# # Extract DataSource Properties # #################################################################### # List installed DataSources. #################################################################### proc showList { a } { foreach e $a { regexp {(.*)(\(cells.*)} $e 1 2 3 puts [ format "%-5s %-50s\n" " " $2 ] puts [ format "%-10s %-50s\n" " " $3 ] lappend returnList $2 } return $returnList } #################################################################### # List JAAS authentication entries. #################################################################### proc listJAAS { a } { global AdminConfig foreach e $a { set subList [ $AdminConfig show $e ] foreach e $subList { puts [ format "%-5s %-30s %-20s" " " [ lindex $e 0 ] [ lindex $e 1 ] ] } puts "\n" } } #################################################################### # Show properties of Installed DataSources. #################################################################### proc showProperties {dataSourceId} { set dataSource [ string range $dataSourceId 0 [ expr [string first "(cells" $dataSourceId] -1 ] ] puts "\n *** - showProperties - dataSource is $dataSource - *** \n" global AdminConfig puts [ format "\n%-5s %-30s" " " "Display General Properties\n"] lappend propList authDataAlias lappend propList authMechanismPreference lappend propList description lappend propList name lappend propList jndiName lappend propList provider lappend propList relationalResourceAdapter lappend propList statementCacheSize lappend propList datasourceHelperClassname foreach e $propList { set attrValue [ $AdminConfig showAttribute $dataSourceId $e ] if { $e == "provider" || $e == "relationalResourceAdapter" } { regexp {(.*)(\(cells.*)} $attrValue 1 2 3 set attrValue $2 } puts [ format "%-5s %-30s %-20s" " " $e $attrValue ] } # Extract mapping properties from mapping list # may not exist for all datasource types. # wsadmin returns variables even when they do not exist so cannot use info exist. puts [ format "\n%-5s %-30s" " " "Display mapping properties\n"] set mappingId [$AdminConfig show $dataSourceId mapping] if {[string length $mappingId] != 0 } { set mappingId [lindex [split [$AdminConfig show $dataSourceId mapping]] 1] regsub -all "\}" $mappingId "" mappingId foreach e [$AdminConfig showall $mappingId] { puts [ format "%-5s %-30s %-20s" " " [lindex $e 0] [lindex $e 1] ] } } # Extract propertySet properties from propertySet list set propertySetId [lindex [split [$AdminConfig show $dataSourceId propertySet]] 1] puts [ format "\n%-5s %-30s" " " "Display Custom Properties\n"] regsub -all "\}" $propertySetId "" propertySetId set propertySetList [ $AdminConfig showall $propertySetId ] set i 0 while { $i <= 7 } { set sublist [ lindex [ lindex [ lindex $propertySetList 0 ] 1 ] $i ] foreach e $sublist { if {[lindex $e 0] == "description"} { set continue true } else { puts [ format "%-5s %-30s %-20s" " " [ lindex $e 0] [ lindex $e 1 ] ] } } incr i puts \n } # Extract connectionPool properties from connectionPool list puts [ format "\n%-5s %-30s" " " "Display Connection Pool properties\n"] set connectionPoolId [lindex [split [$AdminConfig show $dataSourceId connectionPool]] 1] regsub -all "\}" $connectionPoolId "" connectionPoolId foreach e [$AdminConfig showall $connectionPoolId] { puts [ format "%-5s %-30s %-20s" " " [lindex $e 0] [lindex $e 1] ] } } #################################################################### # Main Control. #################################################################### #################################################################### # List Installed DataSources. #################################################################### set datasources [ $AdminConfig list DataSource ] puts "\nList installed DataSources\n" catch { showList $datasources } r #################################################################### # List JAASAuthData authentication entries. #################################################################### set JAASentries [ $AdminConfig list JAASAuthData ] puts "\nList installed JAASAuthData authentication entries\n" listJAAS $JAASentries #################################################################### # Show properties for each datasource. #################################################################### foreach e $datasources { showProperties $e } #################################################################### # The end. #################################################################### puts [ format "\n %-30s %-30s" " " "*** THE END ***\n" ]