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pypm install omnimax

How to install omnimax

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install omnimax
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
Windows (64-bit)
Mac OS X (10.5+)
Linux (32-bit)
Linux (64-bit)
0.0.1 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 0.0.1 on Jan 9th, 2014


Omnimax is an experimental framework that aims to make creating [living documentation](https://www.relishapp.com/relish/relish/docs/living-documentation) easy for any SDK or framework. It can be used for a single tool, but Omnimax primarily targeted at SDKs that have been ported to several languages or frameworks. It will turn merge generic documentation with framework-specific sample code. The hope is that this will help generate a comparison between ports (e.g.: a report showing which features are implemented by each port), and also help ensure that important high-level features have a test, documentation, and sample code.

Omnimax is still new and highly experimental, so as long as the version for now please remember the [Semantic Versioning Specification](http://semver.org/): > Major version zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything may change at any time.


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Title underline too short.


See demo/ for some samples. The results are published to https://relishapp.com/maxlinc/omnimax/docs. The CI server is not currently public.

In order to setup an SDK:

  • pip install omnimax
  • Create an sdks/ folder.
  • Create a folder for each sdk you wish to include.
  • Create a bootstrap.sh for each SDK which handles dependency management (e.g.: pip, bundler, npm) or other setup.
  • Create a run.sh for each SDK that accepts code via stdin and then executes it within the SDK.

Create tests/documentation:

  • Create templates/features/*.feature

    System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 27); backlink

    Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.

  • Create a [Mako templates](http://www.makotemplates.org/) to generate a Gherkin-style feature file (specifically [Behave](http://pythonhosted.org/behave/)). Currently these variables are available:
    • language: will be replaced with the name of the SDK (detected from the folder name)
    • tags: adds tags that apply to the feature. Currently just the language name, but tags will be detected from other sources (like features.yaml) in the future.
    • solution: this is replaced with the solution code for the SDK.

Adding sample code to create complete a test:

  • Create a solutions/ folder within your SDK.
  • Create a file based on the test you are implementing. Maintain the same relative path as the feature file, just replacing the file suffix. For example, templates/features/my_feature_group/my_feature.feature may become sdks/my_ruby_framework/solutions/my_feature_groups/my_feature.rb.


You can perform a few actions via the omnimax-cli.py binary distributed with the python egg. This includes:

  • test: merges the templates/samples and uses behave to run the resulting feature files.
  • publish: merges the templates/samples and publishes documentation to relishapp.com based on the feature files.
  • matrix: generates a matrix from features.yaml to generate a feature matrix comparing the SDKs

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 46)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

generate: merges the templates/samples to BDD files

All of the commands except the generate command merge the templates into a temporary directory which is removed when the command finishes. Generate does not clean up the temporary directory.

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Last updated Jan 9th, 2014

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