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pypm install zc.beforestorage

How to install zc.beforestorage

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install zc.beforestorage
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version 0.4.0 on Jan 5th, 2011
Before Storage

ZODB storages typically store multiple object revisions to support
features such as multi-version concurrency control and undo.  In the
case of the mod popular storage implementation, old revisions aren't
discarded until a pack.  This feature has often been exploited to
perform time travel, allowing one to look at a database as it existed
in at some point in time.  In the past, this has been possible with
file storage by specifying a time at which to open the file
storage. This works fairly well, but is very slow for large databases
because existing index files can't easily be used.  Time travel is
also supported for individual objects through the ZODB history

The introduction of multi-version concurrency control provided new
opertunities for time travel.  Using the storage loadBefore method,
one can load transaction records written before a given time.  ZODB
3.9 will provide an option to the database open method for opening
connections as of a point in time.

Demo storage can be quite useful for testing, and especially staging
applications. In a common configuration, they allow for storing
changes to a base database without changing the underlying database.
Zope functional testing frameworks leverage demo storages to easily
roll-back database state after a test to a non-empty state before a
test.  A significant limitation of demo storages is that they can't be
used with base storages that change.  This means that they generaly
can't be used with ZEO.  It isn't enough to have a read-only
connecttions, if the underlying database is still being changed by
other clients.

The "before" storage provides another way to leverage the loadBefore
method to support time travel and a means to provide an unchanging
view into a ZEO server.  A before storage is a database adapter that
provides a read-only view of an underlying storage as of a particular
point in time.

Change history

0.4.0 (2010-12-09)

Added a "before-from-file" option that can be used if the application wants to
preserve beforestorage state between application restarts.

0.3.2 (2008-12-05)

Updated to work with both ZODB 3.8 and 3.9.

0.3.1 (2008-12-01)

Renamed lastTid to getTid to conform to the ZEO.interfaces.IServeable

0.3.0 (2008-12-01)

Added Blob support.

0.2.0 (2008-03-05)

Added support for "now" and "startup" values to the before option when
using ZConfig.  The "now" value indicates that the before storage should
provide a view of the base storage as of the time the storage is created.
The "startup" value indicates that the before storage should provide a
view of the base stoage as of process startup time. The later is
especially useful when setting up more than once before storage in a
single application, as it allows you to arrange that all of the
storages provide consistent views without having to specify a time.

0.1.1 (2008-02-07)

Fixed a packaging bug that caused some files to be omitted.

0.1 (2008-01-??)

Initial release.

Using ZConfig to configure Before storages

"before" option

To use before storages from ZConfig configuration files, you need to
import zc.beforestorage and then use a before storage section.

>>> import ZODB.config
>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %import zc.beforestorage
...     before 2008-01-21
...         path my.fs
... """)

>>> storage

>>> storage.close()

If we leave off the before option, we'll use the current time:

>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %import zc.beforestorage
...         path my.fs
... """)

>>> storage

>>> storage.close()

We can also give the option 'now' and get the current time.

>>> import ZODB.config
>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %import zc.beforestorage
...     before now
...         path my.fs
... """)

>>> storage

>>> storage.close()

We can give the option 'startup' and get the time at startup.

>>> import ZODB.config
>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %import zc.beforestorage
...     before startup
...         path my.fs
... """)

>>> storage

>>> import zc.beforestorage
>>> import ZODB.TimeStamp
>>> print str(ZODB.TimeStamp.TimeStamp(zc.beforestorage.startup_time_stamp))
2008-01-21 18:22:43.000000
>>> storage.close()

"before-from-file" option

The "before-from-file" option can be used to preserve the changes file between
restarts. It's value is the absolute path to a file. If the file exists, the
"before" time will be read from that file. If the file does not exist,
it will be created and the current UTC time will be written to it

When used with a Changes file that does NOT have the "create=true"
option set, the database will be preserved between restarts.

>>> import os.path
>>> import tempfile

>>> tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> before_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'before-file')

Currently the file does not exist. So it'll be created and written with the
current time. In order to make this repeatable, we "monkeypatch" the "get_now"
function in the module to return a fixed value:

>>> import datetime
>>> import zc.beforestorage

>>> def fake_get_utcnow():
...     return datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1, 15, 0)
>>> orig_get_utcnow = zc.beforestorage.get_utcnow
>>> zc.beforestorage.get_utcnow = fake_get_utcnow

>>> os.path.exists(before_file)

>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %%import zc.beforestorage
...     before-from-file %s
...         path my.fs
... """ % before_file)

>>> storage

>>> storage.close()

The file will now have been created:

>>> os.path.exists(before_file)

>>> f = open(before_file)
>>> f.read() == fake_get_utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()

If we now write a new value to the file, the storage will be started with that

>>> f = open(before_file, 'w')
>>> f.write('1990-01-01T11:11')
>>> f.close()

>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %%import zc.beforestorage
...     before-from-file %s
...         path my.fs
... """ % before_file)

>>> storage

>>> storage.close()

If we restart the storage, the value from the file will be used.

>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %%import zc.beforestorage
...     before-from-file %s
...         path my.fs
... """ % before_file)

>>> storage

>>> storage.close()

This will continue to happen until we remove the file. The "before_from_file"
path is stored on the storage itself, so applications that use it have access
to it.

>>> os.remove(storage.before_from_file)

>>> os.path.exists(before_file)

If we restart the storage again, a new file will be created.

>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %%import zc.beforestorage
...     before-from-file %s
...         path my.fs
... """ % before_file)

>>> storage

>>> storage.close()

Note that unlike the "before" option, the "before-from-file" file cannot
contain special values such as "now" or "startup".

>>> f = open(before_file, 'w')
>>> f.write('now')
>>> f.close()

>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %%import zc.beforestorage
...     before-from-file %s
...         path my.fs
... """ % before_file)

>>> storage
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: 8-character string expected

>>> storage.close()

Note that only one of "before" or "before-from-file" options can be specified,
not both:

>>> storage = ZODB.config.storageFromString("""
... %%import zc.beforestorage
...     before 2008-01-01
...     before-from-file %s
...         path my.fs
... """ % before_file)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Only one of "before" or "before-from-file" options can be specified, not both


>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.rmtree(tempdir)

>>> zc.beforestorage.get_utcnow = orig_get_utcnow

Demonstration (doctest)

Note that most people will configure the storage through ZConfig.  If
you are one of those people, you may want to stop here. :)  The
examples below show you how to use the storage from Python, but they
also exercise lots of details you might not be interested in.

To see how this works at the Python level, we'll create a file
storage, and use a before storage to provide views on it.

>>> import ZODB.FileStorage
>>> fs = ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage('Data.fs')
>>> from ZODB.DB import DB
>>> db = DB(fs)
>>> conn = db.open()
>>> root = conn.root()
>>> import persistent.mapping

We'll record transaction identifiers, which we'll use to when opening
the before storage.

>>> import transaction
>>> transactions = [root._p_serial]
>>> for i in range(1, 11):
...     root[i] = persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping()
...     transaction.get().note("trans %s" % i)
...     transaction.commit()
...     transactions.append(root._p_serial)

We create a before storage by calling the Before constructer
with an existing storage and a timestamp:

>>> import zc.beforestorage
>>> b5 = zc.beforestorage.Before(fs, transactions[5])
>>> db5 = DB(b5)
>>> conn5 = db5.open()
>>> root5 = conn5.root()
>>> len(root5)

here we see the database as it was before the 5th transaction was
committed.  If we try to access a later object, we'll get a

>>> conn5.get(root[5]._p_oid)
Traceback (most recent call last):
POSKeyError: 0x05

Similarly, while we can access earlier object revisions, we can't
access revisions at the before time or later:

>>> _ = b5.loadSerial(root._p_oid, transactions[2])

>>> b5.loadSerial(root._p_oid, transactions[5])
Traceback (most recent call last):
POSKeyError: 0x00

>>> conn5.get(root[5]._p_oid)
Traceback (most recent call last):
POSKeyError: 0x05

Let's run through the storage methods:

>>> (b5.getName() ==
...  'Data.fs before %s' % ZODB.TimeStamp.TimeStamp(transactions[5]))

>>> b5.getSize() == fs.getSize()

>>> for hd in b5.history(root._p_oid, size=3):
...     print hd['description']
trans 4
trans 3
trans 2

>>> b5.isReadOnly()

>>> transactions[4] <= b5.lastTransaction() < transactions[5]

>>> len(b5) == len(fs)

>>> p, s1, s2 = b5.loadBefore(root._p_oid, transactions[5])
>>> p == fs.loadSerial(root._p_oid, transactions[4])
>>> s1 == transactions[4]
>>> s2 is None

>>> p, s1, s2 = b5.loadBefore(root._p_oid, transactions[4])
>>> p == fs.loadSerial(root._p_oid, transactions[3])
>>> s1 == transactions[3]
>>> s2 == transactions[4]

>>> b5.getTid(root._p_oid) == transactions[4]

>>> b5.tpc_transaction()

>>> b5.new_oid()
Traceback (most recent call last):

>>> from ZODB.TimeStamp import TimeStamp
>>> b5.pack(TimeStamp(transactions[3]).timeTime(), lambda p: [])
Traceback (most recent call last):

>>> b5.registerDB(db5)

>>> b5.sortKey() == fs.sortKey()

>>> b5.tpc_begin(transaction.get())
Traceback (most recent call last):

>>> b5.store(root._p_oid, transactions[4], b5.load(root._p_oid)[0], '',
...          transaction.get())
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
StorageTransactionError: ...

>>> b5.tpc_vote(transaction.get())
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
StorageTransactionError: ...

>>> b5.tpc_finish(transaction)
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
StorageTransactionError: ...

>>> b5.tpc_transaction()
>>> b5.tpc_abort(transaction)

Before storages don't support undo:

>>> b5.supportsUndo
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: Before instance has no attribute 'supportsUndo'

(Don't even ask about versions. :)

Closing a before storage closes the underlying storage:

>>> b5.close()
>>> fs.load(root._p_oid, '') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ...

If we ommit a timestamp when creating a before storage, the current
time will be used:

>>> fs = ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage('Data.fs')
>>> from ZODB.DB import DB
>>> db = DB(fs)
>>> conn = db.open()
>>> root = conn.root()

>>> bnow = zc.beforestorage.Before(fs)
>>> dbnow = DB(bnow)
>>> connnow = dbnow.open()
>>> rootnow = connnow.root()

>>> for i in range(1, 11):
...     root[i] = persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping()
...     transaction.get().note("trans %s" % i)
...     transaction.commit()
...     transactions.append(root._p_serial)

>>> len(rootnow)

>>> dbnow.close()

The timestamp may be passed directory, or as an ISO time.  For

>>> fs = ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage('Data.fs')
>>> iso = 'T'.join(str(ZODB.TimeStamp.TimeStamp(transactions[5])).split()
...                )[:19]
>>> b5 = zc.beforestorage.Before(fs, iso)
>>> db5 = DB(b5)
>>> conn5 = db5.open()
>>> root5 = conn5.root()
>>> len(root5)

>>> b5.close()

Blob Support

Before storage supports blobs if the storage it wraps supports blobs,
and, in fact, it simply exposes the underlying storages loadBlob and
temporaryDirectory methods.

>>> fs = ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage('Data.fs')
>>> import ZODB.blob
>>> bs = ZODB.blob.BlobStorage('blobs', fs)
>>> db = ZODB.DB(bs)
>>> conn = db.open()
>>> conn.root()['blob'] = ZODB.blob.Blob()
>>> conn.root()['blob'].open('w').write('data1')
>>> transaction.commit()

>>> bnow = zc.beforestorage.Before(bs)
>>> dbnow = DB(bnow)
>>> connnow = dbnow.open()
>>> rootnow = connnow.root()

>>> conn.root()['blob'].open('w').write('data2')
>>> transaction.commit()

>>> rootnow['blob'].open().read()

>>> bnow.temporaryDirectory() == bs.temporaryDirectory()

>>> import ZODB.interfaces, zope.interface.verify
>>> zope.interface.verify.verifyObject(
...     ZODB.interfaces.IBlobStorage, bnow)

>>> bnow.close()


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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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