Writes environment variables using a batch file wrapper. Overcomes an operating system limitation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | setvar.bat
@echo off
python setvarp.py %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
del settmp.bat
import sys, time, math
key = sys.argv[1]
value = eval(' '.join(sys.argv[2:]))
command = 'set %s=%s\n' % (key, value)
open('settmp.bat', 'w').write(command)
sample command line session
C>setvar ts time.ctime()
C>setvar pi 22.0 / 7.0
C>setvar pyver sys.version
TS=Sun Oct 27 18:12:23 2002
PYVER=2.3a0 (#29, Oct 22 2002, 01:41:41) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)]
Environment variables can be read with os.environ. They can be written (for sub-shells only) using os.putenv(key, value). However, there is no direct way to modify the global environment that the python script is running in. The indirect method shown above writes a set command to a temporary batch file which is in the enclosing environment by another batch file used to launch the python script.
In the example above, arbitrary expressions can be evaluated and the result assigned to an environment variable. For security, the eval() function can be replaced with str().
Usually, writing to an environment variable should be avoided in favor of sharing values through a pipe or a common data file. However, when it can't be avoided, the above technique is an effective, though hackish, work-around.
eval() use. Hmmmm................why are you using eval()?
The Unix version. Doing this on Unix is different. A couple of things Unix does makes it harder: by default, shell scripts are executed by a subshell, using a special syntax to tell the current shell to process a file itself. And you have to tailor the solution to the shell you are using. On the other hand, Unix shells provide features that make this easier - most notably command substituition and the eval command.
The following solution works for modern sh-derived shells.
The Unix version of setvar.py is:
Adding an environment variable on unix. I usually do the following check/hack:
...which sets the variable for the running instance, but it's not passed on to eg. programs run by the commands module.
Well, I needed to set environment variables WHERE the interpreter lives. <p>It is relatively simple to set things in a subshell using some variant of popen with the stdin set to accept a stream from the calling program, but to set from the shell which is running Python so that subshells can inherit...</p>
<p> Here is the Windows program I used to test this method. I also tested it under Solaris, and two flavors of linux using Python 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 (only 2.4 is tested on Windows Server 2003, not on XP)
import os
x = os.environ['Path']
print x
y = 'C:\Python24\;%s' % x
os.environ['Path'] = y
os.system('cmd /C echo %Path% > output')
fp = file('output','r')
print fp.readlines()
<p> If you use this technique, please note that the changes die when the process exits to the system. It is effective only on the process making the changes and any children who inherit the environment. </p>
You need "call settmp". Batch files by default chain, rather than nest, so using a simple "settmp" will mean that control never returns, and so settmp.bat is never deleted.
For Powershell on Windows,
To invoke: