PortForwarder forwards incoming tcp/ip data (defined port and ip address) towards an assigned remote ip address and port. Lowlevel security is done by checking on remote ip address (which is not secure but blocks)
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# PFW - Portforwarder tcltk use at own risk, Norman Deppenbroek 2001
# forwarding raw data from a listening port, towards a standard remote address:port
# block by session limits and accesslist
namespace eval pfw {
variable version v0.93
variable copyright "PortForwarder $pfw::version by Nodep"
variable debug False # if true show packet size on stdout
variable localhost 0
variable localport 0
variable remotehost 0
variable remoteport 0
variable maxsession 0
variable allowlist 0
variable denylist 0
proc time {} { return [ clock format [ clock seconds ] -format %D-%T ] }
proc print { syntax } { puts "[ pfw::time ] --> $syntax" }
namespace eval db {
variable cnt 0
proc inc { } {
return [ incr pfw::db::cnt ]
proc dec { } {
return [ set pfw::db::cnt [ expr $pfw::db::cnt - 1 ] ]
proc sio { fromsock tosock ip port } {
if { [ catch { set data [read $fromsock] } merror ] } {
pfw::print "ERR: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $merror"
pfw::print "CLR: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $pfw::remotehost:$pfw::remoteport <-> $pfw::localhost:$pfw::localport <-> $ip:$port"
catch { close $fromsock }
catch { close $tosock }
if {[string length $data] == 0} {
catch { close $fromsock }
catch { close $tosock }
pfw::print "CLR: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $pfw::localhost:$pfw::localport <-> $pfw::remotehost:$pfw::remoteport <-> $ip:$port"
if { $pfw::debug } { pfw::print "TRX: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $pfw::remotehost:$pfw::remoteport <-> $pfw::localhost:$pfw::localport
if { [ catch { puts -nonewline $tosock $data } merror ] } {
pfw::print "ERR: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $merror"
pfw::print "CLR: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $pfw::remotehost:$pfw::remoteport <-> $pfw::localhost:$pfw::localport <-> $ip:$port
catch { close $fromsock }
catch { close $tosock }
proc connect { serverhost serverport sockclient ip port} {
if { $pfw::db::cnt < $pfw::maxsession } {
if { [ lsearch -exact $pfw::allowlist $ip ] != -1 } {
if { [ catch { set sockserver [ socket $pfw::remotehost $pfw::remoteport ] } merror ] } {
pfw::print "ERR: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $merror"
pfw::print "CLR: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $pfw::localhost:$pfw::localport <-> $ip:$port"
catch { close $sockclient }
catch { close $sockserver }
pfw::print "NEW: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $pfw::localhost:$pfw::localport <-> $ip:$port"
pfw::print "CON: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $pfw::localhost:$pfw::localport <-> $ip:$port "
fconfigure $sockclient -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
fconfigure $sockserver -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
fileevent $sockclient readable [list sio $sockclient $sockserver $ip $port ]
fileevent $sockserver readable [list sio $sockserver $sockclient $ip $port ]
} else {
pfw::print "INT: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $ip:$port rejected by accesslist!"
catch { close $sockclient }
} else {
pfw::print "INT: #$pfw::db::cnt \t $ip:$port rejected, maxsession reached!"
catch { close $sockclient }
if { $argc == 7 } {
set pfw::db::cnt 0
set pfw::localhost [ lindex $argv 0 ]
set pfw::localport [ lindex $argv 1 ]
set pfw::remotehost [ lindex $argv 2 ]
set pfw::remoteport [ lindex $argv 3 ]
set pfw::maxsession [ lindex $argv 4 ]
set pfw::debug [ lindex $argv 5 ]
if { [ catch { set infile [ open [ lindex $argv 6 ]] } merror ] } {
puts "ERROR - $merror"
} else {
set pfw::allowlist [ read $infile ]
if { [ catch { close $infile } merror ] } {
puts "ERROR - $merror"
pfw::print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
pfw::print "$pfw::copyright - $pfw::localhost:$pfw::localport <-> $pfw::remotehost:$pfw::remoteport"
pfw::print "Allowing connections from:"
for {set x 0} { $x < [ llength $pfw::allowlist ]} {incr x} {pfw::print [ lindex $pfw::allowlist $x ] }
pfw::print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
socket -server [list connect $pfw::remotehost $pfw::remoteport ] -myaddr $pfw::localhost $pfw::localport
vwait forever
} else {
puts "\n\n"
puts "------------------------------------"
puts "$pfw::copyright - Usage:"
puts "------------------------------------"
puts "$argv0 localhost localport remotehost remoteport maxsessions false|true xslist.pfw\n\n"
# make a file called xslist.pfw and store it in de directory where pfw.tcl
# is listed and executed. XSLIST.PFW contains 1 line of allowed ip addresses:
Forwarding data from one machine to a static ip could be used to passby Firewalls when running the PortForwarder on an outside machine with a granted (by firewall) port (like 80). The example is fully functional, but I would like to have a look using the fcopy command instead and also to see if its possible to do with less catch checks on IO. (could be faster but also have some disadvantages using Fcopy)
Use the code for free and its a great example on how flexible tcl code is when it comes to socket tranfers.
See also sockspy at http://mini.net/tcl/sockspy for a similar port forwarding program but one designed more for the spying upon the data being sent on the socket.
Mini.net is offline. Find the new page for sockspy at wiki.tcl.tk or sourceforge.