The command below checks if the specified creditcard number is syntactically valid. This code does __not__ check if there is actually creditcard with this number. Only that the number in itself is well-formed according to the rules of the creditcard companies. See the comments preceding the code for a list of the rules.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 | # isluhn --
# Checks whether a given number is a valid credit card number
# Mod 10 Rules
# The rules for a Mod 10 check:
# The credit card number must be between 13 and 16 digits.
# The credit card number must start with:
# 4 for Visa Cards
# 37 for American Express Cards
# 5 for MasterCards
# 6 for Discover Cards
# If the credit card number is less then 16 digits add zeros to
# the beginning to make it 16 digits.
# Multiply each digit of the credit card number by the
# corresponding digit of the mask, and sum the results together.
# Once all the results are summed divide by 10, if there is no
# remainder then the credit card number is valid.
# For a card with an even number of digits, double every odd numbered digit
# and substract 9 if the product is greater than 9. Add up all the even
# digits as well as the doubled odd digits, and the result must be a
# multiple of 10 or it's not a valid card. If a card has an odd number of
# digits, perform the same addition, doubling the even numbered digits
# instead...
# Arguments:
# num card num to check
# Results:
# Returns 0/1
proc isluhn {cardnum} {
regsub -all {[^0-9]} $cardnum {} cardnum
#set cardnum [format %.16d $cardnum]
set len [string length $cardnum]
if {$len < 13 || $len > 16} { return 0 }
set i -1
set double [expr {!($len%2)}]
set chksum 0
while {[incr i]<$len} {
set c [string index $cardnum $i]
if {$double} {if {[incr c $c] >= 10} {incr c -9}}
incr chksum $c
set double [expr {!$double}]
return [expr {($chksum%10)==0}]
Tags: text
Variation with example.
proc isCreditCardValid {cardnum type} {
proc isCreditCardValid {cardnum type} {