The ldap library at wraps the Openldap C api. It can talk to various versions of ldap servers not just the Openldap servers. Note the use of the '_s' methods like search_s which all are synchronous. Here are some simple examples showing one how to use the library.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | try:
#set which protocol if you do not like the default
l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION2
#search for surnames beginning with a
#available options for how deep a search you want.
#delete fred
#add barney
#note: objectclass is dependant on the ldap server
user_info = {'uid':'barney123',
'objectclass':('Remote-Address','person', 'Top'),
attributes=[ (k,v) for k,v in user_info.items() ]
except ldap.LDAPError, error:
print 'problem with ldap',error
Fundamentally with ldap (as with many other things), you can search,create, and delete. The examples show just that, for more extensive documentation consult
You can reach me at pyguy2 on
Great example, but are there any good async examples? I have used this lib a bit and it is pretty easy, but I haven't tried to use it asyncronously. I looked through the samples that came with the code, but didn't find a good complete example of using the async methods.
Maybe you can post a quick one?
ldap.async. Watch out the python-ldap docs for the sub-module ldap.async which is meant for stream processing of large result sets. The docs solely contain a single example. But that should be sufficient to get the idea.
Do not use LDAPv2. You should not mess with l.protocol_version unless you really know what you're doing!!!
LDAPv2 is a deprecated protocol version (RFCs marked as historic). LDAPv3 is what most LDAP servers implement today.
Therefore python-ldap's default for l.protocol_version is ldap.VERSION3 which sets LDAPv3 for binds.