"""Descriptive statistical analysis tool.
__author__ = "Chad J. Schroeder"
__revision__ = "$Id$"
__version__ = "0.1"
__all__ = [ "StatisticsException", "Statistics" ]
class StatisticsException(Exception):
"""Statistics Exception class."""
class Statistics(object):
"""Class for descriptive statistical analysis.
Computes numerical statistics for a given data set.
Available public methods:
Available instance attributes:
N: total number of elements in the data set
sum: sum of all values (n) in the data set
min: smallest value of the data set
max: largest value of the data set
mode: value(s) that appear(s) most often in the data set
mean: arithmetic average of the data set
range: difference between the largest and smallest value in the data set
median: value which is in the exact middle of the data set
variance: measure of the spread of the data set about the mean
stddev: standard deviation - measure of the dispersion of the data set
based on variance
identification: Instance ID
Raised Exceptions:
Bases Classes:
object (builtin)
Example Usage:
x = [ -1, 0, 1 ]
stats = Statistics(x)
except StatisticsException, mesg:
print "N: %s" % stats.N
print "SUM: %s" % stats.sum
print "MIN: %s" % stats.min
print "MAX: %s" % stats.max
print "MODE: %s" % stats.mode
print "MEAN: %0.2f" % stats.mean
print "RANGE: %s" % stats.range
print "MEDIAN: %0.2f" % stats.median
print "VARIANCE: %0.5f" % stats.variance
print "STDDEV: %0.5f" % stats.stddev
print "DATA LIST: %s" % stats.sample
def __init__(self, sample=[], population=False):
"""Statistics class initializer method."""
# Raise an exception if the data set is empty.
if (not sample):
raise StatisticsException, "Empty data set!: %s" % sample
# The data set (a list).
self.sample = sample
# Sample/Population variance determination flag.
self.population = population
self.N = len(self.sample)
self.sum = float(sum(self.sample))
self.min = min(self.sample)
self.max = max(self.sample)
self.range = self.max - self.min
self.mean = self.sum/self.N
# Inplace sort (list is now in ascending order).
# Instance identification attribute.
self.identification = id(self)
def __getMode(self):
"""Determine the most repeated value(s) in the data set."""
# Initialize a dictionary to store frequency data.
frequency = {}
# Build dictionary: key - data set values; item - data frequency.
for x in self.sample:
if (x in frequency):
frequency[x] += 1
frequency[x] = 1
# Create a new list containing the values of the frequency dict. Convert
# the list, which may have duplicate elements, into a set. This will
# remove duplicate elements. Convert the set back into a sorted list
# (in descending order). The first element of the new list now contains
# the frequency of the most repeated values(s) in the data set.
# mode = sorted(list(set(frequency.values())), reverse=True)[0]
# Or use the builtin - max(), which returns the largest item of a
# non-empty sequence.
mode = max(frequency.values())
# If the value of mode is 1, there is no mode for the given data set.
if (mode == 1):
self.mode = []
# Step through the frequency dictionary, looking for values equaling
# the current value of mode. If found, append the value and its
# associated key to the self.mode list.
self.mode = [(x, mode) for x in frequency if (mode == frequency[x])]
def __getMedian(self):
"""Determine the value which is in the exact middle of the data set."""
if (self.N%2): # Number of elements in data set is odd.
self.median = float(self.sample[self.N/2])
midpt = self.N/2 # Number of elements in data set is even.
self.median = (self.sample[midpt-1] + self.sample[midpt])/2.0
def __getVariance(self):
"""Determine the measure of the spread of the data set about the mean.
Sample variance is determined by default; population variance can be
determined by setting population attribute to True.
x = 0 # Summation variable.
# Subtract the mean from each data item and square the difference.
# Sum all the squared deviations.
for item in self.sample:
x += (item - self.mean)**2.0
if (not self.population):
# Divide sum of squares by N-1 (sample variance).
self.variance = x/(self.N-1)
# Divide sum of squares by N (population variance).
self.variance = x/self.N
self.variance = 0
def __getStandardDeviation(self):
"""Determine the measure of the dispersion of the data set based on the
from math import sqrt # Mathematical functions.
# Take the square root of the variance.
self.stddev = sqrt(self.variance)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os # Miscellaneous OS interfaces.
import sys # System-specific parameters and functions.
# Self-test
a = [ -1, 0, 1 ]
b = [ -1.0, 0.0, 1.1 ]
c = []
d = [ 12.23 ]
e = [ 12.23, 99.543, 66.08 ]
f = [ -1, 0, 2, -2, 1, 3, 0, -3, 2 ]
g = [ 0, 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5 ]
h = [ -1, -1 ]
for x in a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h:
stats = Statistics(x)
except StatisticsException, mesg:
print; print "Exception caught: %s" % mesg; print
print "N: %s" % stats.N
print "SUM: %s" % stats.sum
print "MIN: %s" % stats.min
print "MAX: %s" % stats.max
print "MODE: %s" % stats.mode
print "MEAN: %0.2f" % stats.mean
print "RANGE: %s" % stats.range
print "MEDIAN: %0.2f" % stats.median
print "VARIANCE: %0.5f" % stats.variance
print "STDDEV: %0.5f" % stats.stddev
print "DATA LIST: %s\n" % stats.sample