A generator which provides a quick way to 'walk' a zip file archive. The generator can process multiple zip archives, i.e zip files which contain zip files. Inspired by the os.walk function.
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import os
import cStringIO
def zipwalk(zfilename):
"""Zip file tree generator.
For each file entry in a zip archive, this yields
a two tuple of the zip information and the data
of the file as a StringIO object.
zipinfo, filedata
zipinfo is an instance of zipfile.ZipInfo class
which gives information of the file contained
in the zip archive. filedata is a StringIO instance
representing the actual file data.
If the file again a zip file, the generator extracts
the contents of the zip file and walks them.
Inspired by os.walk .
for info in z.infolist():
fname = info.filename
data = z.read(fname)
extn = (os.path.splitext(fname)[1]).lower()
if extn=='.zip':
tmpfpath = os.path.join(tempdir,os.path.basename(fname))
except (IOError, OSError),e:
print e
if zipfile.is_zipfile(tmpfpath):
if checkz:
for x in zipwalk(tmpfpath):
yield x
except Exception, e:
yield (info, cStringIO.StringIO(data))
except RuntimeError, e:
print 'Runtime Error'
except zipfile.error, e:
if __name__=="__main__":
import sys
for i,d in zipwalk(sys.argv[1]):
print i.filename
I have to write Python scripts at work to process zip files which sometimes contain child zip files. I find this recipe very useful for working with such multiple zip file archives. A generator is quite handy, since a recursive function for the same can often exhaust the stack memory.
Finally found this. Thanks !