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import dis

_const_codes = map(dis.opmap.__getitem__, [

_expr_codes = _const_codes + map(dis.opmap.__getitem__, [

def _get_opcodes(codeobj):
    """_get_opcodes(codeobj) -> [opcodes]

    Extract the actual opcodes as a list from a code object

    >>> c = compile("[1 + 2, (1,2)]", "", "eval")
    >>> _get_opcodes(c)
    [100, 100, 23, 100, 100, 102, 103, 83]
    i = 0
    opcodes = []
    s = codeobj.co_code
    while i < len(s):
        code = ord(s[i])
        if code >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            i += 3
            i += 1
    return opcodes        

def test_expr(expr, allowed_codes):
    """test_expr(expr) -> codeobj

    Test that the expression contains only the listed opcodes.
    If the expression is valid and contains only allowed codes,
    return the compiled code object. Otherwise raise a ValueError
        c = compile(expr, "", "eval")
        raise ValueError, "%s is not a valid expression", expr
    codes = _get_opcodes(c)
    for code in codes:
        if code not in allowed_codes:
            raise ValueError, "opcode %s not allowed" % dis.opname[code]
    return c

def const_eval(expr):
    """const_eval(expression) -> value

    Safe Python constant evaluation

    Evaluates a string that contains an expression describing
    a Python constant. Strings that are not valid Python expressions
    or that contain other code besides the constant raise ValueError.

    >>> const_eval("10")
    >>> const_eval("[1,2, (3,4), {'foo':'bar'}]")
    [1, 2, (3, 4), {'foo': 'bar'}]
    >>> const_eval("1+2")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: opcode BINARY_ADD not allowed
    c = test_expr(expr, _const_codes)
    return eval(c)

def expr_eval(expr):
    """expr_eval(expression) -> value

    Safe Python expression evaluation

    Evaluates a string that contains an expression that only
    uses Python constants. This can be used to e.g. evaluate 
    a numerical expression from an untrusted source.

    >>> expr_eval("1+2")
    >>> expr_eval("[1,2]*2")
    [1, 2, 1, 2]
    >>> expr_eval("__import__('sys').modules")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: opcode LOAD_NAME not allowed
    c = test_expr(expr, _expr_codes)
    return eval(c)


  • revision 3 (19 years ago)
  • previous revisions are not available