# client/server clipboard application # --------------------------------------------------- # (c) Stacom softwaredevelopment 2002 # Freiburg, Germany, # stacom@stacom-software.de # ---------------------------------- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # ---------------------------------- # Tested under: # win NT 4.0 (client) # Linix (server, client) # ---------------------------------- # howto start: # 1) configure server socket data # 2) start server: >wish vmClip.tcl -server # 3) start client: >wish vmClip.tcl -client <addrOfClient> # # hoto use # select on client machine text # press send button of widget # ... namespace eval CNF { variable serverAdr "" variable port "9010" } package require Tk proc serverConnect {cid addr port} { puts "$cid: calling from $addr" fconfigure $cid -translation binary fileevent $cid readable "serverData $cid" } proc serverData {cid} { puts "serverData: called from $cid [eof $cid]" if {[eof $cid]} { puts "client died ..." close $cid } set lLen [read $cid 4] binary scan $lLen "I" lLenStr if {[info exists lLenStr] == 0} { puts "client died ..." close $cid return } set lMsg [read $cid $lLenStr] showData $lMsg clipboard clear clipboard append $lMsg } proc showData {msg} { puts "show data:$msg" set lWn ".text" if {[string length $msg] == 0} { return } if {[winfo exists $lWn]} { destroy $lWn } set lText [text $lWn -width 30 -heigh 5 -wrap none] $lText insert end $msg pack $lText -fill both -expand yes wm title . vmClipboard } proc openClient {addr} { global gCltSock wm geometry . +0+0 if {[catch {set gCltSock [socket $addr $::CNF::port]} lErrMsg]} { error "error connecting to server ($lErrMsg)" } fconfigure $gCltSock -translation binary button .b -command "sendText .t" -text "to $addr" -relief solid pack .b -side bottom wm title . "Clipboard $addr" } proc sendText {twidget} { global gCltSock set lRc [catch {set lClipboardContence [selection get -selection CLIPBOARD]}] if {$lRc} { return } set lMsg $lClipboardContence set lDataToSend [binary format "I" [string length $lMsg] ] append lDataToSend $lMsg puts -nonewline $gCltSock $lDataToSend flush $gCltSock } # eval cmd line arguments if {$argc == 0} { error "need cmd line -client or -server (got:$argv)" } elseif {[lindex $argv 0] == "-client"} { set lServerAdr [lindex $argv 1] openClient $lServerAdr } elseif {[lindex $argv 0] == "-server"} { set gServerSock [socket -server serverConnect -myaddr $::CNF::serverAdr $::CNF::port] }