Function for flattening sequences (currently works on tuples and lists, potentially works on user-defined sequences as well, since it only explicitly disallows strings and dictionaries as sequences). [Edit]: added a "Thinking . . . " progress measurement of sorts, and a (probably inaccurate) timer.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | def flatten(sequence):
def hms(fpd):
if fpd < 60:
return fpd
elif fpd < 60**2:
return "%s:%s" % (int(fpd/60), fpd-int(fpd/60)*60)
h = int(fpd/60**2)
fpd -= h*60**2
m = int(fpd/60)
fpd -= m*60
s = fpd
return "%s:%s:%s" % (h, m, s)
def rflat(seq2):
seq = []
for entry in seq2:
if seqin([entry]):
seq.extend([i for i in entry])
return seq
def seqin(sequence):
for i in sequence:
if ('__contains__' in dir(i) and ## all sequences have '__contains__' in their dir()
type(i) != str and type(i) != dict): ## parentheses present to aid commenting mid-condition
return True
return False
import time
btime = time.time()
d1time = btime
seq = [sequence][:] ## in case parameter isn't already a sequence
print "Thinking",
while seqin(seq):
d2time = time.time()
if d2time-d1time >= 5:
print ".",
d1time = d2time
seq = rflat(seq)
atime = time.time()
print "Sequence flattened in " + str(hms(atime-btime))
return seq
Extremely useful for highly nested lists, including two-dimensional arrays. For example, if you have a 2d-array to represent the field of a game, flattening it allows easier iteration. There may or may not be an issue with reaching the maximum recursion limit, I'm not an expert on recursion. Either way, however, there are two more implementations you may want to try: - recursive-iterator - NON-RECURSIVE!
Flatten. I think everyone carries around a version of flatten. Search examples on for "flatten list python" to see people golfing for the shortest/fastest/clearest solutions.
a simple non-recursive version that modifies in-place. There is a very simple and quick flattener that can be found in the basictypes folder in the script by Mike C. Fletcher. The source can be downloaded from
Here it is:
I'm not sure why the "type=type" argument is present since "type" is not used in the function. Also, if you omit the last line a copy will not be returned; the modification will only be done in place.
a further simplification... Fletcher's version is really cool! I have a (slight) improvement to make it even simpler:
Since len(l) is evaluated each time through the loop, we can just run to the dynamic size of the list, no need to run to maxint and catch the index error.
Too simple?
Yup, good point... OK, good point. So here is a fixed version to support empty lists (in any position):
err, it messed up my post...
Still problems with empty lists. >>> flatten([[[]]])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/tmp/python-2596k4V", line 7, in flatten
IndexError: list index out of range
Another fix... OK, this should fix it.
the last line doesn't copy. It just returns a reference to the in-place-modified input.
Yet another fix... OK, this should cover all the test cases now (thx John Y.).
recursive : [code]def flatten( listIn=[], listOut = [] ): ''' returns flattened listIn ''' for element in listIn: if getattr(element, '__iter__', False): listOut += flatten( element, [] ) else: listOut.append( element) return listOut [/code]
sorry for formatting:
<pre> def flattenlist(L): import types Types =dir(types)[:-5] Types.pop(Types.index('StringType')) Types.pop(Types.index('UnicodeType')) Types.pop(Types.index('StringTypes')) Types.pop(Types.index('ListType')) Types.pop(Types.index('ObjectType')) Types.pop(Types.index('TupleType'))
sorry for previous post that was a mistake