Code to call a Windows Dll """void FAR PASCAL hllapi(int FAR *, char FAR *, int FAR *, int FAR *)""" with ctypes (trivial) and calldll (a nightmare).
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# Author: Stefano Spinucci
# Written: 2002/02/16
# This program interface the 3270 HLLAPI library of an Italian 3270 emulator using
# the ctypes library (home page :
# or on sourceforge :
# The calling scheme for the function is :
# void FAR PASCAL hllapi(int FAR *, char FAR *, int FAR *, int FAR *);
# NOTE :
# <from ctypes docs> Internally ctypes makes heavy use of the new type system introduced
# in Python 2.2, so it will not work in earlier versions.
from ctypes import windll, c_int, c_string, c_char_p, byref
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dll initialization
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Load the dll 'Ehllapi.dll' (the file .py is in the same directory of the dll)
Ehllap32 = windll.ehllap32
#Load the function 'hllapi' from the dll
hllapi = Ehllap32.hllapi
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# variables setting and function calling
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Set the variables
h_func = c_int(1)
h_text = c_string('A')
#alternatively to "h_text = c_string('A')" you can use "h_text = c_char_p('A')"
h_len = c_int(1)
h_ret = c_int(999)
#Function calling
hllapi(byref(h_func), h_text, byref(h_len), byref(h_ret))
#Print the value returned
print h_func.value
print h_text.value
print h_len.value
print h_ret.value
# PROGRAM NAME : HLLAPI interface - calldll version
# Author: Stefano Spinucci
# Written: 2002/02/16
# This program interface the 3270 HLLAPI library of an Italian 3270 emulator using
# the calldll library (from Sam Rushing
# I've found very useful also from
# The calling scheme for the function is :
# void FAR PASCAL hllapi(int FAR *, char FAR *, int FAR *, int FAR *);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function defining :
# - myPrintLong : given a membuf with a long inside, print the long
# - myPrintString : given a membuf with a string inside, print the string
# - mySetLong : given a membuf with len = 4, set his value with the long passed
# - mySetString : given a membuf, set his value with the string passed (adding the character \0)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def myPrintLong(vVar):
#Print the long (first way)
a= struct.unpack('I',[0]
print a
#Print the long (second way)
print calldll.read_long(vVar.address())
def myPrintString(vVar):
#Print the string (first way)
a =
print a[:len(a)-1]
print len(a)
#Print the string (second way)
a = calldll.read_string(vVar.address())
print a
print len(a)
def mySetLong(vMemBuf, vValueToSet):
string_packed = struct.pack("L",vValueToSet) # packed as unsigned long
def mySetString(vMemBuf, vValueToSet):
data_len = len(vValueToSet)
pack_format = str(data_len+1)+"s" # add one for \0 at the end.
string_packed = struct.pack(pack_format, vValueToSet) # pack() will add \0 for us
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import the required library
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Import the calldll module
import calldll
#Import the struct module (a standard python module)
import struct
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the handle of the dll and the address of the function
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Get the handle of the Dll
handle = calldll.load_library ('C:\Tee3270\Ehllap32')
#Get the address of the function
address = calldll.get_proc_address (handle, 'HLLAPI')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialization
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vFunction, vTextLen and vResult are defined as a membuf with lenght = 4, because 4 is the lenght
# of an unsigned long packed with struct.pack("L", NumberToPack)
vFunction = calldll.membuf(4)
vTextLen = calldll.membuf(4)
vResult = calldll.membuf(4)
# vFunction is defined as a membuf with lenght = 1921 because the dll needs a buffer of
# 1920 char + 1 for \0 at the end
# You can here define a membuf of the lenght you need + 1 for the last \0 character
vText = calldll.membuf(1921)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function calling
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Vars setting
mySetLong(vFunction, 1)
string_value_to_write = 'A'
mySetString(vText, string_value_to_write)
mySetLong(vTextLen, len(string_value_to_write))
mySetLong(vResult, 1)
#Call the function
calldll.call_foreign_function (
(vFunction.address(), vText.address(), vTextLen.address(), vResult.address())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dll unloading
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Unload the dll
calldll.free_library (handle)
Some days ago I had to call a Windows dll (who needs int and char pointers) with calldll, and I failed. Then I discovered ctypes ( and it was trivial. However I'd like to use also calldll ( I won, and the code I posted 'll show you the two solutions. I posted the calldll solution because there is so few documentation, and I think my code can help someone ;-) The ctypes code is posted only to show you this beautiful library I hope become famous.