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pypm install p4a.ploneaudio

How to install p4a.ploneaudio

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install p4a.ploneaudio
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
1.1rc1 Available View build log
Windows (64-bit)
1.1rc1 Available View build log
Mac OS X (10.5+)
1.1rc1 Available View build log
Linux (32-bit)
1.1rc1 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
1.1rc1 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 1.1rc1 on Jan 5th, 2011


The p4a.ploneaudio egg is a Plone product built to expose the p4a.audio framework in a Plone setting. In a nutshell it provides the following features:

File support Uploaded File objects are scanned for audio mime types and are audio enhanced automatically if a registered mime type is found.

Audio container support Any folder or smart folder can be media activated which turns it into an audio container which knows how to display an overview for all contained audio.

Embedded media player support MP3 and Ogg audio files can be played inline within the browser.

Audio metadata support Audio information is read from and written to MP3 and Ogg audio files.

Podcasting support Audio containers (activated folders or smart folders) can have ther contents broadcast using RSS with enclosures representing the individual audio files.

Content Licensing support All audio content can automatically be licensed using the ContentLicensing product.


  • Zope 2.10.x
  • Plone 3.0.x or 3.1.x (3.0.6 and tested)

Optional Dependencies

Licensing Support - ContentLicensing 1.0.2 or higher

Podcasting Support - basesyndication SVN trunk r3214 or higher - fatsyndication SVN trunk r32123 or higher


  1. Add p4a.ploneaudio to the list of eggs (for buildout: eggs=p4a.ploneaudio)
  2. Add p4a.ploneaudio to zcml slugs (for buildout: zcml=p4a.ploneaudio)

For info on setting up the optional dependencies please see INSTALL.txt

Basic Usage

  • files with mime types audio/mpeg or application/ogg will

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Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

automatically become audio enhanced

  • folders and files can be toggled to be audio enhanced by selecting the

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Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

activate audio menu item in their respective actions drop down menus.

Smart Folders

You can use audio enhanced smart folders to display audio from across your site. Which audio files appear in your smart folder depends on the criteria you specify in the criteria drop down menu of the smart folder.

Here are step-by-step instruction for creating three commonly used audio smart folders:

  1. A smart folder containing all audio files from the whole site:
  1. Create a smart folder, give it a Title and save it
  2. Audio-activate the smart folder in the actions drop down menu
  3. Click the criteria tab
  4. In the Add New Search Criteria box, set Field name to MIME Types
  5. Click add
  6. In the criterion details column set Value to audio/mpeg

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Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

vii) Click the save button just below the MIME Types table, i.e. not the save button at the bottom of the page

2. A smart folder containing all audio by a particular artist (repeat all steps from #1):

  1. In the Add New Search Criteria box, set Field name to Artist name
  2. Click add

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Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

iii) In the criterion details column set Value for Artist name to the name of the artist iv) Click the save button just below Artist name, i.e. not the save button at the bottom of the page

3. A smart folder containing all audio of a particular genre (repeat all steps from #1):

  1. In the Add New Search Criteria box, set Field name to Genre
  2. Click add

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Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

iii) Enter the number that corresponds to the genre. For a list of genres and corresponding numbers, please see the file: Plone4ArtistsAudio/pythonlib/p4a/audio/genre.py iv) Click the save button just below Genre, i.e. not the save button at the bottom of the page

Artist name and genre are set up as search criteria when Plone4Artists Audio is installed, because they are the criteria thought most likely to be required. If you want to add other criteria, to e.g. have a folder for all songs recorded in 1976, you have to do a little more work. See the following page for instructions on creating your own search criteria: http://plone.org/documentation/how-to/using-topics

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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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