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pypm install products.plonefileszip

How to install Products.PloneFilesZip

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install products.plonefileszip
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
1.2.0b1 Available View build log
Windows (64-bit)
1.2.0b1 Available View build log
Mac OS X (10.5+)
1.2.0b1 Available View build log
Linux (32-bit)
1.2.0b1 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
1.2.0b1 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 1.2.0b1 on Jan 5th, 2011

By the Ingeniweb team.


Adds a document action to folders (and folderish contents) that enables to download all files and images from archetypes based contents available from that folder in a ZIP file.

Optionally, the user may get the DC metadata of the contents that provide files in XML-RDF format in the ZIP file.

Zip archives inner structure

All files in the Zip archives are recorded in the path

[rel_path "/"] content_id "/" field_id "/" file_name

All DC metadata in the Zip archives are recorded in the path

[rel_path "/"] content_id ".rdf"

With :

  • rel_path -- The relative path to the folderish that contains the content object.
  • content_id -- The id of a content that has a FileField or ImageField.
  • field_id -- The name of the FileField or ImageField.
  • file_name -- The original file name (as recorded in the field). An extension is provided if the original filename doesn't have one.


  • Plone 2.0.5 or Plone 2.1 +
  • Archetypes 1.3.3 +
  • Any AT based content type with a FileField, ImageField, or AttachmentField. (ATContenTypes do the job)
Optional products
  • ATContentTypes 0.2 +, on Plone 2.0.x
  • AttachmentField 1.3 + and AttachmentField based content types like PloneExFile
  • LinguaPlone 0.7 +. If LinguaPlone is detected, the user downloads the files from contents in preferred language.

FileSystemStorage users must upgrade to a version later than 2005/10/20.


After installing PloneZipFiles using the usual quick installer, you must open the portal_fileszip tool in ZMI and follow the instructions from the Overview tab.

You may configure from the "PloneFilesZip Settings" control panel too.


Custom fields

You can create and register your own retrivers for your custom fields. See retrivers.py to see how we handle FileFields, ImageFields and AttachmentFields.

Basically, you just need to provide a class that implements the 'IFileRetriever' and register it like this

    from Products.PloneZipFiles import HAS_PLONE_FILES_ZIP
except ImportError, e:
    from Products.PloneZipFiles.interfaces import IFieldRetriever
    from Products.PloneZipFiles.registry import GlobalRegistry

    class MyFieldRetriever:

        __implements__ = Products.IFieldRetriever

        field_type = 'my_field'

        def __init__(self, field, content):

        def fileName(self):

        def mimeType(self):

        def fileBody(self):


See 'interfaces.py' for details about methods signatures and docs.

Custom types

Most AT based content don't need to provide specific support for PloneFilesZip. Anyway, if your content type does not support the standard AT schema interface (means that 'your_content.Schema().fields()' does not provide all fields), your code must include and register a custom type retriever like this

    from Products.PloneZipFiles import HAS_PLONE_FILES_ZIP
except ImportError, e:
    from Products.PloneZipFiles.interfaces import ITypeRetriever
    from Products.PloneZipFiles.registry import GlobalRegistry

    class MyTypeRetriever:

        __implements__ = Products.ITypeRetriever

        meta_type = 'my_type'

      def __init__(self, content):

      def getFieldRetrievers(self):


See 'interfaces.py' for details about methods signatures and docs.

You can find an example of type retriever in the latest PloneArticle product.

Custom inner structure policies

You can customize the way the files are organized into your zip archive.

you have to implement and register a ZipStructurePolicy class that implements a getZipFilePath method, that builds inner file path from document container path, file name and field path

container_path is the absolute path of the plone document where the file is stored field_path is the relative path of the file field into the document object

you will include in your product a plone zip policy module like this

from Products.PloneFilesZip.interfaces import IZipStructurePolicy
from Products.PloneFilesZip.policies import AbstractZipStructurePolicy, PolicyRegistry

class MyZipStructurePolicy(AbstractZipStructurePolicy):
        The inner structure of the zip file
        corresponds to the inner structure of the objects.

    __implements__ = (IZipStructurePolicy,)

    id = 'my_policy_id'
    label = "Policy title"
    label_msgid = 'my_policy_title_i18n_msgid'
    help = "Policy help text"
    help_msgid = "my_policy_help_i18n_msgid"

    def getZipFilePath(self,


See 'interfaces.py' for details about methods signatures and docs.


Please read .../PloneFilesZipe/tests/README.txt


Add Products.PloneFilesZip in the eggs list of your Zope instance.


Mail to Ingeniweb support.

Donations are welcome for new features requests.



Contributions are welcome too:

  • Report success/problems with other File like fields and storages (please provide configuration info, test cases and tracebacks with bug reports).
  • Provide translations for your native language.

Change log

  • Eggification [glenfant]
  • Plone 3 support [glenfant]
1.1.0RC2 - 2007/02/02
  • Fix a bug in file retrieving. Append arg (full=True) while creating BaseUnit to make sure we get the entire file and not a chunk file (clebeaupin)
  • Fix a bug on DeepZipStructurePolicy:getZipFilePath (add **kwargs on method) (clebeaupin)
1.1.0RC1 - 2007/02/01
  • Add policy ContentZipStructurePolicy
  • In regards to the new policies, files are renamed if they are duplicated in the same inner archive directory
  • Add policies to manage zip structure. Policy can be configured in configlet
1.0.0 - 2006/10/16
  • Added a configlet
1.0.0RC1 - 2006/09/24
  • First public release

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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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