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pypm install plone.app.memberschema

How to install plone.app.memberschema

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install plone.app.memberschema
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
1.0a3 Available View build log
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1.0a3 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
1.0a3 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 1.0a3 on Jan 5th, 2011


This package provides support for building managing member properties via zope.schema type schemata. It installs as a PAS property plugin, which, by default stores data in the ZODB.

Once the plugin is installed, you can write a schema interface as normal, e.g.:

>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope import schema
>>> class Hobbies(Interface):

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 14)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

... """Details member's hobbies ... """ ... ... favorite_hobby = schema.TextLine(title=u"Favorite hobby") ... num_hobbies = schema.Int(title=u"Number of hobbies", min=0)

If this was in a module my.memberdata.schema, you could add the following to the schemata property found in acl_users/schema_properties/manage_propertiesForm in your Plone site:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 24)

Literal block expected; none found.


Properties can then be accessed with the usual API, e.g.:

>>> member.getProperty('favorite_hobby')

Note that field names must be unique. If a field exists in more than one schemata, the first schemata listed takes precedence.

Default fields

There are a number of default fields, split across several schemata. These are all found in plone.app.memberschema.default, and include:

Basics -- full name and email address Location -- location and language Details -- biography and home page Settings -- other individual settings

GenericSetup importer

You can install a new schemata like this using GenericSetup. Add a file called memberschema.xml to your profile, with data like:


If you wish to purge the list before adding your own schemata, set an attribute purge="true" on the <memberschema /> element. By default, your new schema will go at the end of the list. You can change the order by adding either an insert-before or an insert-after attribute to the <schema /> element. The value is either another fully qualified interface name, or "*", to indicate that the element should go first/last.


The package provides a member data edit form using the plone.autoform package. By default, it will list each schema in its own fieldset. You may annotate your schema interface with the various hints that plone.autform expects, either manually, by loading the schema from a plone.supermodel XML file, or using the grokkers in plone.directives.form. See those packages for more details.

There are two views provided out of the box: '@@edit-profile' must take a user id as a query string parameter ('id'). It is protected by the permission zope2.ManageUsers. '@@my-profile' is used to edit the current user's profile. It is protected by cmf.SetOwnProperties.

Note that this package does not wire the views up anywhere, so you'll need to link to them yourself, and possibly hide or override Plone's standard 'personalize_form' template.

Alternate storages

The PAS API is still the canonical way to get and set member properties. If you want to make sure that a given field comes from, say, LDAP, the easiest way is often to make sure that there's an appropriate PAS plugin activated as an IPropertiesPlugin that sits before the schema_properties plugin and provides the relevant property.

Alternatively, if you want to implement your own storage, you can implement an IBags adapter. This should adapt the plugin (you can, for example, set a custom marker interface on the plugin class to achieve such an override) and must return an IBag - really, just an object onto which values can get set or from which retrieved.


plone.app.memberschema draws inspiration from ore.member by Kapil Thangavelu.


1.0a2 - 2009-07-12
  • Catch up with changes in plone.autoform's API.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 107)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.


1.0a1 - 2009-04-17
  • Initial release

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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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