from javax.naming import * from java.util import * from import * class ADS: ''' The parameters required for making the connections. the user name should be a user with previliges to log into the LDAP machine. ''' ads_server="" ads_user="" ads_password="" ads_base_dns="DC=something,DC=com" ''' The constructor: This intialises the ads object ''' def __init__(self): self.url="ldap://%s/%s" % (self.ads_server,self.ads_base_dns) env=Hashtable() env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory") env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, self.url) env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple") env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, self.ads_user) env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, self.ads_password) ctx =InitialDirContext(env) self.ctx=ctx ''' The string method is overriden to print the url used to connect to the ads server. ''' def __str__(self): return self.url ''' Method for adding an attribute with a specific value to ADS ''' def modify_attribute(self,name,value,username=None): myAttrs = BasicAttributes(1) oc = BasicAttribute(name) oc.add(value) myAttrs.put(oc) if username!=None: self.ctx.modifyAttributes("cn=%s,ou=portal,ou=admins" % username, DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, myAttrs) else: results=self.search_user("*") for result in results: attrs=result.getAttributes() try: self.ctx.modifyAttributes("cn=%s,ou=portal,ou=admins" % attrs.get("name").get(), DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, myAttrs) except: pass ''' Method for searching a user by it's name for wild card search use * ''' def search_user(self,username): return,"user") ''' Method for searching a group by it's name for wild card search user * ''' def search_group(self,groupname): return,"group") ''' The main search class ''' def search(self,criteria,objectclass): srch =SearchControls() srch.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE) results ="", "(&(CN=%s) (objectClass=%s))" % (criteria,objectclass), srch) return results ''' The class for handling the output results of the ads search ''' class Output: ''' Method for printing all the attributes present in the search result of a user or group. ''' def print_attributes(self,results): for result in results: attributes=result.getAttributes() for atr in attributes.getIDs(): print str(atr) ''' Method for printing the values of results in ADS. ''' def print(self,results,*attributes): for result in results: ads_attributes=result.getAttributes() print self.attribute_string(ads_attributes,attributes) ''' Method for writing the results of the the output to a file ''' def log(self,results,*attributes): filename="" fd=open(filename,"w") for result in results: ads_attributes=result.getAttributes() fd.write("%s\n" % self.attribute_string(ads_attributes,attributes)) fd.flush() fd.close() ''' Generic method for displaying the ADS attribute ''' def attribute_string(self,ads_attributes,attributes): result=str(ads_attributes.get("name")) for attribute in attributes: result="%s,%s" % (result,ads_attributes.get(attribute)) return result