public class Program12 { static int guess; static int randnum; static int counter; static boolean finished; public static void main(String[] args) { int closest=100; int tempclosest=100; Instructions(); randnum=(int)(Math.random()*100)+1; counter=1; EasyReader console=new EasyReader(); finished=false; while(!finished && counter!=5) { System.out.println(); System.out.print("What's your guess? "); guess=console.readInt(); if(guess<randnum) {tooLow(); tempclosest=randnum-guess; if(tempclosest<closest) closest=tempclosest; } if(guess>randnum) {tooHigh(); tempclosest=guess-randnum; if(tempclosest<closest) closest=tempclosest; } if(guess==randnum) {youWin(); } else { if(counter==4) youLose(closest); } counter++; } } public static void Instructions() {"THE SUPER DOOPER SECRET NUMBER GAME!!!"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Hi, and welcome to the secret number game"); System.out.println("The rules of this game are simple"); System.out.println("1. Guess a number between 1-100"); System.out.println("2. Then choose another number based on if you were too HIGH or too LOW"); System.out.println("3. Also you only have 4 guesses so BE SMART!!!"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Ok I am thinking of a number between 1-100"); } public static void tooHigh() { System.out.println("TO HIGH TRY AGAIN(choose a lower #)"); } public static void tooLow() { System.out.println("TO LOW TRY AGAIN(choose a higher #)"); } public static void youWin() { System.out.println("YOU GUESSED IT in " +counter+" tries!!!"); finished=true; } public static void youLose(int x) { finished=true; System.out.println(); System.out.println("Sorry you did not guess correctly in 4 tries"); if(x==1) {System.out.print("Now doesn't that stink, you were only one away from"); System.out.println(" the secret number!");} else {System.out.println("Your closest guess was "+Math.abs(x)+" away"); System.out.println("...PLEASE TRY AGAIN..."); System.out.println("The secret number was "+randnum);} System.out.println(); } }