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pypm install sip

How to install sip

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install sip
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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Lastest release
version on Jan 25th, 2011

The SIP documentation (including installation instructions) can be found in the doc directory.

Building from the Mercurial Repository

If you are using a copy of SIP cloned from the Mercurial repository, or are using a Mercurial archive, then you have to prepare it first before you follow the normal installation instructions.

The preparation is done using the build.py script which can be found in the same directory as this README file. If it isn't there then you probably have a packaged release and should just follow the normal installation instructions.

The build.py script requires that flex and bison, and the Mercurial Python bindings are installed. If you want to create the HTML documentation then Sphinx must also be installed.

To prepare run the following:

python build.py prepare

Note that build.py is a Python v2 script.

Now you can follow the normal installation instructions.

The build.py script has other useful commands, use the --help option to see the details.

v4.12.1 22nd January 2011
  • Added support for the __getattribute__, __getattr__, __setattr__ and __delattr__ methods.
  • Added the /RaisesPyException/ function annotation.
  • Added SIP_SSIZE_T as a predefined type.
  • PyObject * can now be used as a synonym for SIP_PYOBJECT.
  • Added sip.ispycreated() to the sip module.
  • Added the --deployment-target flag to configure.py for MacOS/X.
v4.12 23rd December 2010
  • Implemented the revised directive syntax for %Module.
  • Deprecated %CModule, use %Module instead.
  • Added the keyword_arguments argument to %Module to specify the level of support for Python keyword arguments.
  • Deprecated the -k flag to sip, use the keyword_arguments argument to %Module instead.
  • Added an automatic pseudo-%Timeline to allow the SIP version number to be used in the %If directive.
  • Changed the behavior of the /KeywordArgs/ annotation to specify the level of support for Python keyword arguments.
  • Deprecated the /NoKeywordArgs/ annotation, use /KeywordArgs="None"/ instead.
  • Added the use_argument_names argument to %Module to provide the real names of arguments to handwritten code.
  • Module docstrings are now supported.
  • Added %AutoPyName to automatically provide Python names.
  • Added %Property to implement Python properties based on C/C++ getters and setters.
  • Added %Extract to allow arbitrary text to be embedded in specification files and subsequently extracted.
  • Deprecated %Doc and %ExportedDoc, use %Extract instead.
  • Added the -X flag to sip to extract text defined with %Extract.
  • Deprecated the -d flag to sip, use -X instead.
  • Added /PyInt/ as an argument, function and typedef annotation to force char types to be handled as Python integers rather than single character strings.
  • Added the L and M format characters to sipBuildResult(), sipCallMethod() and sipParseResult().
  • Added sipGetAddress().
  • Added the -T flag to sip to suppress the timestamp in the header comments of generated files.
  • sip.voidptr now behaves like a Python memoryview object and supports sub-script assignment.
  • Added the --sip-module flag to configure.py to allow the name and containing package of the sip module to be specified thereby allowing packages to include a local copy of the sip module.
v4.11.2 22nd October 2010
  • /KeepReference/ can now be applied to global functions and static methods.
  • %TypeCode can now be specified in a %MappedType directive.
  • Mapped types for templates no longer require the template arguments to be fully defined.
  • Build system changes required by PyQt v4.8 and Qt v4.7.
v4.11.1 6th September 2010
  • A bug fix release.
v4.11 31st August 2010
  • Added the %UnitPostIncludeCode directive.
  • /KeepReference/ will now accept a key to track when the same object is passed to more than one method.
  • operator() and __call__() can now accept keyword arguments.
  • Added support for Python v3.2.
v4.10.5 16th July 2010
  • A bug fix release for Python v3 and Python v2.7.
v4.10.4 15th July 2010
  • Use capsules when being built for Python v2.7 to work around an apparent bug in the support for PyCObject.
v4.10.3 12th July 2010
  • Added support for Q_SLOT, Q_SLOTS, Q_SIGNAL and Q_SIGNALS.
  • Added the /__len__/ function annotation.
v4.10.2 16th April 2010
  • A bug fix release.
v4.10.1 17th March 2010
  • Added the /NoCopy/ function and argument annotations.
v4.10 14th January 2010
  • Added the sip.voidptr.ascapsule() method.
  • Added the -P command line option to build modules with "protected" redefined to "public" if supported by the platform. This can result in significantly smaller modules.
  • Added the -o command line option to automatically generate docstrings.
  • Added the -k command line option and /KeywordArgs/ and /NoKeywordArgs/ function annotations to support keyword arguments.
  • Added the /Default/ exception annotation.
  • Added the /DocType/ argument, function, mapped type and variable annotation.
  • Added the /DocValue/ argument annotation.
  • Added the %Docstring directive to specify explicit docstrings for classes, functions and methods.
  • Added sipError to %MethodCode to allow user errors to be distinguished from interpreter errors.
  • Added sipBadCallableArg() to the C API.
  • Added support for configuring and building outside of the source tree.
v4.9.3 23rd November 2009
  • A bug fix release.
v4.9.2 20th November 2009
  • A bug fix release.
v4.9.1 23rd October 2009
  • A bug fix release.
v4.9 26th September 2009
  • Added support for __iter__ and __next__. (__next__ is used for Python v2 as well as v3.)
  • Added the %API directive.
  • Added the /API/ annotation.
  • Added sipIsAPIEnabled() to the C API.
  • Added sip.getapi() and sip.setapi() to the Python API.
  • Added sip.ispyowned() to the Python API.
  • Mapped types can now act as a namespace for enums and static methods.
  • The /Array/ annotation can now be applied to classes and mapped types.
  • The /NoArgParser/ annotation can now be applied to methods as well as functions.
  • Added the --arch flag to configure.py to specify which MacOS/X architectures are built.
  • SIP is now also licensed under the GPL v2 and v3.
v4.8.2 27th July 2009
  • Added the /AllowNone/ class annotation.
v4.8.1 16th June 2009
  • Added support for defining a private assignment operator to suppress the possible generation of an assignment helper.
v4.8 5th June 2009
  • Added support for Python v3.
  • Added the %BIGetBufferCode and %BIReleaseBufferCode to support the buffer interface of Python v3.
  • Added the %DefaultMetatype directive and the /Metatype/ class annotation to allow the meta-type of a wrapped type to be changed.
  • Added the %DefaultSupertype directive and the /Supertype/ class annotation to allow the super-type of a wrapped type to be changed.
  • Added the sip.simplewrapper type to be used as a super-type for wrapped types that don't take part in parent/child relationships.
  • Added the %InitialisationCode directive.
  • Added the /KeepReference/ argument annotation.
  • Added the /Encoding/ argument, function, typedef and variable annotation.
  • super() now works as expected with wrapped types.
  • Added support for __floordiv__, __ifloordiv__, __truediv__, __itruediv__ and __index__.
  • __bool__ is a synonym for __nonzero__.
  • Sphinx is now used for the documentation.
  • Many additions and deprecations in the API to eliminate the differences between classes and mapped types. (See the documentation for the details.)
v4.7.9 17th November 2008
  • A bug fix release.
v4.7.8 8th November 2008
  • Added the /Deprecated/ class and function annotation (based on a patch from Lorenzo Berni).
  • Templates now support instance variables and enums.
  • A Python int object can now be used whenever an enum is expected without needing to explicitly cast it using the enum's constructor. The /Constrained/ argument annotation can be used to suppress this behaviour.
  • typedef type names are now used in string representations of types (e.g. in the names of mapped types) to reflect what the programmer sees rather than what the compiler sees. The /NoTypeName/ typedef annotation can be used to suppress this behaviour.
v4.7.7 8th August 2008
  • C++ structs are now properly handled as a class with a default public section.
  • sip.dump() now includes the object's first child wrapper.
v4.7.6 20th May 2008
  • Added the -s flag to configure.py to specify the SDK directory to use when building universal binaries on MacOS/X.
  • Added support for MSVC 2008 to the build system.
  • Added support for v10.x of the Intel compiler and removed support for earlier versions.
  • MSVC 2008 is the default platform when using Python v2.6.
v4.7.5 13th May 2008
  • The sip.voidptr type has an optional size associated with it and supports const void *. If a size is associated then it also supports Python's buffer protocol.

    System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 218); backlink

    Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.

  • Added sipConvertToVoidPtr() to the SIP API.

  • Added sipConvertFromConstVoidPtr(), sipConvertFromConstVoidPtrAndSize(), sipConvertFromVoidPtr() and sipConvertFromVoidPtrAndSize() to the SIP API.

  • Added the /ResultSize/ argument annotation to specify the size of a block of memory returned as a void * or const void *.

    System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 224); backlink

    Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.

  • Added the /NoArgParser/ function annotation to give %MethodCode complete responsibility for argument parsing.

  • Added the /NoRelease/ mapped type annotation to specify that the sipReleaseMappedType() function is not supported.

  • The /ArraySize/ annotation now supports arrays with more than 2^31 elements.

  • %GetCode and %SetCode for class attributes now have access to the referencing type object.

  • Any object that supports the Python buffer protocol can now be passed as a char or char * argument.

v4.7.4 12th February 2008
  • The build system handles the directory structure used by Leopard's Python installation.
  • Added support for /Transfer/ as a constructor annotation.
v4.7.3 6th December 2007
  • Added support for automatically generating missing complementary comparision operators. Note that this introduces a potential compatibility problem - see the documentation for details.
v4.7.2 5th December 2007
  • Added the /SingleShot/ argument annotation.
  • Added the /TransferThis/ function annotation.
v4.7.1 28th September 2007
  • A bug fix release.
v4.7 30th July 2007
  • Added %PickleCode to allow handwritten code to pickle a wrapped C++ instance or C structure.
  • Added %CompositeModule to create modules that are composites of ordinary modules.
  • Added %ConsolidatedModule (and the -p command line option) to create modules that contain all the wrapper code on behalf of ordinary modules.
  • Added the dump() function to the sip module.
  • Added sipTransferBreak() to the SIP API.
  • Added support for /Transfer/ as a function annotation.
v4.6 10th April 2007
  • Added support for wchar_t.
  • The -g command line option releases the GIL whenever a call is made to the wrapped library.
  • Added the /HoldGIL/ annotation to explicitly retain the GIL when calling a particular function in the wrapped library.
  • Added sipFindClass() and sipFindNamedEnum() to the public API.
  • /TransferThis/ may be specified more than once.
  • Added support for __truediv__ and __itruediv__.
  • The SIP code generator and module may be built as universal binaries under MacOS/X using the -n command line option to configure.py.
v4.5.2 9th December 2006
  • A bug fix release.
v4.5.1 9th December 2006
  • Added the SIP_SSIZE_T type to help write PEP 353 compliant handwritten code.
v4.5 4th November 2006
  • Added support for Python v2.5.
  • Added sip_config_args to sipconfig.py.
  • sip.voidptr now implements __hex__().
  • Added sip.delete() to call a C++ instance's destructor, or return a C structure to the heap.
  • Added sip.isdeleted() to check if a C++ instance or C structure has been destroyed or returned to the heap.
  • Added sip.setdeleted() to mark that a C++ instance or C structure has been destroyed or returned to the heap.
  • Added support for pure virtual destructors.
  • Added the __dtor__() method to allow Python code to be called from a C++ destructor.
  • Added the /NoDefaultCtors/ class annotation.
  • The generated API files are now more complete and use Python types rather than C/C++ types.
  • Added support for embedding manifests for MSVC 2005.
v4.4.5 10th June 2006
  • A bug fix release.
v4.4.4 8th June 2006
  • Added %ExportedHeaderCode and %UnitCode.
  • Added sipExportSymbol() and sipImportSymbol() to the public API.
v4.4.3 27th April 2006
  • A bug fix release.
v4.4.2 23rd April 2006
  • A bug fix release.
v4.4.1 3rd April 2006
  • A bug fix release.
v4.4 24th March 2006
  • The major number of the internal API has changed so it will be necessary to regenerate all modules.
  • This release introduces small incompatibilities that may affect handwritten code. See the documentation for the details.
  • Module names specified with %Module and %CModule can now include periods to denote a Python package structure.
  • Namespaces can be split across multiple Python modules.
  • Class templates are now supported and instantiated using "typedef".
  • Mapped type templates are now supported and instantiated automatically.
  • Global operators are now supported.
  • Operator casts in classes are now supported.
  • C/C++ signed char type is now treated as a separate type to char.
  • C/C++ long and unsigned long types are now wrapped as Python long objects rather than Python integer objects.
  • C/C++ long long and unsigned long long types are now supported.
  • unsigned short and unsigned int are now implemented as long objects instead of integer objects.
  • Classes can now be declared using the /External/ annotation and be defined in another, unspecified, module.
  • /TransferThis/ can now be used in non-factory methods to change the ownership to a different C++ instance or to change it to Python.
  • /Constrained/ can now be used with booleans.
  • Added support for Python's buffer interface, %BIGetCharBufferCode, %BIGetReadBufferCode, %BIGetSegCountCode and %BIGetWriteBufferCode.
  • The "user" member has been added to the sipWrapper structure and can be used for any purpose by handwritten code.
  • Function argument names are now parsed, but otherwise ignored.
  • The "explicit" keyword is now parsed, but otherwise ignored.
  • Added the /DelayDtor/ class annotation which given more control over the order in which instances are deleted when an application terminates.
  • Added support for the SIP_PYTYPE pseudo-type that represents a Python type object.
  • Added support for ellipsis (ie. "...") in function arguments. Any remaining arguments will be gathered as a Python tuple.
  • Add support for the /NoDerived/ annotation for Python class constructors that have no C/C++ equivalent.
  • The sipSelfWasArg boolean is now available to the %MethodCode of non-abstract, virtual methods to indicate whether the class implementation of the method rather than the virtual implementation should be called. %MethodCode for non-abstract, virtual, protected methods must now call the sipProtectVirt wrapper (rather than sipProtect).
  • sipCanConvertToInstance(), sipConvertToInstance(), sipForceConvertToInstance(), sipReleaseInstance(), sipConvertFromInstance(), sipConvertFromNewInstance(), sipCanConvertToMappedType(), sipConvertToMappedType(), sipForceConvertToMappedType(), sipReleaseMappedType(), sipConvertFromMappedType() and sipFindMappedType() have been added to the SIP API.
  • sipLong_AsUnsignedLong() has been added, primarily as a workaround for a bug in Python v2.3.x and earlier.
  • Added the 't', 'u', 'C' and 'D' format characters to sipParseResult().
  • Added the 't', 'u', 'B', 'C' and 'D' format characters to sipBuildResult().
  • Responsibility for interpreting and implementing the /Transfer/ and /TransferBack/ annotations has been pushed down to %ConvertToTypeCode and %ConvertFromTypeCode. The generated type convertors sipForceConvertTo_*() and sipConvertFrom_*() have been deprecated.
  • Added the %SIPNoEmitters directive for PyQt4.
  • Added support for the __hash__ Python special method.
  • The __getitem__ Python special method no longer requires %MethodCode.
  • All of the calls to Qt have been moved out of the sip module and into PyQt. The generated sipconfig.py file no longer contains any Qt specific information. These changes mean that SIP can support PyQt v3 and v4 at the same time.
  • Static methods can now be defined as Qt slots.
  • Removed SIP_BUILD from sip.h.
  • The -c, -l, -q and -x flags to configure.py have been removed.
  • Added the PythonModuleMakefile class to the build system for installing pure Python modules.
  • Added the create_wrapper() function to the build system for creating platform dependent executable wrappers for Python scripts.
  • Added Configuration.platform to the build system.
v4.3.2 14th November 2005
  • The sipdistutils.py script has contributed by Giovanni Bajo that enables SIP extension modules to be built with distutils.
v4.3.1 10th September 2005
  • A bug fix release.
v4.3 30th August 2005
  • The major number of the internal API has changed so it will be necessary to regenerate all modules.
  • C structures can now have constructors and a destructor defined so that they can be made to behave more Pythonically.
  • %TypeHeaderCode can now be used in namespaces.
  • Added sip.SIP_VERSION_STR.
  • Added support for Python's cyclic garbage collector, %GCTraverseCode and %GCClearCode.
  • Deprecated sipTransfer() and sip.transfer().
  • Added sipTransferTo, sipTransferBack(), sip.transferto() and sip.transferback().
  • Added support for sipCppRet in %ConvertSubClassCode.
  • Added support for %GetCode and %SetCode for instance variables and structure members.
  • Added support for %Exception and %RaiseCode.
  • Added support for __pos__ and __abs__.
  • sip.voidptr instances can now be created from Python.
  • The ascobject() method has been added to sip.voidptr.
  • Added the -c flag to configure.py to explicitly specify the location of the qconfig.h file.
v4.2.1 6th March 2005
  • Restored the pre-4.2 behaviour of Python exceptions raised in virtual re-implementations.
  • %Timeline can now be used more than once in a module.
v4.2 19th February 2005
  • The /PyName/ annotation can now be applied to classes, namespaces, enums, enum members and variables.
  • Added the %PreInitialisationCode directive and is subject to version control. %PostInitialisationCode is now subject to version control.
  • Named enums now have distinct types and so can be differentiated from integers in function signatures.
  • The handling of Qt signals has changed so that "foreign" signals (ie. those raised by ActiveX controls) can be handled.
  • The voidptr, wrapper and wrappertype types are now exposed in the sip module.
  • Virtual and abstract operators are now supported.
  • The __call__ slot no longer requires %MethodCode.
  • Any Python exceptions raised in virtual re-implementations are now detected when they occur.
  • sip.cast() can now cast downwards as well as upwards.
  • Added sip.SIP_VERSION.
  • The -k flag to configure.py can now be used to build modules as builtins to custom interpreters.
  • The build system now strips modules and only exports the module initialisation function by default (when supported by the platform).
v4.1.1 24th September 2004
  • A bug fix release.
v4.1 20th September 2004
  • Added the cast() method to the sip module.
  • Added limited support for protected classes.
  • Added the /Abstract/ class annotation.
  • Added support for typedefs that define pointers to functions.
  • The SIP_PYCALLABLE type now supports the /AllowNone/ annotation.
  • Added support for MSVC.NET to the build system.
v4.0.1 6th July 2004
  • A bug fix release.
v4.0 23rd June 2004
  • The release of SIP v4.

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Last updated Jan 25th, 2011

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