On the web and various purpose, we want to thumbnail images.
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# -*- python -*-
# Python Thumbnail image generator
import os
import sys
import re
import imghdr
from getopt import getopt
from StringIO import StringIO
from PIL import Image # Require PIL module.
class ThumbnailGenerator:
"Thumbnail image generator."
default_geom = (100, 100)
geomfmt = re.compile('(?P<W>\d+)x(?P<H>\d+)')
def __init__(self):
self.limit_geom = self.default_geom
self.outd = '.'
self.suf = '-thumb'
def setoutdir(self, outd):
self.outd = outd
def setsuffix(self, suf):
self.suf = suf
def setbasesize(self, geom):
matched = self.geomfmt.match(geom)
if not matched:
raise ValueError, 'Geometory format is not "XxY"'
self.limit_geom = (int(matched.group('W')), int(matched.group('H')))
def generate(self, fn, fp=None):
"Generate thumbnail."
im = Image.open(fn)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(fn)
if fp: im.save(fp, imghdr.what(fn))
else: im.save(os.path.join(self.outd, '%s%s%s'%(base, self.suf, ext)))
return im
def raw_generate(self, fn):
"Generate thumbnail (retruns rawdata)"
im = Image.open(fn)
buf = StringIO()
im.save(buf, imghdr.what(fn))
return buf.getvalue()
def __usage():
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: %s [options] imagefile ...' % sys.argv[0]
def __help():
print '''options:
-b XxY base thumbnail size
-h print this usage
-o directory output directory
-s suffix thumbnail suffix'''
def __main():
optdic = {}
arglist = []
optlist = []
tmp = sys.argv[1:]
while 1:
opts, tmp = getopt(tmp, 'b:ho:s:')
if opts: optlist += opts
if not tmp: break
tmp = tmp[1:]
# Examine options and filenames.
if optlist:
for key, val in optlist:
if key == '-h':
if optdic.has_key(key):
raise ValueError, '%s option duplicated' % key
optdic[key] = val
if not arglist:
generator = ThumbnailGenerator()
if optdic.has_key('-b'): generator.setbasesize(optdic['-b'])
if optdic.has_key('-o'): generator.setoutdir(optdic['-o'])
if optdic.has_key('-s'): generator.setsuffix(optdic['-s'])
# Generate thumbnails.
for fn in arglist:
if __name__ == '__main__':
except Exception, e:
print >>sys.stderr, e
The ThumbnailGenerator.raw_generate() is generate thumbnail raw binary. It useful to Database(e.g. insert to BLOB field).
Tags: graphics
X by Y. This is a nice recipe, but I think it would be better if your class didn't need to parse the geometry strings. It would be cleaner just to pass the width and height as arguments or a tuple, and have your main() function handle interaction with the user.
Using imagemagick. If you have imagemagick installed, you can use this recipe: