to timed_f.)
How exactly is this function supposed to be called?
Add a return value to timed_f. The timed_f function doesn't return any value.
Adding a:
and a
at the end solves the problem of timing a function that returns something.
Below my two cent contribution from using this otherwise very good recipe.
The change allows it to actually pass arguments to the function
and it returns the functiontimed_f
with the tuplefunc_time
as an attribute from which you can extract the actual time in m, s, or ms.For the function that collects statistics here is my modification so I could actually accumulate values:
Usage assuming there is a function called
we want quickly profle:If arguments need to be passed just add them like so: