These two scripts together allow packages to be migrated into a versioned directory structure, allowing a script to specify minimum version / interpretor / platform requirements at time of import, defaulting to the the newest/highest version when not specified, raising exceptions where necessary. Specifying the level at which the PythonInterpretor or Package is Incompatible. - recurses a site-packages directory managing's - when placed in a directory with versioning runs at time package is imported ensuring selection/compatibility of package from those avaliable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 | ===== [] =============================== START ===========
Versioner [v%s] - The ModuleVersioning Bootstrap Loader Manager
Clayton Brown DigitalRUM 2004 e:[python-aspn-at-claytonbrown-dot-net]
This packages walks a path supplied, installing :
a. empty's - when none exist at all
b. autoloader's - when folder contains no, but a script with same name as folder eg: newmodule/
- note: auto loaders are just's with the line 'from newmodule import *' given the above example
c. version_loader's - bootstrap loader to allow python package versioning, dependancy specification @ time of import takes care of the rest. (provides requires() for python version, package version, and platform.)
Dependancies: (bootstrap loader to control package versioning)
python [-options] [path=currentWorkingDir]
-debug -flag to switch debug on
-watch etc,.. -csv list of packages to watch debug output for
-path -path to versionise.
-x -perform actions (copy/delete/etc) otherwise output will just print what it will do
import os
import sys
import shutil
__version__ = '0.1.0'
versionLoader = os.getcwd() + '/' + ''
_safePrevented = "--- Safe Mode Prevented: "
_execute = 0 #whether to execute commands which will modify file system
def getopts():
"""Returns a dictionary of system arguments, all keys are lowercase
opts = {}
i = 1 #position 0 = script name
while i < len(sys.argv):
key = str(sys.argv[i])
try: value = str(sys.argv[i+1])
except: value = None
if key.startswith('-'): #if its a flag
if value and not(value.startswith('-')):
opts[str(key[1:]).lower()] = value #if it has a value also
i +=1 #advance cursor passed value
opts[key[1:]] = None
i +=1 #advance cursor passed key
return opts
def rm(file):#os independant file delete/sets permission bits etc/ os.remove doesn't handle this WTF?
if os.path.isfile(file):
if _execute:
os.chmod( file, os.W_OK)
if sys.platform == "win32": os.popen( 'attrib -r -a -s -h "%s"' % ( file.replace('/','\\') ) ) #waste windows file attributes
try: os.remove(file)
except: return 0
return 1
print _safePrevented + "Remove: " + file
print 'File not found: %s' % (file)
return 0
def populateDirectories(arg,dirname,names):
for file in names:
_thisCheck = os.path.join(dirname, file)
if os.path.isdir(_thisCheck): directories.append(_thisCheck)
def recurseTree(source):
if len(source) > 0:
def installVersioning():
_lastPackage = None
global _execute
if _execute: print 'Execution is ON'
else: print 'Execution is OFF'
for _dir in directories:
_dir = str(_dir).replace('\\','/')
_dirs = _dir.split('/') #create a tuple from path compenents
_parent_dir = _dir.replace('/' + _dirs[-1],'')
_thisPackage = _dirs[-2]
_loader = _parent_dir + "/"
_initfile = _dir + "/"
_checkPackageScript = "%s/" % ( _dir, _thisPackage )
_debug = _thisPackage in watchlist or len(watchlist) == 0
if _globalDebug: _debug = 1
if not(os.path.isfile( _initfile )): #ensure basic's exist
_initContents = '' #standard place holder / no import
if _debug: print "_checkPackageScript: ", _checkPackageScript
if os.path.isfile( _checkPackageScript ): #folder name is same as script name
_initContents = 'from %s import *' % (_thisPackage) #make a auto importer to import * from script
if _debug: print "_initContents: ", _initContents
if _debug: print 'It seems the package %s needs an auto importer' % _dir
f = open(_initfile,'wb').write( _initContents )
if _debug: print '\nInit file created [%s] : %s' % (os.path.isfile(_initfile), _initfile)
_package, _vPackage = _dirs[-2], str(_dirs[-1]).split('_')
if _package.startswith('_'): print "WARN!! bad package: '_name': %s\t-- (Package name starts with underscore)" % (_dir)
if _dirs[-1].startswith(_package):
if not(_package == _vPackage[0] and len(_vPackage) > 1):
if _debug: print '\nRepeating folders not versioned packages/modules: %s' % (_dir) #do nothing
if not( _package == _lastPackage ):
if _debug: print '\nVersioning Detected:\n[%s]: %s' % ( _package,_dir )
_lastPackage = _package
if not(os.path.isfile(_loader)): #install version loader
if _execute:
try: print '--> Version loader installed [%s]: %s' % (shutil.copy2(versionLoader,_loader), _loader)
except Exception, e: print e
print _safePrevented + "--> Install '%s' --to--> '%s'" % (versionLoader, _loader)
_thisLoaderTime, _masterLoaderTime = os.path.getmtime(_loader), os.path.getmtime(versionLoader) #get modified times
if _masterLoaderTime > _thisLoaderTime: #update version loader if master is newer
if _execute:
try: print '--> Updated version_loader [%s]: %s' % (shutil.copy2(versionLoader,_loader), _loader)
except Exception, e: print e
print _safePrevented + "Update '%s' --to--> '%s'" % (versionLoader, _loader)
if _debug: print '[%s]: %s' % (_package,_dir)
def main(rootDir=None):
print "Recursing site-packages: [%s]" % ( rootDir )
if os.path.isdir(rootDir): recurseTree(rootDir)
else: recurseTree(os.getcwd()) #build a list of all directories within site-packages
directories.sort() #sort
print "Found [%s] paths to inspect" % ( len(directories) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
global _globalDebug, _execute, watchlist, directories
directories = [] #list of directories to inspect for versioning etc.
watchlist = [] #list of packages to output debug info for
_globalDebug = 0 #whether to print debug info
print "\n\ [v%s]\n--------------------------------" % __version__
opts = getopts() # get command line options
directoryToInspect = os.getcwd()
## Check flag options
if len(opts.keys()) > 0:
if opts.has_key('x'):
_execute = 1
print 'Execute is: ON'
else: print 'Execute is: OFF - safe mode'
if opts.has_key('debug'):
_globalDebug = 1
print 'Full debug: ON'
else: print 'Debug: OFF'
if opts.has_key('watch'):
_debug = watchlist = str(opts['w']).split(',')
print 'Watch packages [%s] set to: %s' % ( len(watchlist), watchlist )
if opts.has_key('path'):
directoryToInspect = opts['p']
print "Directory to inspect set to: %s" % (directoryToInspect)
main( directoryToInspect ) #start in current directory
print "\n------------END-----------------\n"
print __doc__ % ( __version__ )
===== [] =============================== END ============
===== [] ========================== START ===========
ModuleVersioning Bootstrap Loader
Clayton Brown - DigitalRUM, 2004 e:[python-aspn-at-claytonbrown-dot-net]
Initial code sourced from: a David Ascher, dicussion
Dependancies: (manages distrobution of this within versioning directories in site-packages
import sys
import os
import imp
import shutil
__version__ = '0.1.0'
__revision__ = '$Revision: #13 $'
__credits__ = ['Clayton Brown', 'David Ascher', 'Guido van Rossum'] #well he did give birth to Python so some credit due....
__created__ = '2004/05/20'
__modified__ = '$Date: 2004/06/01 $'
_debug = 0
_versionChars = list('1234567890_') #allowable characters in versioning
_versionExample = 'MajorVersion.MinorVersion.PatchVersion.MinorPatch.MinorMinorPatch' #Append further here to extend behaviour levels
_versioningMap = _versionExample.split('.')
_debugKey = '_version_loader_debug_' #declare a variable in your importing script with value = 1 (to display import debug)
_dependenciesFile = 'dependencies'
_platform = None
notes = """===================== Development Notes: =====================
$Author: cbrown $
$Header: //proservices/python/site-packages/python2_2/ $
Added optional "_version_loader_debug_" : outputs debug whilste selecting appropriate package
Added optional "_platform_" : filter on packages
Added optional "_package_version_ = '1.1.1.etc' __closestVersion__ to do partial matches/ complain/raise execptions
usage = "\ [v%s] Usage: use 'python' to place within your site-packages where appropriate \n" % ( __version__ ) + \
"-"*100 + "\nUsage: (Note: versions can be expressed to pointLevel needed eg '2.2' will allow '2.2.2', '2.2.3' etc)\n (" + \
"\tInclude _version_loader_debug_ = 0, in your code to disable this debug output\n" + \
"\tInclude _version_loader_debug_ = 1, in your code to disable usage, yet still display package debug\n" + \
"\tInclude _foo_version_ = '1.1.1', before import foo, where foo is module your importing & 1.1.1 is compatible version\n" + \
"\tInclude _python_version_ = '2.2.2', to specify version of PythonInterpreter required \n" + \
"\tInclude _platform_ = 'platformSuffix', in your code to specify preffered platfrom packages when available\n" + "-"*100 + \
def stripChars(str, reject=[], accept=[]):
"""Removes specified characters from a string
Passed two lists (accept/reject) this method strip characters out of a string
if len(str) == 0 or (reject is None and accept is None): return str
if accept is None: accept = list()
if reject is None: reject = list()
count, outstring = 0, ""
while count < len(str):
if str[count] in accept and not(str[count] in reject): outstring = outstring + str[count]
count += 1
return outstring
def __versionsort__(f1, f2):
"""sort directory listing in version order
f1 = stripChars(f1.replace(f1.split('_')[0],''),[], _versionChars )[1:]
f2 = stripChars(f2.replace(f2.split('_')[0],''),[], _versionChars )[1:]
parts1 = f1.split('_')
parts1[1:] = map(int, parts1)
parts2 = f2.split('_')
parts2[1:] = map(int, parts2)
return cmp(parts1, parts2)
def __closestVersion__(_requiredString,versions,package):
"""Finds the closes matching version when exact version not available, raises error if requirement cannot be satisfied,
specifying the depth of the error, eg. Major.Minor.etc.
Some debug output to illustrate wtf is going on.
Determine best match for 0_5_0 in ['PythonMagick_0_4_0', 'PythonMagick_0_4_9', 'PythonMagick_0_5_0']
[0, [0, 4, 0], 'PythonMagick_0_4_0', 0],
[0, [0, 4, 9], 'PythonMagick_0_4_9', 0],
[0, [0, 5, 0], 'PythonMagick_0_5_0', 0]
where: [score, [versionDigits], package, errorsDepth] = each item in collection
global _debug
_requiredString = _requiredString.replace('_','.')
_required = _requiredString.split('.') #convert dotted to underscored / split on underscores
_tolerance = len( _required )
if _debug: print '[%s] Determine best match for %s in %s' % (package, _requiredString, versions)
##Build sortMatrix
_sortMatrix = []
for item in versions:
_version = item.replace(package + '_','').replace('.','_').split('_') #strip the package prefix
#for i in range(0,len(_version)): _version[i] = int(_version[i]) #covert to numeric
#_version = filter(int,_version)#covert to numeric
_this = [ 0, _version, item ]
##Iterate sort matrix scoring available packages
#_required = filter(int,_required)#covert to numeric
for i in range(0,len(_sortMatrix)): #traverse Matrix giving scores
j, _stop = 0, 0 #drill into each point performing comparisons
while j < len(_required) and not(_stop):
if len(_sortMatrix[i][1]) > j and _sortMatrix[i][1][j] == _required[j]: _sortMatrix[i][0] += 1 #increment score if levelMatch avaliable / found
else: _stop = 1 #incompatible from here on in
j += 1 #keep drilling
##Select best match from sort matrix
_score, _latest = 0, None
for i in range(0,len(_sortMatrix)):#select highest available compatible version, with the highest score
if _sortMatrix[i][0] >= _score: #if same score but higher version, or higher score
_score = _sortMatrix[i][0] #Set highscore
_latest = _sortMatrix[i][2] #Package Name and version
if _latest and _score >= len( _required ):
return _latest, _versioningMap[_score]
errorDescription = '\n\t[%s v%s] not avaliable: could not find %s \n\tVersion String Example: %s (non integers are stripped)' % ( package, _requiredString, _versioningMap[_score], _versionExample )
raise Exception, errorDescription
def __isVersioned__(x):
"""Examines directory name to see if appears to be versioned directory
return x[:len(_thisdir)+1] == _thisdir + '_' #ok lambda could be used here, but frankly it sux and is unreadable later
def __isPlatform__(x):
"""Examines directory name to see if appears to be versioned directory
return x.lower().endswith(_platform.lower()) #ok lambda could be used here, but frankly it sux and is unreadable later
def __determineVersion__():
"""Check if required '_package_version_' or required '_platform_' has been nominated by callee/importer
This is variables declared within the importing script, eg:
_foo_version_ = '' #where the level of points is the level of accuracy required
_python_version_ = '2.2.2' #where the level of points is the level of accuracy required
_platform_ = 'rh3posix' #where this will be a suffix on the versioned packages available, else falling back on without if none have this
global _platform, _thisdir
_versionRequired = '_' + _thisdir + '_version_'
_listdir = os.listdir(_dir)
_instdirs = filter(__isVersioned__, _listdir)
_versionSpecified = None
try: #get specified platform, and filter packages by this
_platform = sys._getframe(3).f_globals['_platform_']
if _platform: #reduce versioned packages
if _debug: print "Platform suffix: %s" % (_platform)
_instdirstmp = filter(__isPlatform__,_instdirs) #filter available packages by platform
if len(_instdirstmp) > 0: _instdirs = _instdirstmp #if platform specific packages avaliable, reduce avaliable to these
elif _debug: print "Platform [%s] specific package not found for [%s]" % ( _platform , _thisdir )
except: pass
try:_versionSpecified = stripChars(sys._getframe(3).f_globals[_versionRequired].replace('.', '_'),None, _versionChars )
except: pass
if _debug: print "[%s] Look for: %s == '%s'" % ( _thisdir, _versionRequired, _versionSpecified )
if _versionSpecified: #found a required '_package_version_' in callee
_latest = _thisdir + '_' + str(_versionSpecified)
_exists = os.path.isdir( _dir + '/' + _latest ) #exact version not found
if not(_exists): #try and find the closest version
if _debug: print '[%s] Exact version not found' % (_thisdir)
_latest, _score = __closestVersion__(_versionSpecified, _instdirs, _thisdir)
#if _closest: _latest = _closest
#else: raise Exception, 'Import [%s] not avaliable: could not find %s \nVersion String Example: %s (non integers are stripped)' % ( _thisdir + '_' + _versionSpecified, _score, _versionExample )
else: #no _package_version_specified so using latest available
if _debug: print "[%s] _%s_version_ was not specified so using latest package available" % ( _thisdir, _thisdir )
if _debug: print '[%s] Available: %s' % (_thisdir, _instdirs)
_latest = _instdirs[-1] #select last version in sorted list
return _latest
def __init__():
global _dir, _thisdir, _latest, _debug
_dir = __path__[0]
_thisdir = os.path.basename(_dir)
_debug, _showUsage = 1, 1
try: _debugMode = sys._getframe(2).f_globals[_debugKey] #Get debugMode if it has been declared
except: _debugMode = None
if _debugMode == 0: _debug, _showUsage = 0, 0
elif _debugMode == 1: _debug, _showUsage = 1, 0
#Determine PythonInterpretor version compatiblity in calling script i.e. look '_python_version_' set in callee and compare with PythonInterpretor Running
try: _pythonVersion = sys._getframe(2).f_globals['_python_version_']
except: _pythonVersion = None
if _pythonVersion: _pythonOK, _score = __closestVersion__( _pythonVersion, [sys.version.split(' ')[0]], 'PythonInterpretor' ) #compare required python version with this python version
if _debug:
print '\n'
if _showUsage: print "Version Loader Debug Mode is on,\n" + usage
_latest = __determineVersion__()
sys.path.append(_dir.replace('/','\\') + '\\' + _latest) #append the module imported's path to sys.path so build binaries are in path
if _debug: print '[%s] Selected: [%s]' % (__path__[0], _latest)
try:_file, _pathname, _description = imp.find_module(_latest, __path__)#import the determined versioned module
except Exception, e: print e
_module = imp.load_module(_latest, _file, _pathname, _description) #Load the package now....
try: _packagePython = _module._python_version_ #check if package nominates a compatible python version
except: _packagePython = None
if _packagePython: __closestVersion__( _packagePython, [sys.version.split(' ')[0]], _thisdir + '.PythonInterpretor' ) #compare packages required python version with this python version
globals().update(_module.__dict__) #update globals
if __name__ == "__main__": print '\n\n' + __doc__ + '\n\n' + usage
else: __init__()
===== [] ========================== END ===========
I typically I dont alter my default 'site-packages' directory, instead I place a versioned_packages.pth file in this I add the directory path ('c:/cvs/python22/versioned_packages') to my versioned packages directory which I keep under revision control and migrate versioned packages into this, this enables me to do this on many machines inheriting the changes on each machine with a sync to head revisions. And still allow things which dont play nicely (eg. win32 stuff) to be installed locally without problem.
When versioning a package, create a sub folder in the form 'folder_1_1_1' or 'folder_1_1_a1redhat9' where version is 1.1.1alpha for platform 'redhat9' etc if this depends on binaries, I move these into this folder also, eg stuff normally found in DLLs folder, shared-objects etc, I guess where python packages wrapp different versions of system binaries this could get difficult eg MySQL relying on different versions of dbase service, DCOracle2 needing different Oracle Client libs, etc, etc.
I have both of these files in my versioned packages directory root from where I execute them. Currently I have a seperate python22 package directory from python23 but am considering the possiblility of the merge. Might create more headaches than benifit.
Ultimately I would prefer pythons import syntax to allow 'import package version 2.2.2' implementing this behaviour, coupled with a wget from PyPi when package not avaliable locally, or a require(package,version) method or something I'll leave it to the Guru's for such decisions - this seems to work for now. Though it leaves the compatibilty setting to the end user, not preferred I guess.
Im not sure how backwards compatible this is i used python 2.2.2, perhaps improvements on backwards compatibility could be made / speed ups etc. adds - blank's to directories without them allowing 'import dir.subdir.subsubdir.myscript as myscript' - autoloader's (from package import *) where required (foldername == script name I typically I dont alter my default 'site-packages' directory, instead I place a versioned_packages.pth file in this I add the directory path ('c:/cvs/python22/versioned_packages') to my versioned packages directory which I keep under revision control and migrate versioned packages into this, this enables me to do this on many machines inheriting the changes on each machine with a sync to head revisions. And still allow things which dont play nicely (eg. win32 stuff) to be installed locally without problem.
When versioning a package, create a sub folder in the form 'folder_1_1_1' or 'folder_1_1_a1redhat9' where version is 1.1.1alpha for platform 'redhat9' etc if this depends on binaries, I move these into this folder also, eg stuff normally found in DLLs folder, shared-objects etc, I guess where python packages wrapp different versions of system binaries this could get difficult eg MySQL relying on different versions of dbase service, DCOracle2 needing different Oracle Client libs, etc, etc.
I have both of these files in my versioned packages directory root from where I execute them. Currently I have a seperate python22 package directory from python23 but am considering the possiblility of the merge. Might create more headaches than benifit.
Ultimately I would prefer pythons import syntax to allow 'import package version 2.2.2' implementing this behaviour, coupled with a wget from PyPi when package not avaliable locally, or a require(package,version) method or something I'll leave it to the Guru's for such decisions - this seems to work for now. Though it leaves the compatibilty setting to the end user, not preferred I guess.
Im not sure how backwards compatible this is i used python 2.2.2, perhaps improvements on backwards compatibility could be made / speed ups etc. adds - blank's to directories without them allowing 'import dir.subdir.subsubdir.myscript as myscript' - autoloader's (from package import *) where required (foldername == script name
Need to break up super-long lines and improve Discussion. The Description and Discussion sections are unreadable due to the super-long lines in the source code.
It is not practical to evaluate this recipe because it is unreadable.
From what little I could make out, I could not determine the purpose of this recipe.