this is an extension to Shai Berger's Pythologic to include support for PyLog. See You'll also need
This program also adds the "&" syntatic sugar. See the example class Test.
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Here's some changes to the code to add support for pylog. You'll need pylog to run the test. Also, changed the code to use & instead of requiring []. Also added beginings of support for forward chaining. Enjoy! -Huu
# Add logic programming (Prolog) syntax into Python.
# (c) 2004 Shai Berger
import string
from pylog import *
class Struct:
def __init__(self, database, head, subs):
The head and subs are essential - what makes this struct.
The database should only be used while structs are constructed,
and later removed.
self.database = database
self.head = head
self.subs = subs
self.prev = None = None
self.forwardchain_body = None
self.conditional_body = None
self.forwardchain_head = None
self.conditional_head = None
def __pos__(self):
unary + means insert into database as fact
return self
def __neg__(self):
unary - means retract from database as fact
return self
def __lshift__(self, body):
The ideal is
consequent(args) << cond1(args1),...
for now we must do with
consequent(args) << (cond1(args1),...)
self.conditional_body = body
body.conditional_head = self
return body
def __rshift__(self, head):
create a forward chaining rule.
head.forwardchain_body = self
self.forwardchain_head = head
return self
def __rand__(self, other):
concatenates predicates
a & b -> c
if self.forwardchain_head:
self.prev = other = self
return other
elif other.conditional_head:
self.prev = other = self
return self
self.prev = other = self
return self
def __ror__(self, next):
concatenates predicates
a & b -> c
print "ror", self, next
return self
def __str__(self):
def tostr(s):
if isinstance(s, list):
return "["+string.joinfields(map(str,s), ", ")+"]"
return str(s)
def str_prev(s):
ret0 = ""
while s!= None:
if ret0 == "":
ret0 = str(s)
ret0 = str(s) + ", " + ret0
s = s.prev
return ret0
def str_next(s):
ret0 = ""
while s!= None:
if ret0 == "":
ret0 = str(s)
ret0 = ret0 + ", " + str(s)
s =
return ret0
subs = map (tostr, self.subs)
ret = str(self.head) + "(" + string.join(subs,',') + ")"
if self.forwardchain_body:
ret = str_prev(self.forwardchain_body) + " -> " + ret
if self.conditional_body:
ret = ret + " :- " + str_next(self.conditional_body)
return ret
class Symbol:
def __init__ (self, name, database): = name
self.database = database
def __call__ (self, *args):
return Struct(self.database, self, args)
def __str__(self):
class Constant(Symbol):
A constant is a name. Its value is its name too.
def value(self): return
class Variable(Symbol):
def __str__(self):
# return "?"
def symbol(name, database):
if (name[0] in string.uppercase):
return Variable(name,database)
return Constant(name, database)
class Database:
def __init__(self):
self.facts = []
self.conditionals = []
self.forwardchain = []
def add_fact(self, fact):
def add_conditional(self,head):
def add_forwardchain(self,head):
def prt(self):
Print the database in somewhat readable (prolog) form
for f in self.facts: print f, "."
for f in self.forwardchain: print f, "."
for f in self.conditionals: print f, "."
def compile(self):
# do pylog's compile
exec compile(self.__str__()) in globals()
def __str__(self):
ret = ""
for f in self.facts: ret += str(f) + ".\n"
for f in self.conditionals: ret += str(f) + ".\n"
# forward chaining not yet supported
# for f in self.forwardchain: ret += str(f) + ".\n"
return ret
def consult(self, func):
Include definitions from func into database
code = func.func_code
raise TypeError, "function or method argument expected"
names = code.co_names
locally_defined = code.co_varnames
globally_defined = func.func_globals.keys()
defined = locally_defined+tuple(globally_defined)
# Python < 2.0
# undefined = filter (lambda n,d=defined: n not in d, names)
# Modern Python
undefined = [name for name in names if name not in defined]
# Generate the new global environment for the function;
# to the old environment, add definitions for all undefined
# symbols, which relate to this database (self). When the
# symbols are operated on in the function, they will add
# facts and conditionals to the database.
newglobals = func.func_globals.copy()
for name in undefined:
newglobals[name] = symbol(name, self)
exec code in newglobals
def consult_and_transform(self, func):
A helper for decorator implementation
return LogicalFunction(self, func)
class LogicalFunction:
This class replaces a logical function once it has
been consulted, to avoid erroneous use
def __init__(self, database, func):
def __call__(self):
raise TypeError, "Logical functions are not really callable"
def logical(database):
A decorator for logical functions
return database.consult_and_transform
class Test:
db = Database()
def _rules():
likes('sam',Food) << indian(Food) & mild(Food)
likes('sam',Food) << chinese(Food)
likes('sam',Food) << italian(Food)
def __init__(self):
def test(self):
WHO, WHAT = Var('WHO'), Var('WHAT')
queries = [
for query in queries:
print "?", query
for _ in query():
print "\tyes:", query
n += 1
if n==0:
print "\tno"
if __name__ == "__main__":
test = Test()
Tags: programs