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pypm install z3c.etestbrowser

How to install z3c.etestbrowser

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install z3c.etestbrowser
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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ZPL 2.1
Lastest release
version 2.0.0 on Oct 14th, 2011

Extensions for the Zope 3 testbrowser

This package is intended to provide extended versions of the Zope 3 testbrowser. Especially those extensions that introduce dependencies to more external products, like lxml.

Extension: lxml-support

All HTML pages are parsed and provided as an element-tree.

Extended testbrowser

This package provides some extensions to Zope 3's testbrowser. It is intended for extensions that have dependencies that we do not want to rely on in the Zope 3 core e.g. lxml.

etree support

The extended test browser allows parsing of the result of a request into an etree using lxml (if the content type is text/html or text/xml).

This is useful to perform more detailed analysis of web pages using e.g. XPath and related XML technologies.


>>> from z3c.etestbrowser.testing import ExtendedTestBrowser
>>> browser = ExtendedTestBrowser()
>>> browser.open("http://localhost/")
>>> print browser.contents
<!DOCTYPE ...>
>>> browser.etree
<Element html at ...>
>>> browser.etree.xpath('//body')
[<Element body at ...>]
Strict XML

It is possible to force the test browser to use the xml parser:

>>> browser.xml_strict
>>> browser.xml_strict = True
>>> browser.open("http://localhost/")
>>> browser.etree
<Element {http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}html at ...>
>>> browser.etree.xpath(
...     '//html:body', namespaces={'html': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'})
[<Element {http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}body at ...>]
LXML unicode support

A couple of variations of libxml2 might interpret UTF-8 encoded strings incorrectly. We have a workaround for that. Let's have a look at a view that contains a German umlaut:

>>> browser.xml_strict = False
>>> browser.open('http://localhost/lxml.html')
>>> browser.etree.xpath("//span")[0].text
Invalid XML/HTML responses

Responses that contain a body with invalid XML/HTML will cause an error when accessing the etree or normalized_contents attribute, but will load fine for general TestBrowser use:

>>> browser.open("http://localhost/empty.html")
>>> browser.contents
>>> browser.etree
Traceback (most recent call last):
XMLSyntaxError: ...
>>> browser.normalized_contents
Traceback (most recent call last):
XMLSyntaxError: ...
Pretty printing

Sometimes a normal print of the browsers contents is hard to read for debugging:

>>> browser.open('http://localhost/')
>>> print browser.contents
<!DOCTYPE html ...

The extended test browser provides a method to provide a formatted version of the HTML (using htmllib internally):

>>> browser.pretty_print()
@import url(http://localhost/@@/zope3_tablelayout.css); User: Fallback
unauthenticated principal [Login][1] (image)[2] Location:...[top][3] /
Loading... ... Name Title Created Modified ...
HTML/XML normalization

The extended test browser allows normalized output of HTML and XML which makes testing examples with HTML or XML a bit easier when unimportant details like whitespace are changing:

>>> browser.open('http://localhost/funny.html')
>>> print browser.contents


>>> print browser.normalized_contents
Extended testbrowser for zope.testbrowser.wsgi

There is also a variant in z3c.etestbrowser.wsgi which can be used for the WSGI variant of zope.testbrowser.


>>> import z3c.etestbrowser.wsgi
>>> browser = z3c.etestbrowser.wsgi.Browser()
>>> browser.open("http://localhost/")
>>> print browser.contents
<!DOCTYPE ...>
>>> browser.etree
<Element html at ...>
>>> browser.etree.xpath('//body')
[<Element body at ...>]
Using testbrowser on the internet

The z3c.etestbrowser.browser module exposes an ExtendedTestBrowser class that simulates a web browser similar to Mozilla Firefox or IE.

>>> from z3c.etestbrowser.browser import ExtendedTestBrowser
>>> browser = ExtendedTestBrowser()

It can send arbitrary headers; this is helpful for setting the language value, so that your tests format values the way you expect in your tests, if you rely on zope.i18n locale-based formatting or a similar approach.

>>> browser.addHeader('Accept-Language', 'en-US')

The browser can open web pages:

>>> # This is tricky, since in Germany I am forwarded to google.de usually;
>>> # The `ncr` forces to really go to google.com.
>>> browser.open('http://google.com/ncr')
>>> browser.url
>>> 'html' in browser.contents.lower()

We can access the etree of the page .. contents:

>>> browser.etree.xpath('//body')
[<Element body at ...>]

We'll put some text in the query box...

>>> browser.getControl(name='q').value = 'z3c.etestbrowser'

...and then click the search button.

>>> browser.getControl('Google Search').click()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RobotExclusionError: HTTP Error 403: request disallowed by robots.txt

Oops! Google doesn't let robots use their search engine. Oh well.


2.0.0 (2011-10-13)
  • No longer depending on zope.app.wsgi but on zope.testbrowser >= 4.0

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 232)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
for the WSGI flavor of testbrowser.
  • Added a zope.app.testing extra. You should use this extra if you want to use the browser in z3c.etestbrowser.testing. (The base testbrowser used there has been moved from zope.testbrowser to zope.app.testing in version 4.0.)
  • Renamed z3c.etestbrowser.wsgi.ExtendedTestBrowser to Browser for equality with zope.testbrowser but kept ExtendedTestBrowser for backwards compatibility.
1.5.0 (2010-08-22)
1.4.0 (2010-07-08)
  • Took zope.securitypolicy refactoring and zope.testing.doctest deprecation into account.
  • Added z3c.etestbrowser.browser.ExtendedTestBrowser, a variant that speaks HTTP instead of directly talking to the publisher talks to the publisher, see Using testbrowser on the internet.
1.3.1 (2010-01-18)
  • Added doctest to long_description to show up on pypi.
1.3.0 (2009-07-23)
  • Updgraded pacakge to lxml 2.2.
  • Fixed bug with normalized_contents which would break the open function of test browser if content wasn't parsable as HTML/XML.
1.2.0 (2008-05-29)
  • Added normalized_contents attribute that reindents and normalizes the etree structure of a document and allows easier to read HTML/XML examples in doctests.

Docutils System Messages

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 246); backlink

Unknown target name: "extended testbrowser using zope.app.wsgi.testlayer".

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Last updated Oct 14th, 2011

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