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import struct

class Packet(object):

    """Creates ICMPv4 and v6 packets.
        two-item sequence containing the type and code of the packet,
        Automatically set to version of protocol being used or None if ambiguous.
        Contains data of the packet.  Can only assign a subclass of basestring
        or None.

        binary representation of packet.

    header_table = {
                0 : (0, 4),
                #3 : (15, 4),  Overlap with ICMPv6
                3 : (15, None),
                #4 : (0, 4),  Deprecated by RFC 1812
                5 : (3, 4),
                8 : (0, 4),
                9 : (0, 4),
                10: (0, 4),
                11: (1, 4),
                12: (1, 4),
                13: (0, 4),
                14: (0, 4),
                15: (0, 4),
                16: (0, 4),
                17: (0, 4),
                18: (0, 4),

                1 : (4, 6),
                2 : (0, 6),
                #3 : (2, 6),  Overlap with ICMPv4
                #4 : (2, 6),  Type of 4 in ICMPv4 is deprecated
                4 : (2, None),
                128: (0, 6),
                129: (0, 6),
                130: (0, 6),
                131: (0, 6),
                132: (0, 6),
                133: (0, 6),
                134: (0, 6),
                135: (0, 6),
                136: (0, 6),
                137: (0, 6),

    def _setheader(self, header):
        """Set type, code, and version for the packet."""
        if len(header) != 2:
            raise ValueError("header data must be in a two-item sequence")
        type_, code = header
            max_range, version = self.header_table[type_]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("%s is not a valid type argument" % type_)
            if code > max_range:
                raise ValueError("%s is not a valid code value for type %s" %\
                                     (type_, code))
            self._type, self._code, self._version = type_, code, version

    header = property(lambda self: (self._type, self._code), _setheader,
                       doc="type and code of packet")

    version = property(lambda self: self._version,
                        doc="Protocol version packet is using or None if "

    def _setdata(self, data):
        """Setter for self.data; will only accept a basestring or None type."""
        if not isinstance(data, basestring) and not isinstance(data, type(None)):
            raise TypeError("value must be a subclass of basestring or None, "
                            "not %s" % type(data))
        self._data = data

    data = property(lambda self: self._data, _setdata,
                    doc="data contained within the packet")

    def __init__(self, header=(None, None), data=None):
        """Set instance attributes if given."""
        #XXX: Consider using __slots__
        # self._version initialized by setting self.header
        self.header = header
        self.data = data

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<ICMPv%s packet: type = %s, code = %s, data length = %s>" % \
                (self.version, self.type, self.code, len(self.data))

    def create(self):
        """Return a packet."""
        # Kept as a separate method instead of rolling into 'packet' property so
        # as to allow passing method around without having to define a lambda
        # method.
        args = [self.header[0], self.header[1], 0]
        pack_format = "!BBH"
        if self.data:
            pack_format += "%ss" % len(self.data)
        # ICMPv6 has the IP stack calculate the checksum
        # For ambiguous cases, just go ahead and calculate it just in case
        if self.version == 4 or not self.version:
            args[2] = self._checksum(struct.pack(pack_format, *args))
        return struct.pack(pack_format, *args)

    packet = property(create,
                       doc="Complete ICMP packet")

    def _checksum(self, checksum_packet):
        """Calculate checksum"""
        byte_count = len(checksum_packet)
        #XXX: Think there is an error here about odd number of bytes
        if byte_count % 2:
            odd_byte = ord(checksum_packet[-1])
            checksum_packet = checksum_packet[:-1]
            odd_byte = 0
        two_byte_chunks = struct.unpack("!%sH" % (len(checksum_packet)/2),
        total = 0
        for two_bytes in two_byte_chunks:
            total += two_bytes
            total += odd_byte
        total = (total >> 16) + (total & 0xFFFF)
        total += total >> 16
        return ~total
    def parse(cls, packet):
        """Parse ICMP packet and return an instance of Packet"""
        string_len = len(packet) - 4 # Ignore IP header
        pack_format = "!BBH"
        if string_len:
            pack_format += "%ss" % string_len
        unpacked_packet = struct.unpack(pack_format, packet)
        type, code, checksum = unpacked_packet[:3]
            data = unpacked_packet[3]
        except IndexError:
            data = None
        return cls((type, code), data)

    parse = classmethod(parse)

# ping.py

import struct,socket,sys,time, os
#from icmplib import Packet

def main(addr):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_RAW)

datalen = 56
BUFSIZE = 1500

def ping(addr):
    print "PING (%s): %d data bytes" % (addr,datalen)

    ## create socket
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_RAW,

    ## setuid back to normal user

    seq_num = 0
    packet_count = 0
    process_id = os.getpid()
    base_packet = Packet((8,0))

    while 1:
    ## create ping packet 
        seq_num += 1
        pdata = struct.pack("!HHd",process_id,seq_num,time.time())
    ## send initial packet 
        base_packet.data = pdata
        ## recv packet
        buf = s.recv(BUFSIZE)
        current_time = time.time()

        ## parse packet; remove IP header first
        r = Packet.parse(buf[20:])

        ## parse ping data
        (ident,seq,timestamp) = struct.unpack("!HHd",r.data)

        ## calculate rounttrip time
        rtt =  current_time - timestamp
        rtt *= 1000
        print "%d bytes from %s: id=%s, seq=%u, rtt=%.3f ms" % (len(buf),
                                                        addr, ident, seq, rtt)
if __name__=='__main__':
    import sys


  • revision 2 (16 years ago)
  • previous revisions are not available