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pypm install rimudns

How to install RimuDNS

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install rimudns
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
Windows (64-bit)
Mac OS X (10.5+)
Linux (32-bit)
0.0.4 Available View build log
0.0.3 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
0.0.4 Available View build log
0.0.3 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 0.0.4 on Dec 21st, 2012


[RimuHosting](http://rimuhosting.com) Python DNS tools

Documentation for the API can be found [here](https://rimuhosting.com/dns/dyndns.jsp) and [here](https://zonomi.com/app/dns/dyndns.jsp) for RimuHosting and Zonomi respectively.

The RimuDNS class is a wrapper around the REST API calls.

easy_install rimudns

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 14)

Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.


pip install rimudns

The API key can be generated and replaced in the RimuHosting control panel from https://rimuhosting.com/cp/apikeys.jsp

Get started: `python #!/usr/bin/env python from rimudns import RimuDNS api_key = 'GETYOURAPIKEYFROMTHECONTROLPANEL' dns = RimuDNS(api_key) dns.use_rimuhosting() `

List all domains: ```python for domain in dns.list_zones():

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 33); backlink

Inline literal start-string without end-string.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 33); backlink

Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 36)

Unexpected indentation.
print domain['name']

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 37)

Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.


System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 37); backlink

Inline literal start-string without end-string.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 37); backlink

Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.

Create a new domain: `python dns.create_zone('example.com') `

Delete a domain: `python dns.delete_zone('example.com') ` Import a domain from a BIND zone file or string:: * IMPORT_AXFR = 1 * IMPORT_FILE = 2 * IMPORT_TEXT = 3 * IMPORT_DICT = 4 * IMPORT_GUESS = 5

_for more information about IMPORT_GUESS see [Guessing Feature] below._

`python from rimudns import ZoneHandle dns.import_zone('example.com', ZoneHandle.IMPORT_FILE, '/tmp/example.com.zone') `

Export a domain to file: `python dnsdns.to_file('/tmp/example.com.zone') ` Delete a domain: `python dns.delete_zone('example.com') ` List all records for a domain: ```python records = dns.list_records('example.com') for record_type in records:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 62); backlink

Inline literal start-string without end-string.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 62); backlink

Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 74)

Unexpected indentation.

print 'Type: ', record_type for record in records[record_type]

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 76)

Unexpected indentation.
print 'name: %s -> %s' % (record['name'], record['content')

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 77)

Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

` Add/Update a record:: ```python dns.set_record('example.com', '', record_type='A', ttl=600) ` Delete a record:: `python dns.delete_record('example.com', '', 'A') ` Change an IP across all zones:: `python old_ip = '' new_ip = '' dns.change_ip(old_ip, new_ip) ` Convert a zone to slave/back to regular:: `python dns.convert_to_regular('example.com') dns.convert_to_slave('example.com') `

Web Interface

You can always use the RimuHosting/Zonomi tools to edit your DNS zones Try: https://rimuhosting.com/dns/

Guessing Feature

Most of the time you don't have access to AXFR or the Zone File to import the DNS zone directly. The import_zone offers a _guessing_ feature that tries to build the zone information from DNS queries. You can also provide extra guesses. ```python extra_guesses = ['mail2', 'test', 'test1'] records = dns.import_zone('funinc.org', ZoneHandle.IMPORT_GUESS, param=extra_guesses, dryrun=True) for record_type in records:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 106); backlink

Inline literal start-string without end-string.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 106); backlink

Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 113)

Unexpected indentation.

print 'Type: ', record_type for record in records[record_type]

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 115)

Unexpected indentation.
print 'name: %s -> %s' % (record['name'], record['content')

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 116)

Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.


System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 116); backlink

Inline literal start-string without end-string.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 116); backlink

Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.

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Last updated Dec 21st, 2012

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