This module enables pyGTK developers on the windows platform to handle native windows messages and take advantage of features such as notification icons and window transparency (Win2000 and above). Requires pywin32 extensions by Mark Hammond.
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__version__ = '1.01'
import sys
import win32gui
import winxpgui
LWA_ALPHA = 0x02
WM_TASKBARCREATED = win32gui.RegisterWindowMessage('TaskbarCreated')
WM_USER = 1024
WS_EX_LAYERED = 0x80000
class GTKWin32Ext:
def __init__(self, gtk_window):
self._window = gtk_window
self._hwnd = gtk_window.window.handle
self._message_map = {}
# Windows transparency is only supported windows2000 and above.
if sys.getwindowsversion()[0] <= 4:
self.alpha = None
self.alpha = 100
self._transparency = False
self.notify_icon = None
# Sublass the window and inject a WNDPROC to process messages.
self._oldwndproc = win32gui.SetWindowLong(self._hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,
gtk_window.connect('unrealize', self.remove)
def add_notify_icon(self, hicon=None, tooltip=None):
""" Creates a notify icon for the gtk window. """
if not self.notify_icon:
if not hicon:
hicon = win32gui.LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION)
self.notify_icon = NotifyIcon(self._hwnd, hicon, tooltip)
# Makes redraw if the taskbar is restarted.
self.message_map({WM_TASKBARCREATED: self.notify_icon._redraw})
def message_map(self, msg_map={}):
""" Maps message processing to callback functions ala win32gui. """
if msg_map:
if self._message_map:
duplicatekeys = [key for key in msg_map.keys()
if self._message_map.has_key(key)]
for key in duplicatekeys:
new_value = msg_map[key]
if isinstance(new_value, list):
raise TypeError('Dict cannot have list values')
value = self._message_map[key]
if new_value != value:
new_value = [new_value]
if isinstance(value, list):
value += new_value
value = [value] + new_value
msg_map[key] = value
def message_unmap(self, msg, callback=None):
if self._message_map.has_key(msg):
if callback:
cblist = self._message_map[key]
if isinstance(cblist, list):
if not len(cblist) < 2:
for i in range(len(cblist)):
if cblist[i] == callback:
del self._message_map[key][i]
del self._message_map[key]
def remove(self, *args):
self._message_map = {}
self = None
def remove_notify_icon(self):
""" Removes the notify icon. """
if self.notify_icon:
self.notify_icon = None
def remove(self, *args):
""" Unloads the extensions. """
self._message_map = {}
self = None
def show_balloon_tooltip(self, title, text, timeout=10,
""" Shows a baloon tooltip. """
if not self.notify_icon:
self.notify_icon.show_balloon(title, text, timeout, icon)
def set_alpha(self, alpha=100, colorkey=0, mask=False):
""" Sets the transparency of the window. """
if self.alpha != None:
if not self._transparency:
style = win32gui.GetWindowLong(self._hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)
if (style & WS_EX_LAYERED) != WS_EX_LAYERED:
style = style | WS_EX_LAYERED
win32gui.SetWindowLong(self._hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, style)
self._transparency = True
if mask and colorkey:
flags = LWA_ALPHA
if colorkey:
flags = flags | LWA_COLORKEY
win_alpha = int(float(alpha)/100*255)
winxpgui.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(self._hwnd, colorkey,
win_alpha, flags)
self.alpha = int(alpha)
def _wndproc(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
""" A WINDPROC to process window messages. """
if self._message_map.has_key(msg):
callback = self._message_map[msg]
if isinstance(callback, list):
for cb in callback:
apply(cb, (hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam))
apply(callback, (hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam))
return win32gui.CallWindowProc(self._oldwndproc, hwnd, msg, wparam,
class NotifyIcon:
def __init__(self, hwnd, hicon, tooltip=None):
self._hwnd = hwnd
self._id = 0
self._flags = win32gui.NIF_MESSAGE | win32gui.NIF_ICON
self._callbackmessage = WM_TRAYMESSAGE
self._hicon = hicon
win32gui.Shell_NotifyIcon(win32gui.NIM_ADD, self._get_nid())
if tooltip: self.set_tooltip(tooltip)
def _get_nid(self):
""" Function to initialise & retrieve the NOTIFYICONDATA Structure. """
nid = (self._hwnd, self._id, self._flags, self._callbackmessage,
nid = list(nid)
if not hasattr(self, '_tip'): self._tip = ''
if not hasattr(self, '_info'): self._info = ''
if not hasattr(self, '_timeout'): self._timeout = 0
if not hasattr(self, '_infotitle'): self._infotitle = ''
if not hasattr(self, '_infoflags'):self._infoflags = win32gui.NIIF_NONE
return tuple(nid)
def remove(self):
""" Removes the tray icon. """
win32gui.Shell_NotifyIcon(win32gui.NIM_DELETE, self._get_nid())
def set_tooltip(self, tooltip):
""" Sets the tray icon tooltip. """
self._flags = self._flags | win32gui.NIF_TIP
self._tip = tooltip
win32gui.Shell_NotifyIcon(win32gui.NIM_MODIFY, self._get_nid())
def show_balloon(self, title, text, timeout=10, icon=win32gui.NIIF_NONE):
""" Shows a balloon tooltip from the tray icon. """
self._flags = self._flags | win32gui.NIF_INFO
self._infotitle = title
self._info = text
self._timeout = timeout * 1000
self._infoflags = icon
win32gui.Shell_NotifyIcon(win32gui.NIM_MODIFY, self._get_nid())
def _redraw(self, *args):
""" Redraws the tray icon. """
win32gui.Shell_NotifyIcon(win32gui.NIM_ADD, self._get_nid())
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Example on how to use the module.
import gtk
import gobject
import time
class GTKApp:
def __init__(self):
self.main_loop = gobject.MainLoop()
# Create a window with a horizontal scale.
self.wnd = gtk.Window()
self.wnd.set_default_size(640, 480)
self.wnd.set_title('Have fun with the transparency slider')
hscale = gtk.HScale()
hscale.set_increments(1, 10)
hscale.set_range(0, 100)
hscale.connect('value_changed', self.set_window_alpha)
# Note: gtk window must be realized before installing extensions.
self.win32ext = GTKWin32Ext(self.wnd)
# GTK menus from the notify icon!
menu = gtk.Menu()
menu_item = gtk.MenuItem('Baloons!')
menu_item.connect_object('activate', self.menu_cb, self.wnd)
menu_item = gtk.MenuItem('Fadeout Window')
menu_item.connect('activate', self.fadeoutwindow)
menu_item = gtk.MenuItem('Window Disappeared?')
menu_item.connect('activate', self.fadeinwindow)
menu.show_all() = menu
# Set up the callback messages
WM_TRAYMESSAGE: self.on_notifyicon_activity
def set_window_alpha(self, hscale):
def fadeinwindow(self, *args):
while(self.win32ext.alpha < 100):
self.win32ext.set_alpha(self.win32ext.alpha + 1)
def fadeoutwindow(self, *args):
while(self.win32ext.alpha != 0):
self.win32ext.set_alpha(self.win32ext.alpha - 1)
def menu_cb(self, data):
'pyGTK Win32 Extensions', 'No more MFC from today!')
def on_notifyicon_activity(self, hwnd, message, wparam, lparam):
if lparam == WM_RBUTTONUP:, None, None, 0, 0)
elif lparam == WM_LBUTTONUP:
def quit(self, *args):
gtkapp = GTKApp()
I wrote this after looking around for answers on how GTK could interface with the native Windows GUI. I found a ctypes implementation and rewrote it to use the excellent pywin32 module instead. The ctypes uses hooking to intercept windows messages, however my implementation uses subclassing.
ctypes implementation - taewookk
You're welcome :). Hi Nikos,
Great to hear that you find it useful and I've noticed you've created a patch for Gajim Its rocks! I've always wanted to see a Gaim built on python.
There are many improvements that can be done on the code (the extension) but I can't get down to doing it because of lack of time. Why don't u send me a patch (fadlydottabraniatgmaildotcom) and I'll merge it here. Do include your name.
One on my wish list: Bitorrent Win32 with a Tray Icon ;)
more cleanups.
another interesting project is
yet another cleanup post. self.remove in _redraw maybe you mean remove() ?
moreover in _get_nid you first have nid a tuple and then you make it a list and then you return it as tuple? why all that?
you have to return tuple but you do not have to make it list with list() I mean you just do nid = [self._hwnd, self._id, ...]
magical workaround. I am using this recipe in and I was having serious problem with my main window because when I tried to move it I was getting a python crash. After a lot of blind testing, I now have:
and I pass fake_window as window for systray class
my main window is other and everything works ok now..
I would appreciate some comments on this if you knew. Thanks
is deprecated.apply(cb, (hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam))
should be changed tocb(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
.apply(callback, (hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam))
should be changed tocallback(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)