Align string with spaces between words to fit specified width
Author: Denis Barmenkov
Copyright: this code is free, but if you want to use it,
please keep this multiline comment along with function source.
Thank you.
2005-05-22 13:27 - first revision
2010-03-09 17:01 - added align_paragraph()
2010-03-09 17:56 - added check for paragraph's last line
import re, textwrap
__author__ = 'Denis Barmenkov '
__source__ = 'http://code.activestate.com/recipes/414870/'
def items_len(l):
return sum([ len(x) for x in l] )
lead_re = re.compile(r'(^\s+)(.*)$')
def align_string(s, width, last_paragraph_line=0):
align string to specified width
# detect and save leading whitespace
m = lead_re.match(s)
if m is None:
left, right, w = '', s, width
left, right, w = m.group(1), m.group(2), width - len(m.group(1))
items = right.split()
# add required space to each words, exclude last item
for i in range(len(items) - 1):
items[i] += ' '
if not last_paragraph_line:
# number of spaces to add
left_count = w - items_len(items)
while left_count > 0 and len(items) > 1:
for i in range(len(items) - 1):
items[i] += ' '
left_count -= 1
if left_count < 1:
res = left + ''.join(items)
return res
def align_paragraph(paragraph, width, debug=0):
align paragraph to specified width,
returns list of paragraph lines
lines = list()
if type(paragraph) == type(lines):
elif type(paragraph) == type(''):
elif type(paragraph) == type(tuple()):
raise TypeError, 'Unsopported paragraph type: %r' % type(paragraph)
flatten_para = ' '.join(lines)
splitted = textwrap.wrap(flatten_para, width)
if debug:
print 'textwrap:\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(splitted)
wrapped = list()
while len(splitted) > 0:
line = splitted.pop(0)
if len(splitted) == 0:
last_paragraph_line = 1
last_paragraph_line = 0
aligned = align_string(line, width, last_paragraph_line)
if debug:
print 'textwrap & align_string:\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(wrapped)
return wrapped
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = 'Contributors whose recipes are used in the book will receive a complimentary copy of the Second Edition. A portion of all royalties will go to the non-profit Python Software Foundation. [Last words]'
align_paragraph(s, width=30, debug=1)
Script output:
Contributors whose recipes are
used in the book will receive
a complimentary copy of the
Second Edition. A portion of
all royalties will go to the
non-profit Python Software
Foundation. [Last words]
textwrap & align_string:
Contributors whose recipes are
used in the book will receive
a complimentary copy of the
Second Edition. A portion of
all royalties will go to the
non-profit Python Software
Foundation. [Last words]