Use: To notify whomever that your IP address has changed if you have a non-static IP address and run a web server, game server, etc. Utilizes nested functions.
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'Created by C. Nichols #B0)~ '
'E-mail: '
'Created: 11/16/02 '
'Updated! 11/19/02 '
'Version: Python 2+ '
'Desc: IPy Notify for Micro$oft Windoze '
'Use: To notify whomever that your IP address has '
'changed if you have a non-static IP address and run '
'a web server, game server, etc. '
' '
' '
' # '
' 0 0 '
"!!!!!!!!!!!!HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
import os, os.path, string, time
import smtplib, socket
import win32api
# GLOBALS --------------------------------------------
(head,tail) = os.path.split(win32api.GetSystemDirectory()) # Get the win path.
(ldrive,os_root) = os.path.split(head) # Now get the local drive.
# The path will generally, if not always be c:\
# Path_log = ldrive+'\yourdir\IPy_Notify.log'
# will specify a dir of your choice - dir must be created.
Path_dat = ldrive+'IPy_Notify.dat' # Program requires this file to run properly.
Path_log = ldrive+'IPy_Notify.log'
Name = win32api.GetComputerName() # Get actual machine name.
#Add your server name, mail server, and email addresses receiving notification.
MailServer = ''
Address = ['']
#Address = ['',''] # Multiple Addresses - uncomment will override above.
Frm_add = '' # From must be a valid e-mail address or the mail function will fail.
# If your ISP requires authentication, leave blank if unsure and test.
User = ''
Pass = ''
# Functions ------------------------------------------
def mail(to='',frm='',subj='',body='',server=''):
message='From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n%s'%(frm,to,subj,body)
# Logon to the server... If needed
message='From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n%s'%(frm,to,subj,body)
print 'ERROR: Unable to send notification! - '+time.ctime()
open(Path_log,'a').write(time.ctime()+' \nERROR: Unable to send notification!')
def start():
def getIP(name, path):
print 'IPy Notify by C. Nichols, 2002.\n'
ip = socket.gethostbyname(name)
print 'Current ip: '+str(ip)
open(path,'w').write(ip) #Save the current IP address.
def out(name, path, stat=1):
while stat:
cur_ip = open(path,'r').readline()
new_ip = str(socket.gethostbyname(name))
if cur_ip==new_ip:
print 'Sleeping...'
time.sleep(15) # Sleep in seconds - adjust polling interval to your taste.
print 'Polling: '+new_ip+', '+time.ctime()
print 'IP address has changed: '+new_ip
open(Path_log,'a').write(time.ctime()+'\nINFO: IP address has changed: '+new_ip)
print 'sending notification...'
for add in Address:
mail(to=add,frm=Frm_add,subj='Message from '+name,body='New IP address: '+new_ip+' assigned to '+name, server=MailServer)
# Run ------------------------------------------------
# Make sure this is started via the command line or
# by a .cmd file in startup - The command window can
# be hidden from a cmd file if you hate it like I do.
# Download Python @ or PythonWin
# (active python) from
open(Path_log,'a').write(time.ctime()+' START: IP Polling\n------------------------------------------\n')
open(Path_log,'a').write(time.ctime()+' \nERROR: IPy Notify failed!')
Can you update this so it works if you have DSL or Cable modem, or if you are behind a router ? Gethostbyname() will only return the INTERNAL address of your machine, which is not addressable from the outside world, UNLESS you know your cable/DSL modem address.
Give this a try ;). This will give you the ip or the gateway, which is what you need. Just replace ip=socket.gethostbyname(blah) with this code.
import os,string
cmd = 'c:/windows/system32/ipconfig.exe /all' # whatever your path
junk, txtOut = os.popen2(cmd)
for x in txtOut.readlines():
print address['gate']
ip=address['gate'] #replace the old ip way with this.
print address['ip']
Detect current ip using I added this function to read the ip address from
def readip(): import re, urllib f = urllib.urlopen('') s = m ='([\d].[\d].[\d].[\d])', s) return
and changed the calls to socket.gethostbyname(name) by calls to the new function. The start() function ended up like this:
def start(): def getIP(name, path): ip = readip() print 'Current ip: '+str(ip) open(path,'w').write(ip) #Save the current IP address. out(name,Path_dat)
Thanks for posting this useful program! Later I will work on updating the entry in, to have the complete package: detection of the IP change and update of the dns record in
Detect current ip using - fixed format. My previous post did not display well, this is the fixed and shortened version.
I added this function to read the ip address from
There are other places that provide the same service (free); the function should work with many of them with minor o none modifications: it will parse the first occurrance of an ip-address like string and return it.
def readip():
import re, urllib
f = urllib.urlopen('')
s =
m ='([\d].[\d].[\d].[\d])', s)
I changed the calls to socket.gethostbyname(name) by calls to the new function readip()
Thanks for posting this useful program! Later I will work on updating the entry in, to have the complete package: detection of the IP change and update of the dns record in
How can i check the change of ip adrress of a remote machine. I have some 10 machines in my network, and two machines ip adresses are overlapping with each other, so i want to know which are the two machines among those 10 machines that have the same ip adresses. Yogi
Re: Detect current ip using This piece of code is simpler and cleaner:
Ayaz Ahmed Khan