Note: This recipe is superceded by TestOOB, a Python unit testing framework that extends unittest and provides many new features - including running tests in threads!
Trying to extend unittest to provide extra features wasn't easy. This scheme allows easy extensions for running existing test suites.
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An alternative running scheme for unittest test suites.
Superceded by the TestOOB Python unit testing framework,
__author__ = "Ori Peleg"
import unittest, sys
from itertools import ifilter
# apply_runner
# David Eppstein's breadth_first
def _breadth_first(tree,children=iter):
"""Traverse the nodes of a tree in breadth-first order.
The first argument should be the tree root; children
should be a function taking as argument a tree node and
returning an iterator of the node's children.
yield tree
last = tree
for node in _breadth_first(tree,children):
for child in children(node):
yield child
last = child
if last == node:
def extract_fixtures(suite, recursive_iterator=_breadth_first):
"""Extract the text fixtures from a suite.
Descends recursively into sub-suites."""
def test_children(node):
if isinstance(node, unittest.TestSuite): return iter(node)
return []
return ifilter(lambda test: isinstance(test, unittest.TestCase),
recursive_iterator(suite, children=test_children))
def apply_runner(suite, runner_class, result_class=unittest.TestResult,
"""Runs the suite."""
runner = runner_class(result_class)
for fixture in test_extractor(suite):
return runner.result()
# Runners
class SimpleRunner:
def __init__(self, result_class):
self._result = result_class()
self._done = False
def run(self, fixture):
assert not self._done
def result(self):
self._done = True
return self._result
# Connelly Barnes's (connellybarnes at threadclass
import types, threading
def _threadclass(C):
"""Returns a 'threadsafe' copy of class C.
All public methods are modified to lock the
object when called."""
class D(C):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.lock = threading.RLock()
C.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def ubthreadfunction(f):
def g(self, *args, **kwargs):
return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
return g
for a in dir(D):
f = getattr(D, a)
if isinstance(f, types.UnboundMethodType) and a[:2] != '__':
setattr(D, a, ubthreadfunction(f))
return D
class ThreadedRunner(SimpleRunner):
"""Run tests using a threadpool.
Uses TwistedPython's thread pool"""
def __init__(self, result_class):
from twisted.python.threadpool import ThreadPool
SimpleRunner.__init__(self, _threadclass(result_class))
self._pool = ThreadPool()
def run(self, fixture):
assert not self._done
self._pool.dispatch(None, fixture, self._result)
def result(self):
return SimpleRunner.result(self)
# text_run
def _print_results(result, timeTaken):
# code modified from Python 2.4's standard unittest module
stream =
run = result.testsRun
stream.writeln("Ran %d test%s in %.3fs" %
(run, run != 1 and "s" or "", timeTaken))
if not result.wasSuccessful():
stream.write("FAILED (")
failed, errored = map(len, (result.failures, result.errors))
if failed:
stream.write("failures=%d" % failed)
if errored:
if failed: stream.write(", ")
stream.write("errors=%d" % errored)
class _TextTestResult(unittest._TextTestResult):
"""provide defaults for unittest._TextTestResult"""
def __init__(self, stream = sys.stderr, descriptions=1, verbosity=1):
stream = unittest._WritelnDecorator(stream)
unittest._TextTestResult.__init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity)
def text_run(suite, runner_class=SimpleRunner, **kwargs):
"""Run a suite and generate output similar to unittest.TextTestRunner's"""
import time
start = time.time()
result = apply_runner(suite, runner_class, result_class=_TextTestResult,
timeTaken = time.time() - start
_print_results(result, timeTaken)
# Test extractors
def regexp_extractor(regexp):
"""Filter tests based on matching a regexp to their id.
Matching is performed with"""
import re
compiled = re.compile(regexp)
def pred(test): return
def wrapper(suite):
return ifilter(pred, extract_fixtures(suite))
return wrapper
# examples
def examples(suite):
print "== sequential =="
print "== threaded =="
text_run(suite, ThreadedRunner)
print "== filtered =="
text_run(suite, test_extractor = regexp_extractor("Th"))
See the 'examples' function for simple usage similar to unittest's text runner. For running tests with different output schemes, see the 'text_run' function's code.
Implementation notes: * Note the ease of plugging in a new runner (see ThreadRunner) and of using test extractors (see regexp_extractor for filtering tests based on a name regexp).
class ThreadedRunner uses TwistedPython's thread pool. It can easily be replaced with any other thread pool.
The test fixtures can run in parallel even in the presence of setUp/tearDown, because each fixture has an independent instance of the relevant TestCase. Thanks to Steve Purcell for pointing this out (and for unittest itself :-)
I'd love to hear any comments and ideas.
High-latency test suites. Using the threaded runner is great for suites of high-latency tests that aren't CPU-bound.
An example suite is below.
Output for running examples(suite()):
---- begin output ----
---- end output ----
The suite:
Hi Ori Peleg, We are using the above recipe but we have not used extract_fixtures, instead we are using entire suite like below
for fixture in test_extractor(suite):
for fixture in suite:
The method which was given by you executes only setupmethod,testmethod and teardownmethods, but it will not execute setupclass and teardownclass. Hence we have used suite instead of test_extractor and unittest2 instead of unittest for this. But the issue that we are facing currently is setupclass and teardownclass are getting executed multiple times if we are using threaded runner(i.e. when we are trying to execute unittest classes parallely).
Please suggest some solution for this as soon as possible.