import mx.ODBC.Windows as odbc #To find out what you can use to access the database, run this command #datasource = odbc.DataSources() #2 possible ways to hit an access file driv='DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:/tmp/a.mdb' #driv2='FILEDSN=c:/tmp/a.mdb' conn = odbc.DriverConnect(driv) c = conn.cursor() c.execute ("select * from the_table_name where columna = 'fred'") #get column names cols= [ i[0] for i in c.description ] print '\n\ncols=',cols ##print '\n\n',c.fetchone() rows = c.fetchall() print '\n\n','length of rows: ',len(rows) print '\n\n' cnt = 0 for r in rows: cnt += 1 print cnt,' ',r if cnt > 10: break