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pypm install molt

How to install molt

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install molt
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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0.1.1 Failed View build log
Linux (32-bit)
0.1.1 Available View build log
0.1.1 Failed View build log
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0.1.1 Available View build log
0.1.1 Failed View build log
0.1.1 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 0.1.1 on Nov 22nd, 2012


molting snake

Molt is a script to stub out projects in any language instantly using Mustache-based project templates.

You can use Molt to decrease the amount of boilerplate code you need to write when starting new projects: the README, copyright notices, license info, logging configuration, option parsing, test harness, packaging information, .gitignore, directory hierarchy, etc.

A minimal sample usage looks like--

$ molt -c path_to_config.json path_to_template_dir/

Molt follows the Groome rules for Mustache-based project templates. See the Groome page for project template syntax. This version of Molt follows version 0.1.0 of Groome.

Molt is written in Python and can be found on GitHub and on PyPI (the Python Package Index).

Feedback is welcome. You can also file bug reports and feature requests on the GitHub issues page.


Molt supports the following Python versions:

  • Python 2.7
  • Python 3.2
  • PyPy

Python 3.x support is coming soon. Since Molt is a development tool, there are no plans to support Python 2.6 or earlier.

Molt's dependencies are--

  • Pystache version 0.5.2 or above
  • PyYAML (optional, to support YAML format for configuration files)

The installation process below installs these dependencies automatically.

You can install to Python 2 with either setuptools or Distribute (preferred). For Python 3, you must use Distribute.

Install It
$ pip install molt
Test it
$ molt --run-tests
Try it

Start with the demo Groome template to play with:

$ molt --create-demo --output demo
$ ls -p demo
expected/   lambdas/    partials/   sample.json structure/

Render the template with the sample context provided:

$ molt --output output --config demo/sample.json demo

Run the newly-created project (which can also be seen here)):

$ python output/hello.py world
Hello, world!

For help documentation and available options--

$ molt -h

Note the --visualize and --with-visualize options that let you quickly visualize entire directory contents.

$ molt --visualize output

If using Python, you can also use Molt as a library (though the API is not yet stable). See the Molter class in the molt.molter module.


If using GitHub, after forking--

$ git clone git@github.com:yourusername/molt.git
$ cd molt
$ git remote add upstream git://github.com/cjerdonek/molt.git
$ git fetch upstream

To run unit tests--

$ python test_molt.py

To test Molt with multiple versions of Python (with a single command!), you can use tox:

pip install tox

If you don't have all Python versions listed in tox.ini, you can do--

tox -e py27  # for example

To run from source any molt command of the form--

$ molt [options] [DIRECTORY]

simply type--

$ python -m molt.commands.molt [options] [DIRECTORY]

To include the Groome tests in your test runs, initialize and update the Groome project submodule--

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

To run a subset of the tests, you can filter your test runs using one or more prefixes. For example--

$ python test_molt.py molt.test.common molt.test.dir

Molt is also set up on GitHub to work with Travis CI.

Python 3 Tips

Molt is written in Python 2, so the code must be converted to Python 3 prior to using with Python 3. The installation process does this automatically.

To convert the code to Python 3 manually, run the following using Python 3 (with Distribute installed)--

python setup.py build

This writes the converted code to a subdirectory of the project directory called build.

It is possible (though not recommended) to convert the code without using setup.py. You can try this with 2to3, as follows (two steps):

2to3 --write --nobackups --no-diffs --doctests_only molt
2to3 --write --nobackups --no-diffs molt

This converts the code (and doctests) in place.

To import molt from a source distribution while using Python 3, be sure that you are importing from a directory containing the converted code (e.g. from the build directory after converting), and not from the original (unconverted) source directory. Otherwise, you will get a syntax error. You can help prevent this by not running the Python IDE from the project directory when importing Molt while using Python 3.


Molt is authored by Chris Jerdonek. Chris is also the author of Groome and is the current Pystache maintainer.


0.1.1 (2012-07-01)
  • Add Python 3 support.
0.1.0 (2012-06-30)
  • Initial release (for Python 2.7 and PyPy).

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Last updated Nov 22nd, 2012

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