A simple Towers of Hanoi demo using wxPython. This sits with my Koch snowflake demo and Guido's similar demo using Tk. Credit to Martin Bernreuther for inspiration.
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The Towers of Hanoi for wxPython
by S. Foster, Jan. 2004
based on wxHanoi.cpp
by Martin Bernreuther
from wxPython.wx import *
import cPickle
import zlib
ICON = """\
def getIconData():
return cPickle.loads( zlib.decompress( ICON ))
class wxHanoiDisc:
def __init__( self, n, width, height ):
self.width = ( n + 1 ) * width
self.height = height
self.n = n
self.brush = wxBrush( wxNamedColour( COLOURS[ n % len( COLOURS )] ))
class wxHanoiFrame( wxFrame ):
def __init__( self, title, pos, size ):
wxFrame.__init__( self, None, -1,
title, pos = pos, size = size )
icon = wxIconFromXPMData( getIconData() )
self.SetIcon( icon )
self.sleepTime = 3
self.numDiscs = 4
self.pen = wxPen( wxNamedColour( 'BLACK' ), 1, wxSOLID )
EVT_CLOSE( self, self.OnCloseWindow )
EVT_PAINT( self, self.OnPaint )
def CreateMenu( self ):
def MenuCallback( menu, item, callback ):
id = wxNewId()
menu.Append( id, item )
EVT_MENU( self, id, callback )
menuBar = wxMenuBar()
menuFile = wxMenu()
MenuCallback( menuFile, 'E&xit...\tCtrl-X', self.OnQuit )
menuBar.Append( menuFile, '&File' )
menuPlay = wxMenu()
MenuCallback( menuPlay, '&Number of Discs...', self.OnInpNumDiscs )
MenuCallback( menuPlay, '&Time between Moves...', self.OnInpSleepTime )
MenuCallback( menuPlay, '&Play', self.OnPlay )
MenuCallback( menuPlay, '&Reset', self.OnReset )
menuBar.Append( menuPlay, '&Play' )
menuHelp = wxMenu()
MenuCallback( menuHelp, '&About...', self.OnAbout )
menuBar.Append( menuHelp, '&Help' )
self.SetMenuBar( menuBar )
def Initialize( self ):
self.width, self.height = self.GetClientSize()
maxwidth = self.width / 3
w = self.width / 6
self.xpos = [ i * w for i in [ 1, 3, 5 ]]
height = self.height / self.numDiscs
width = maxwidth / self.numDiscs
if height > width:
height = width
self.discheight = height
self.discwidthfac = width
discs = range( self.numDiscs )
self.pegs = [[ wxHanoiDisc( i, width, height ) for i in discs ], [], []]
self.moves = 0
width, height = self.GetClientSize()
self.Draw( wxClientDC( self ), width, height )
def OnQuit( self, _event ):
self.Close( true );
def OnCloseWindow( self, event ):
def OnAbout( self, event ):
wxMessageBox( __doc__, 'About wxHanoi', wxOK|wxICON_INFORMATION, self )
def OnInpNumDiscs( self, _event ):
self.numDiscs = wxGetNumberFromUser( '', 'Discs:', 'Number of Discs',
self.numDiscs, 1, 25, self )
if self.numDiscs == -1:
self.SetStatusText( "Invalid number entered or dialog cancelled." )
def OnInpSleepTime( self, _event ):
self.sleepTime = wxGetNumberFromUser( '', 'Wait [sec/10]:', 'Time between Moves',
self.sleepTime, 0, 10, self )
if self.sleepTime == -1:
self.SetStatusText( "Invalid number entered or dialog cancelled." )
def OnPlay( self, _event ):
self.SetStatusText( 'Playing' )
self.Move( 0, 2, 1, self.numDiscs )
self.SetStatusText( 'Finished: %s Moves' % self.moves )
def OnReset( self, event ):
def DrawDisc( self, dc, disc, x, y ):
assert x <= 2
dc.SetPen( self.pen )
dc.SetBrush( disc.brush )
self.xpos[x] - ( disc.width / 2 ),
self.height - ( y * self.discheight ),
disc.height )
def Draw( self, dc, width, height ):
mdc = wxMemoryDC()
mdc.SelectObject( wxEmptyBitmap( width, height ))
for x, peg in enumerate( self.pegs ):
for y, disc in enumerate( peg ):
self.DrawDisc( mdc, disc, x, y+1 )
dc.Blit( 0, 0, width, height, mdc, 0, 0 )
def OnPaint( self, event ):
width, height = self.GetClientSize()
self.Draw( wxPaintDC( self ), width, height )
def MoveDisc( self, src, dst ):
disc = self.pegs[src].pop()
self.pegs[dst].append( disc )
self.moves += 1
self.SetStatusText( 'Move %s' % self.moves )
width, height = self.GetClientSize()
self.Draw( wxClientDC( self ), width, height )
wxUsleep( 100 * self.sleepTime )
def Move( self, src, dst, temp, n ):
if n == 1:
self.MoveDisc( src, dst )
self.Move( src, temp, dst, n-1 )
self.MoveDisc( src, dst )
self.Move( temp, dst, src, n-1 )
class wxHanoiApp( wxApp ):
def OnInit( self ):
self.frame = wxHanoiFrame(
'Towers of Hanoi for wxPython',
wxPoint( 50, 50 ),
wxSize( 450, 350 ))
self.frame.Show( True )
self.SetTopWindow( self.frame )
return True
app = wxHanoiApp(0)
Tags: graphics
global undefined. fyi - using python 2.2.2 with wxPython on Win2K i get:
NameError: global name 'enumerate' is not defined
Python 2.3 required. The undefined global is because enumerate isa new built-in with Python 2.3. The author should explicitly state that this recipe requires Python 2.3 or more recent. (Technically it's not hard to re-write enumerate for earlier Python versions. Subject of another recipe, perhaps? :-) )
Python Version. OK, OK, Python 2.3 required because of the use of the 'enumerate' built-in. On older versions of Python there are alternatives to enumerate, see elsewhere in the cookbook :-)
A slight improvement (on my PC anyway). Didn't get to see many of the moves: adding wxYield() to the end of Move() did the trick.
Change call to wxUsleep() to wxMilliSleep() when using wxWidgets-2.5.3 or higher. When running this code with wxWidgets-2.5.3 or higher an error will be reported:
python wxHanoiApp.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "wxHanoiApp.py", line 139, in OnPlay
File "wxHanoiApp.py", line 182, in Move
File "wxHanoiApp.py", line 182, in Move
File "wxHanoiApp.py", line 182, in Move
File "wxHanoiApp.py", line 180, in Move
File "wxHanoiApp.py", line 176, in MoveDisc
NameError: global name 'wxUsleep' is not defined
When using wxWidgets-2.5.3 or higher the code needs to be updated changing the function call wxUsleep() to wxMilliSleep(). The function wxUsleep() has been deprecated.