It returns the Xth token in a sentence.. like: i have a sentence divided by : and i want to get the second value sentence: set x "Value 1 : Value 2 : Value 3" [gettok $x 2 :] is returns <b>Value 2</b> if you use 0 as the will returns the number of tokens in this case... <b>3</b>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | proc gettok {1 2 3} {
if {![string match -nocase *$3* $1]&&$2==1} {return $1}
if {![string match -nocase *$3* $1]&&$2>1} {return}
if {$2=="0"} {
if {[string match -nocase *$3* $1]} {
set a [split $1 $3];return [llength $a]
};return 1
set a [split $1 $3];if {$2>[llength $a]} {return}
if {[lindex $a [expr $2 - 1]]==""&&[lindex $a $2]!=""} {return [lindex $a $2]}
return [lindex $a [expr $2 - 1]]
Tags: datastructures
A simpler alternative. Wouldn't this be simpler and more robust?
A simpler alternative.. simplier yes, more robust no ;] mine checks for mistakes and everything.. if u know mirc scripting..i tried to make a +- port of $gettok to tcl..doesnt do quite the same cose in mirc is more complex supports things like -3 2-4 4-..and that would make gettok bigger... and urs doesnt do the same s mine does..test the examples i gave with urs ;]