A Python class to extract zip files. It's also written for easy use as a standalone script from the commandline.
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Version: 1.1
Extract a zipfile to the directory provided
It first creates the directory structure to house the files
then it extracts the files to it.
Sample usage:
command line
unzip.py -p 10 -z c:\testfile.zip -o c:\testoutput
python class
import unzip
un = unzip.unzip()
un.extract(r'c:\testfile.zip', 'c:\testoutput')
By Doug Tolton
import sys
import zipfile
import os
import os.path
import getopt
class unzip:
def __init__(self, verbose = False, percent = 10):
self.verbose = verbose
self.percent = percent
def extract(self, file, dir):
if not dir.endswith(':') and not os.path.exists(dir):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(file)
# create directory structure to house files
self._createstructure(file, dir)
num_files = len(zf.namelist())
percent = self.percent
divisions = 100 / percent
perc = int(num_files / divisions)
# extract files to directory structure
for i, name in enumerate(zf.namelist()):
if self.verbose == True:
print "Extracting %s" % name
elif perc > 0 and (i % perc) == 0 and i > 0:
complete = int (i / perc) * percent
print "%s%% complete" % complete
if not name.endswith('/'):
outfile = open(os.path.join(dir, name), 'wb')
def _createstructure(self, file, dir):
self._makedirs(self._listdirs(file), dir)
def _makedirs(self, directories, basedir):
""" Create any directories that don't currently exist """
for dir in directories:
curdir = os.path.join(basedir, dir)
if not os.path.exists(curdir):
def _listdirs(self, file):
""" Grabs all the directories in the zip structure
This is necessary to create the structure before trying
to extract the file to it. """
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(file)
dirs = []
for name in zf.namelist():
if name.endswith('/'):
return dirs
def usage():
print """usage: unzip.py -z <zipfile> -o <targetdir>
<zipfile> is the source zipfile to extract
<targetdir> is the target destination
-z zipfile to extract
-o target location
-p sets the percentage notification
-v sets the extraction to verbose (overrides -p)
long options also work:
def main():
shortargs = 'vhp:z:o:'
longargs = ['verbose', 'help', 'percent=', 'zipfile=', 'outdir=']
unzipper = unzip()
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortargs, longargs)
except getopt.GetoptError:
zipsource = ""
zipdest = ""
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
unzipper.verbose = True
if o in ("-p", "--percent"):
if not unzipper.verbose == True:
unzipper.percent = int(a)
if o in ("-z", "--zipfile"):
zipsource = a
if o in ("-o", "--outdir"):
zipdest = a
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
if zipsource == "" or zipdest == "":
unzipper.extract(zipsource, zipdest)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
While there are many ways to add files to a zip archive via python, I have been unable to locate a good solution of extracting those same files from a zip archive.
I have written this class to make it easy to extract a zip file to a given location.
I have not yet tested this recipe on a Linux / Unix box, but in principle it should work.
Sample usage: unzip.py -p 10 -z c:\testfile.zip -o c:\testoutput
Yes, but... Yes, this works on Linux. I just verified it, out of curiosity. But we already have standard command-line tools called zip and unzip, which work just fine.
The real value of the zipfile module, as I understand it, is that you can go between memory and zip files easily. Extracting between files doesn't seem so useful.
Anyway, you failed to handle exceptions. This happens when I attempt to extract an encrypted file:
So even as a simple utility, it needs work. I tested it only b/c I wanted to be sure that zipfile works on my system.
Paths with \ don't exist... I had a problem with this code because my zipfile didn't have new paths defined as line-items. I changed it to just create the directory structure on the fly:
And within the extract function:
le script marche bien, une fois pris en compte les commentaires! merci Doug pour ton script, il marche bien, une fois pris en compte les commentaires! je l'ai testé avec succès sous MacOS 9.2.2 avec Python 2.2.3 dans le script, suivant:
! /usr/bin/env python
import base64, re, urllib, string, sys, zipfile, os, os.path
pattern_in_base64 = r""" merci Doug pour ton script, il marche bien, une fois pris en compte les commentaires! je l'ai testé avec succès sous MacOS 9.2.2 avec Python 2.2.3 dans le script, suivant:
! /usr/bin/env python
import base64, re, urllib, string, sys, zipfile, os, os.path
pattern_in_base64 = r"""
suite du précédent.
Can I use it to download a .zip file and unzip it into a local folder?