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pypm install trestle

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  3. Type pypm install trestle
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version 0.2 on Jan 5th, 2011
Trestle: doctest for REST(ful services)


Trestle is a nose plugin that enables you to write testable documentation for
web apps (or shell commands, but more on that later).

To use trestle, write a `reStructured Text`_ document (like this one) using a
set of special directives to indicate the **fixtures** to be used for testing
(including the http or mock http client), each **request** to be sent via the
client, and the **expected response** from the application under test.

A simple trestle test document might look like this::

Frog: A web service for doing things with frogs

.. fixtures :: frog_fixtures

Frog is a web service for doing things with frogs.

You can list the available frogs.

.. request :: List available frogs

GET /frogs

The response is in a plain-text format.

.. response ::

poison dart

You can find out if something is a frog.

.. request :: Get bullfrog details

GET /frogs/bullfrog

If the requested term is a frog, details about the frog will be returned.

.. response ::

Bullfrogs are really big frogs.

Otherwise, a 404 response is returned.

.. request :: Get details for a non-frog

GET /frogs/toad

.. response ::

404 ...

"toad" is not a frog.

You can create frogs.

.. request :: Create a frog

POST /frogs/pouched+frog
A pouched frog camouflages itself to look like dead leaves.

.. response ::

201 Created


Trestle directives

Fixtures for a trestle test file are set like so::

.. fixtures:: about

A fixtures directive is required in every document to be tested. The
directive must name a python module. The module must include the
following attribute:

A client application to be called with methods .get(), .post(),
.put(), etc. Each method must accept at least the arguments url and
data, and may accept others but may not require
them. `paste.fixtures.TestApp`_ is such a client, though it natively
supports only .get() and .post().

And may include the following functions:

Setup fixture run before the first request.

Teardown fixture run after the last request.

Setup fixture run before each request.

Teardown fixture run after each request.

Tests in a trestle document consist of a ``.. request`` directive, followed by
one or more ``.. response`` directives. The ``.. request`` directive defines
the request to be sent to the web app under test, using the client defined in
the fixtures module.

A simple request directive looks like this::

.. request:: A simple get

GET /foo/bar

If the request is a POST or PUT that includes data to be sent, include
that data in the body of the request, after the request line::

.. request:: A post

POST /foo/bar

The response expected to be returned to the client is defined using a
response block::

.. response::


.. note:: Conclude each block with ``..`` alone on a line to avoid rst parsing
errors that can result in text following a block being thrown away.

The testing process is simple: each request is executed using the
client defined in the fixtures module, and each expected response
following that request in the text is compared against the actual
response. If all responses match, the test passes. Otherwise, it

.. raw:: html

Passing examples are given a pleasing green background, failures a sinister red. Details of the failed match are included following the failed example.

Fixture commands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At times it may be necessary to execute a unique fixture before executing a request. While it's usually better to make the test depend only on public apis and not internal details or externalities, sometimes (e.g. when testing time-dependent operations) that isn't possible or reasonable. For those times, use the **:setup:** argument to the request. The body of the exec argument will be evaluated in the context of the fixture module before running the request. Naturally, there is also a **:teardown:** argument, which will be executed after the request is run and the response processed. Here's an example:: .. request:: Get something special :setup: client.set_special(true) :teardown: client.set_special(false) GET /special .. Shell examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Trestle also supports shell examples. When a shell example is executed, the shell command given is executed, and the stdout produced by the command is compared to the body of the ``..shell`` example using the normal doctest output checker. A simple shell example looks like this:: .. shell :: echo "Hello" Hello .. Shell examples support the standard ``:setup:`` and ``:teardown`` options, as well as three others: ``:cwd:``, which can be used to set the cwd of the shell command; ``:post:``, which names a fixture callable to be used to post-process the output of the shell command before checking it against the expected output, and the flag ``:stderr:``, which indicates that the example output should be compared against the stderr output of the shell command, rather than stdout (which is the default). .. _`reStructured Text`: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. _`paste.fixtures.TestApp` : http://pythonpaste.org/testing-applications.html

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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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