import socket, string #some user data, change as per your taste SERVER = '' PORT = 6667 NICKNAME = 'test_py' CHANNEL = '#test_py' #open a socket to handle the connection IRC = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #open a connection with the server def irc_conn(): IRC.connect((SERVER, PORT)) #simple function to send data through the socket def send_data(command): IRC.send(command + '\n') #join the channel def join(channel): send_data("JOIN %s" % channel) #send login data (customizable) def login(nickname, username='user', password = None, realname='Pythonist', hostname='Helena', servername='Server'): send_data("USER %s %s %s %s" % (username, hostname, servername, realname)) send_data("NICK " + nickname) irc_conn() login(NICKNAME) join(CHANNEL) while (1): buffer = IRC.recv(1024) msg = string.split(buffer) if msg[0] == "PING": #check if server have sent ping command send_data("PONG %s" % msg[1]) #answer with pong as per RFC 1459 if msg [1] == 'PRIVMSG' and msg[2] == NICKNAME: filetxt = open('/tmp/msg.txt', 'a+') #open an arbitrary file to store the messages nick_name = msg[0][:string.find(msg[0],"!")] #if a private message is sent to you catch it message = ' '.join(msg[3:]) filetxt.write(string.lstrip(nick_name, ':') + ' -> ' + string.lstrip(message, ':') + '\n') #write to the file filetxt.flush() #don't wait for next message, write it now!